Worked half an hour on fourth glaze.

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017
Monday, January 31, 2022
Wishing I were 21 all over again, sitting on a wooden bench in a side street of Chinatown, and watching a kao ka that will go on and on and on through the night. The make-up, costumes, music, and singing were always terrifying to me, but at the same time fascinating.
Angelique and Jazz came down to a late lunch in the dining room; Aubrey still asleep from her night shift.
One Message To One Of 233 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five syllables in your name: Who are the people who deserve your kindness the most?
Sunday, January 30, 2022
One Message To One Of 233 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Try sulfur soap to rehabilitate and improve your skin.
Watched Korea's Collectors (1:54:20). Kang Dong-goo, a talented grave robber, offers his services to a rich collector who murdered his father years ago. At first he offers a golden Buddha, and then volunteers to prove his abilities by asking the collector to finance the robbing of a funerary mural in China. Finally, he offers to retrieve the royal sword of the deceased General Yi Seong-gye from the Seolleung Royal Tomb.
The treatment is very light, almost as though the movie were a comedy. I stuck with it just to see those lovely props.
Alas, no one was eating noodle dishes or drinking soju in this movie.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with six syllables in your name: What are the toys you still want to play with as an adult?
Friday, January 28, 2022
Must go back to Korean movies soon. I miss their noodle meals--whenever someone is taking noodles for lunch or dinner I go to the kitchen and fix myself convenience-store Korean cup noodles that I bought at the neighborhood grocery. I love that beef is always a special treat for them, and that characters take beef whenever they want something special or are celebrating something. (Yes, the neighborhood grocery also sells beef samgyupsal.) Also love it when the characters order soju, though I myself am partial to brandy.
Watched all eight episodes of Taiwan's 2020 This movie has three stories, about despondent characters who find solutions to their problems via a mysterious website called that exists only in the future.
In "Best-selling writer" a writer who cannot handle rejection steals another writer's future through the mysterious website (three episodes).
In "No chance to grow up" a mother copes with the loss of her young son by trying a bottle of eye drops called Artificial Tears from that enables her to see her son grow up on a different plane (two episodes).
In "Air doll & Internet celebrity kidnappings" a bug-collecting nerd orders from a doll that, when soaked in water, transforms into the image of a female livestream host willing to be intimate with him (three episodes).
In the meantime there is the constant presence of the members of the detective and investigative team, who do not become exempt from the clutches of
The second story is the most heart-wrenching and the most insightful, though it is told in only two episodes.
The three stories are cleverly intertwined, and illustrate that we are haunted not by our past but by our future, and by loved ones who exist in parallel universes.
Welcome to the Taiwanese Twilight Zone, but there is a B-grade mentality twist at the very end, and the movie is cut off abruptly, leaving a few loose threads untied.
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Thursday, January 27, 2022
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with seven syllables in your name: Telling lies can make you ill, for they fester within you and contaminate all of the cells in your body.
So strange. All of the male presidential candidates are beginning to look tired and broken. The lines on their faces are directed downward, like cartoon illustrations of grief: downward-pointing hair, eyebrows, eyes, and lips. As though they were auditioning for Clayface.
Except for Isko Moreno, who always manages to look fresh and energetic.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Watched China's 2019 Super Me (1:43:35). Sang Yu, a starving, unsuccessful screenwriter, has schizoid fugues in which a shadow figure physically attacks him. Harassed by his landlord and a movie agent he owes, he is saved from committing suicide by a kind food vendor who helps him assert himself in his fugues by telling him to declare aloud that he is merely dreaming. Very soon, during those fugues, he not only learns how to confront the shadow figure--he also returns to reality with valuable apports that he sells to collectors, and becomes very rich.
The movie is really a love story with fantasy trappings. Having acquired billions, Sang Yu purchases the flailing coffee shop of his secret crush, Hua'er, partners with her, and makes the business boom. Inspired by his crush, he writes a screenplay and becomes a world-famous moviemaker.
And then the twist happens.
Though not apparent to many, the movie is a deconstruction of the German fairy tale "The Fisherman and His Wife." In school we studied the 36 dramatic situations, but I find it very interesting that most, if not all, contemporary movies are still actually variations of classical fairy tales.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with seven syllables in your name: A sandalwood image of Ma-Tzu, Chinese goddess of the sea, will protect your home from dangerous storms.
