Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

I love photographers who smile when taking photos as though they themselves were in the picture.
Tuesdau, December 31, 2024

New Year's Eve family dinner at Abe Restaurant, Gateway 2, Araneta Center.

The countdown dinner at Novotel is at 10:00 PM and too late for us. We'd be very hungry by then, that is why we have an earlier, interim dinner at a nice place we've never been to before.  

Monday, December 30, 2024

Family leaving later to check into a hotel for the New Year countdown dinner and an overnight stay, so let me take this opportunity to wish all of you a New Year of blessings, both usual and unusual.

Remember: We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors.

Light wishing joss sticks at your altars tonight.
2025 will be no better, and wars between tribes will escalate, but always be bright and cheerful and hopeful. Most importantly, do not allow cynicism to get to your children.

Save money for yourself and your family. Do not go into debt. Do not owe anyone anything.,
Everything on this planet has a gender.

Never discuss business on an empty stomach.

If you take away the moon, something else will shine in its place.
The more you see, the more you understand.
The guilty will always live by their guilt.
We are always obliged to do better than the previous generation.
Choose only the best for yourself and for your family. That is why you have to ensure that you can afford it.
Chill winds bring on the  most annoying illnesses.
Your faith does not determine your fate.
Mawil dropped by with a box of sansrival cake. She couldn't stay to try the cafe's chicken sisig.\

Must invite, Elline, Nene, and Allan to lunch sometime soon.

Monday, December 20, 2024

Jerome is on work holiday for the New Year. He cleaned the rear area and gave Keiko Kashigawa, Yukiko Taka, and Cloudy doggie shampoos.

Later, he cooked pansit bato, a Bicol noodle specialty, and my sisters Remi and Alice and I had some Really good noodles with soup! I thought this was the Asian equivalent of stone soup (of the old, Junior Classics' Aesop's Fables), but, apparently, not. The noodles were made near a place called Barangay Bato in Libon, Albay,

In the photo is a single serving of pansit bato.

Photo by Neil de Leon

Thursday, December 19, 2024

My youngest sister, Sylvia sends me kidney-friendly lollies (Australian for "candies"). Not included in this photo is one of my favorites, red licorice. Peppermint and candy cane were on the list but I am not fond of those.

By the way, do NOT order Charms Sour Balls online. The vendors will keep cancelling your order and eventually ask you to pay up in advance--and the candy will never come. My sister got scammed for PHP600. Besides, I like Charms Sour Balls the least in this array. They are not the candy I recall from when I was a kid.

The same is true of Excelente Ham online--Excelente Ham recently announced on a TV news program that it does not have an online outlet of any sort. And, yes, I got scammed for PHP2,500.

We consumers need to look after one another.

Photo by Neil de Leon

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

2025 will be the year of the goddess of "the wind, lightning, storms, rivers, and children." She resides in marketplaces and in cemeteries. Typical offerings to this goddess are "eggplants,  plums, figs, kola nuts, legumes, porridge, gin, grape wine, red wine, rum, chocolate pudding, purple grapes, rice, black beans, rain water, starfruit, shea or coconut butter, yams, coins, and cloth." When her card appears in a reading (such as in the Tarot of the Orishas), it indicates "a time of upheaval or sudden change, of a destructive and chaotic but necessary nature." Her number is 9.

Since this goddess is associated with scarves of nine colors (especially including black, brown, and maroon), there is no real color of the year.

--Information from tne Internet

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Third visit by my youngest sister, Sylvia, and brother-in-law Rey this month.

We'd finished up with lunch and Neil began clearing dishes.

On the right is my former university student John, who is now encoding my full-length play Nobyembre for publication.

A pack of Vietnamese jasmine tea from John.

I've always wondered why the Philippines never grew tea like the other dragon countries do in Southeast Asia.

John flew in from Cambodia yesterday and reported for work today to start encoding Nobyembre for publication.

Lunch with my sisters Alice and Sylvia and brother-in-law Rey.
Two-hour, deep tissue massage. Ended 10:10 P.M.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Christmas party at the hemodialysis section.

Three female nurses and one male nurse gave me wrapped gifts! Absolutely unexpected!

I should have brought crystal tumblestones to give in reciprocation.

Food overflowed, and from caterers of good repute. I am so tempted to believe that this hospital is being run by a board of billionaires. Only last Sunday the staff nurses were brought to dinner at Vikings Gateway 2.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Living as a painter and as a writer 24/7 in the mid-20s

Left, my painting taboret currently in use. Right, writing desk.

Photo by Neil de Leon

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Today is my daughter-in-law Ivy's birthday.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Relatives on my father's side from Illinois, USA and Santa Maria, Bulacan visit.

Dinner after family mahjong session.

Wearing a pink, Tausug head kerchief. It is possible that, for some tribes in Asia, pink is a hot, aggressive, masculine color.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Things are hopping tonight. Relatives are visiting from Bulacan and are staying overnight at my sister Remi's place. The construction workers are having a Christmas party with food, liquor, and karaoke on the compound. The videoke at M.'s cafe is in full swing.