Monday, January 24, 2022
Watched Taiwan's 2021 The Soul (2:10:18_). A businessman is murdered inside his mansion. A prosecutor and his wife take on the case and discover a chain of seemingly occult events, a mere disguise for illicit relationships and brain surgery experimentations. The dark rituals, the Chinese black magic grimoire, and the moments of apparent spirit possession are all letdowns, for they function as red herrings in the story. The unfolding of the plot is straightforward enough, but many of the details are improbable and convoluted. Detachment from the characters and the material naturally ensues, and interest flags. After all, even in this day and age, transmigrations of the mind and heart are confusing and demand too much suspension of disbelief.
Gorgeous exterior of that mansion, though obviously a product of computer graphics. As for its interior, it was filled with too much derivative and decadent 1970s modern art.
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with seven syllables in your name: Of your more than a thousand Facebook Friends, only 20 are really worth keeping.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Watched Korea's Memoir of A Murderer (1:58:02). A former serial killer who now has Alzheimer's disease suspects that his daughter's boyfriend is also a serial killer, and seeks to protect her. As quiet and as balletic as (also Korea's) Burning. Both movies, as a matter of fact, are studies in reality and unreality--and parallel realities and parallel unrealities-- and both well-crafted and extremely disturbing, though they have two different directors.
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Make the most of the night by sleeping well.
Angelique's fourth day of online final exams.
Angelique and Jazz came down to a very late lunch in the dining room.
Took reference photos of a models for my Saint Sebastian painting.
M. and Nino wrapped the Peter painting. I now have two paintings ready for pick-up and installation at Maryhill School of Theology.
M. and Nino set up my next canvas on an easel--this one's not for Maryhill but for my prospective exhibit sometime next year.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with six syllables in your name: Avoid false prophets who always foretell incidents of gloom and doom.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Watched all 16 episodes of Korea's The Guest.
Park Il-do, an evil spirit from the East Sea, "visits" a quiet village and possesses a little boy who belongs to a shamanic family. The boy's mother drowns and his grandmother hangs herself. Two priests attempt to exorcise the boy, but the spirit possesses the younger priest instead. The boy's father, believing his son evil, attempts to kill him, but the boy runs away to the younger priest's house, where the younger priest, still possessed by the spirit, murders his own parents and attempts to also murder his younger brother, who is still a little boy. In the meantime a policewoman and her young daughter drive by and stop to talk to the shamanic family's boy, thinking him a victim of child abuse. She knocks on the door of the possessed priest, who then kills her after she rescues his younger brother and enables him to run away. The priest eventually commits suicide.
Flash-forward to 20 years later. The two little boys and the policewoman's daughter are now grown-ups and approximately the same age. The boy who belongs to a shamanic family is now a taxi driver, the priest's younger brother himself a priest and an exorcist, and the policewoman's daughter now a detective. Serendipitously, they meet up to work on a case of possession that they trace to the continued existence of Park Il-do, who, during the course of the entire movie, directs his minions to possess a series of victims. At the same time, the three protagonists work together to resolve the murders that occurred in their families 20 years ago.
This movie has interesting scenes of Korean shamanic rituals and Catholic exorcism rituals. It is as gripping as _The Possessed_ but, thankfully, not as gory and not as sadistic. The exorcism scenes are credible, and are certainly more convincing than those in The Exorcist, which, to me, had many intellectual and cinematic pretensions. In The Guest there is no levitation, no skin discoloration, no gashes, no rotating heads, no green vomit, no superhuman strength, and no obscenity. It is one of the best movies on exorcism I have ever watched, and is second only to The Rite.
On the downside, the screenplay gives way to an imbalance of performances. It has a lot of ham acting by all of the villains on one hand and deliberate underplaying with limited facial expressions by the good guys on the other. But then again I have yet to see a performer playing a possessed role as though he were acting in a four-act, Chekovian play.
I love the interface between the Catholic, the non-Catholic, and the un-Catholic approaches to possession and exorcism. I nonetheless found Episodes 10 and 14 to be most suspenseful, though, ironically, they contained no scenes of full exorcism. The last episode ties loose ends and should be watched through the end titles.
The problem with movies in series like this is that their writers and directors depend on the creation of cliff-hangers at the end of each episode to keep the audience intrigued. As in the serial novel the problem can never be shaken off, like futile efforts to disguise the heels of humans wearing fish tails in mermaid movies. And, as I find with other series, 16 episodes can be uncomfortably long. Most scenes are simply variations of previous ones, using other characters, other situations, other settings and props, and other special effects. One can push a premise only so far.
So strange, though. All the way from beginning to end the female detective reminded me so much of Bambi Gamban, my former student at De La Salle University; the old priest reminded me so much of Jun Aguilar, a former HR officer at the U.S. Embassy; the assemblywoman reminded me so much of a Facebook Friend in the south; and the assemblywoman's relief driver reminded me so much of a Filipino cardinal.
One Message To One Of 232 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five syllables in your name: It is useless to keep random pieces of hardware. You will seldom, if never, get down to making use of them.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Tony! Good day!
"I had an usual dream last night that made me feel so much joy! "I dreamt. As I was walking with a dear person who I have not met in real person but felt I was close to him, A Uncle corn came and greeted me! I was soft, colored aqua with pink streaks and it's horn was soft too with pink streaks on it. It had kind big doe eyes with a smiling lips like a dogs. It went to me to be petted. Then as we proceed to walk, I met fluffy big brown friendly cute dogs, of which one of them was shaped like an alpaca camelish kind without hump. Oh it has nice beautiful doe big eyes with long beautiful lashes! It smiled at me and made me hug and stroke its fluffy soft fur! I met nice beautiful siblings of that dear person in their huge place filled with nice plants, a green swimming pool, beautiful living room with beautiful interiors and furniture. I woke up when my dog kissed my hand....One Message To One Of 231 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Always be conscious of cleanliness and hygiene.
An old man who looks like he's in his mid-80s has been frequenting the compound dustbin lately. He is partial to plastic containers and corrugated cardboard boxes. Like all scavengers he is nomadic, and walks all the way to Project 4 and other places and back. He is at our dustbin at least two times a day. Lydia and I do not send him away because he is quite neat and orderly. He segregates our trash, sweeps the dragon tree leaves off the driveway, and functions as our part-time security guard and janitor. Whenever he comes upon dumpster food he sets them aside and feeds them to his dog, who has reddish-brown fur like raw sienna mixed with a tad of red ochre, who always looks clean and well-groomed--and who eats only what she likes of the dumpster food. I let them nap on the platform between our two side porches. I suspect that they also come in the middle of the night and sleep there.
I have yet to ask the old man his name, but, this afternoon, I asked him what his dog's name is. He said that her name is Camille. I wonder if he spells the name that way, but I've decided that he does, because old scavengers are transient, urban hermits: they have knowledge and wisdom surprisingly superior to that of ordinary citizens, and they have extraordinarily keen powers of observation.
On Saturdays I buy lunch for the old man, usually a deep-fried chicken thigh and rice. He goes outside the gate and hides away from me to take his lunch, but I know that he eats all of it and then gives the bones to Camille.
Maferefun, Eleggua Okada!
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
One Message To One Of 231 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Live simple, live clean, and eat and sleep well.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
One Message To One Of 229 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Never announce your triumphs and your acquisitions in the company of the envious.
Monday, January 17, 2022
Painted two cradle sides black.
In the meantime two, new cradled canvases arrived. These are for an exhibit I'm trying to put together, though it will probably take me a year or two to complete.
Yes, I'm now alternating work between the 40 paintings for Maryhill School of Theology and ten paintings for a prospective exhibit.
Love that elfin look on the courier's face.
One Message To One Of 229 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Do not copy other people's lifestyles. Value and appreciate your own.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
One Message To One Of 228 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with six syllables in your name: Joss stick burners in every corner of your house prevents transient spirits from passing through.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Aubrey made mango sago again for dessert.
Brought some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores. Nino has recovered from his second vaccination shot.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, and then snuggling in bed with a Netflix movie.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
January - March: the Philippine springtime. I know it because the frangipani are in full bloom. The sun is scorching but the breezes are cool. The breezes in Cubao blow in circular directions. The leaves fallen from the dragon tree go toward the main gate one second and then toward the interior of the compound the next. This is how it usually is through Easter.
One Message To One Of 228 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with three syllables in your name: Do not acquire more clothes if you will also need more closets and drawers.
Friday, January 14, 2022
Staggered lunchtimes.