Home alone. Neil is doing worship at Iglesia, Jerome has not yet arrived from work, and Elma must be with baby Princess at M.'s cafe or having dinner out with Neil after worship.

Had a bowl of ice cream while listening to all of the sounds around me.

Friday, December 13, 2024

A conservation-framed Conte crayon drawing will be raffled off to my classmates at our Christmas party.

And this set of anatomical figures (unflayed, half-flayed, and fully flayed) will be raffled off to the medical staff.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Now John is off yto the airport to catch a flight for a six-day tour of Cambodia.

Took a very hot bath, and feeling better.
John reported for work today. Now reformatting the script of Oktubre... for publication, following the template of my series.
Your Messenger message:

"Good morning, Tony. I hope you're doing good and feeling good. Happy holidays! "Last night, I had a dream with you in it. You were riding a motorcycle and I was a passenger behind you. I clearly recall the feeling of my hands on your shoulders. "Our companions were in a van behind us. We were going to your house. But when we got there it was not in Cubao but a new house that you said you recently purchased as an investment. It's still in Manila though, and it looked unfinished. There were still a few workers. "'We're here,' you said. We all alighted fr the vehicles and entered the house. You removed your helmet, we followed you around as you gave us all a quick tour of the new property."

My reply:

Hello _____!

Dreaming of being in transit on a vehicle means that you are at a time in your life in which you are making major choices and possibly taking new directions in life. That I am at the wheel, so to speak, means that you consider your present challenge an adventure into the unknown.

A new property, likewise, reflects a change in attitude and in values.

Take time to reflect before plunging into anything new. Are you bored? Are you short of income and wanting more? Do you need a mere vacation and temporary change of environment?

Always keep in mind that whatever you decide will not only be for yourself but also for your child.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Left, Tanghalang Pilipino's 1983 working script for _Oktubre, Noong Tayo'y  Nagmamahalan Pa_

Right: John's work in progress encoding the play for publication

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

It is not life that death extinguishes.

It is talent.

Rest day for me. So glad to stay in the whole day for a change.

In the meantime Big Toto and Neil are working on the roof and the roof deck, and Princess, the cafe baby, is playing with Elma in the living area.

Small Toto printed out John's encoded _Oktubre_, and I did some proofreading, especially on formatting for publication.

Still waiting for the new, cradled canvas to arrive.

In retrospect, I must thank Allan for the tuob he gave me. Immediately after that, I started painting again, I was able to walk long distances, I renewed my interest in writing, and, for some strange reason, I resumed wearing my jewelry in rotation.
Mary Grace Piattos, Jack Cornick, Jill Cornick, Marty Oishi, Juan Tipas, Dingdong Muhlach, Nena Ferino 

My Complete Clavo en corona Collection

Popularly known as Clavo Corona, Corona Clavo, and even Cristo Clavo and Clavo de Cristo (and not to be confused with the talisman Cuatro Clavos, which I also have), the legend behind this talisman is that Emperor Constantine's mother, Helena, a.k.a. Saint Helen, was able to obtain the three brads that were used in the Crucifixion. She allegedly threw one in the middle of the sea, nailed another into the emperor's saddle, and placed the third inside his crown.

Background: Raw linen Panyo with complete oraciones, purchased from Ramona Singian in 2010.

Clockwise from Top: Brass talisman; stainless steel talisman (attributed to Frederick Bayas); sterling silver ring (antique); copper talisman (the most widely-produced versio
n, attributed to Jeffrey Limuco); sterling silver talisman with spiral pattern (antique); and sterling silver talisman (antique). Center: antique, silver medallion.

Clavo en corona is allegedly a talisman of triumph.

Two-hour, deep tissue massage. Ended 10:00 PM.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Did you know that "highlighted comments" are almost never viewed and are a waste of time?

Monday, December 9, 2024

M. and Rose have their picture taken in front of their portraits. The painting is now bubble-wrapped and ready for delivery to and installation at Maryhill School of Theology.

Photo by Neil de Leon

There is no need to improve the best version of anything.

It will improve itself when the right time comes.
It should be possible to live a life of heaven and then go to heaven after one dies.
Remember this, that, no matter how superb you are in working for an institution, when you resign from your job no one will beg you to come back.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

John reported for work today, and is currently encoding the second half of Oktubre, Noong Tayo'y Nagmamahalan Pa on his latptop.  Gave him the cover page and table of contents.

Neil painted two more cradle sides of Descent black. All cradle sides are now painted black, and the painting is ready to be bubble-wrapped.

Construction materials arrived. Big Toto and Neil will bring everything to the roof deck after purchasing incidental stuff at Araneta Center.

The renovation of M.'s cafe is practically done. His new color motif is olive green.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Joel and Vanessa come for an afternoon visit and the 32nd Bilbo Baggins session. Joel brought boxes of Vietnamese spring rolls and gave me a Hogwarts beanie, Tibetan sandalwood joss sticks, and palo santo from his recent trip to London. We had chicken sisig from M.'s cafe, ice cream, and Chinese tea afterward.

We discussed possibilities for my next exhibit--whenever that would be--and portrait ideas.

Wearing an antique, Tausug kerchief.

Photo by Neil de Leon

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Very sad. The reason people die is that they cannot afford to continue living.

 Sunday, December 1, 2024

My sisters Alice and Sylvia ask for a photo of us three siblings.

Photo by Neil de Leon

Do not waste your time making wishes on a replay.

Friday, December 6, 2024

 Monday, December 1, 2024

Second dinner with my youngest sister, Sylvia, and brother-in-law Rey visitinh from Sydney. 

Wearing an antique, multicolored, Maranao kerchief. 

Photo by Neil de Leon

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Believe it or not, the nurses at the hospital are organizing a Christmas party for the hemodialysis section, to be held next week. Marvin contributed some money and is buying two boxes of pizza to add to the party fare. I am raffling off a framed, sanguine Conte-crayon nude to my classmates and three, desktop anatomical figures to the medical staff 
Busy-bee Friday

John reported for work and is encoding Oktubre, Noong Tayo'y Nagmamahalan Pa on his laptop.

Neil is buying black paint at The Oil Paint Store Ali Mall to use on the cradle sides of Descent of the Holy Spirit.

Jerome has a day off from the Chinese restaurant and is giving the dogggies baths and cleaning the rear passage of the house.

Bertod is absent from work at the Japanese restaurant today and is helping around the house.

Big Toto is still working on the renovation of M.'s cafe and is varnishing furniture.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Morning sunlight on my Brokeback Mountain jacket

Photo by Marvin Cablayan

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

My youngest sister, Sylvia, and brother-in-law Rey visit from Sydney. They are staying with Rey's relatives, most of whom are lawyers, outside Metro Manila.

Wearing a black, silk, house jacket embroidered with a dragon, a gift from Sim Teow Li of Singapore.

Photo by Neil de Leon

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

 Long ago and far away

Old photo discovered while John and I were searching for old manuscripts

My first year teaching college undergrads. possibly 1975

Photo by Women;s Journal for a magazine interview article by Margie Logarta. The article was on being gay, at a time when many gay, young men refused to come out of their closets. Little did everyone know that less than a decade later, in 1981, I would author Cubao 1980 At Ibang Mga Katha.

Ordered another piece of cradled canvas for The Crowning of Mary_.

I already have a clear idea of how this painting will look like, so all I have to do is pick up a brush and twist my wrist..

Long ago and far away

Old photo discovered while John and I were searching for old manuscripts

Senior year, college

Photo for graduates' yearbook by Jaime Lim

Jaime Lim took a whole roll of 36 shots of me in Quezon City, in downtown Quiapo and Santa Cruz, and even by Manila Bay, but I chose this photo, taken on campus, because it seemed to reflect exactly how I felt during all of my college years. I had no real friends, I was distrustful of others, I was used and overused not only by co-students but also by professors, and I was unsure of what I wanted to be. I eventually focused on studying and became a first honor student, but that didn't seem to help any.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Oil on cradled canvas
6’ x 4.5’
February - March 2024, November 22 - December 1, 2024

While Mary and the disciples pray in private, the Holy Spirit descends on them in tongues of fire, signifying fervent faith and divine inspiration. In this painting, laser-like beams in the formation of the ancient, Jewish, Qabbalistic Tree of Life take the place of the tongues of fire. There is also an indirect allusion to Mary as the Egyptian goddess Isis, as suggested by the embroidery of bird's wing feathers on her bodice.

Like Job Dreams of Heaven which was completed before it, this was a post-pandemic painting, though I opted to work with readily available models for the tableau.

My granddaughter Aubrey sat for Mary, as she did for The Glorious Mysteries: The Assumption of Mary. The couple above are the cafe's M. and his wife, Rose. The couple below them are Karen Cusi-Vergamora, a former student, and Ian Lomongo, also a former student and a stage actor; they happened to be visiting for a Bilbo Baggins afternoon, and I asked them if I could photograph them for the painting. The rest of the characters were modeled by M.'s cafe's crew members (Reza and David), while Neil, now my full-time caregiver and house manager,  sat for the young man Below, Center.

The auditory stimulus I used is at Do listen to it while viewing the painting.

Will make an effort to paint The Glorious Mysteries: The Crowning of Mary before installing Job, Descent, and Crowning at Maryhill School of Theology.

The painting early this year:

The painting today:

Worked an hour on 13th November-December glaze anyway.

The painting that I abandoned due to illness six months ago and that I thought would never get finished, is finished.

Marvin and Neil are now making an effort to photograph the painting.