A strange day for me. Two tasks I love (painting and creative writing) are on my plate and appearing like hard work. I need to varnish my Peter painting and proofread the electronic layout of a book that the editor sent me before it is finally published, and I just can't get down to doing them. Must be post-booster-shot blues.
One Message To One Of 227 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Watched all episodes of Korea's Goedam, a montage of eight, brief, urban horror vignettes. A student assaulted by a ghost in a school rest room. A taxi driver who takes on a malevolent spirit as a passenger. A video blogger with a trickster doppelganger. A stalker doll in a school locker. A student who gets run over by a truck and comes back to meet her teacher. An elevator that transforms people into shriveled cadavers. A paper talisman torn off a door, allowing evil entities to come through. A shaman who gets her just deserts after starving a girl to death, killing her, and entrapping her spirit.
Each vignette averages only ten minutes or less. As a result, the sequences are terribly disjointed and the viewer does not know exactly what is happening and why. It is only the last episode that manages to be a complete story told in that short period of time.
I am reminded of the creative writing exercise in which one must tell the story of one's novel in six words.
Watched all eight episodes of Korea's 2021 The Silent Sea.
A great drought besieges Earth due to environmental changes.
On the moon, a team of scientists perishes at Balhae Lunar Research Station. Because of a radiation leak, the station must be shut down, and so, five years later, a new team is sent to the moon to fulfill that task, but not before retrieving a secret sample they are told little about.
Once the second team is on the moon the movie takes on an eerie but lyrical quality. Despite the gray and white monochromes every sequence is visually arresting, especially because the plot takes on the characteristics of an intriguing mystery story. For starters, there is no radiation leak and the research station is in good condition. And then, the cadavers of the first team show no signs of radiation burns, but seem to indicate that they drowned to death.
It's been a long way from _2001: A Space Odyssey_, and the Asian, sci-fi mise-en-scene manages to be most convincing. You will believe that the research station is real and that you are on the moon, for the cinematography eliminates all the pretensions that previous, outer space movies chose to include.
No aliens here. Only human beings and the results of their experimentations.
One Message To One Of 229 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with three syllables in your name: Keep a notebook. Do not rely on your memory.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
One Message To One Of 229 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with four syllables in your name: Always have a cozy hour with your family at home, be it a meal, a snack, or just hanging out and telling stories.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Booster Shots
Family and household back home from our booster shots. We thank the Quezon City Government for allowing us, once again, to go to the booster shot venue as a group and take our shots together. It was so much fun that way, and all of it was a pleasant experience.
Lunch out afterward.
One Message To One Of 229 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with four syllables in your name: Don't just ensure protection for yourself,. Ensure protection for your entire household as well.
Monday, January 10, 2022
Watched 20th Century Fox's 2008 Mirrors (1:51:05). It's the usual, Hollywood horror story formula in which the protagonist and his family are challenged by a life-threatening force, the protagonist hunts for an antidote, the conflict leads to a spectacular climax, and the downbeat ending shows us that evil is not completely vanquished. Not quite a B movie because of a well-thought-out production design and special effects.
Ben Carson, a rehabilitated alcoholic separated from his wife and kids (yes, the stereotype protagonist) must take on a job as night security in the multi-story ruins of New York's Mayflower Department Store, which was devastated by a fire in which many died. During his rounds of the ruins he discovers that the mirrors inside the store reflect strange images, images that already caused the deaths of at least two men, and now, his sister. Very soon his wife and kids are also threatened by images in mirrors.
Ben discovers that the site of the Mayflower was formerly a hospital, its psychiatric ward being in the basement. The mirrors instruct him to bring them Anna Esseker, a former schizophrenic patient who was 12 years old and treated with a program involving mirrors in 1952. Ben tracks down Anna Esseker to Saint Augustine Apostolic Monastery, where she is now a nun in recluse. He takes her with him to the basement of the ruins in New York.
I'd rate this movie a good screening because it was entertaining and at least did not depend on a ridiculous screenplay, but I wouldn't watch it again, and neither was my interest piqued enough to watch its sequel.
One Message To One Of 229 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Know when to be selfish at the right times. Not only does it help you survive, it also helps you progress.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Watched all six episodes of the first season of Japan's Tokyo Mystery Sake. A young actor (Sugino Yosuke playing himself) averse to doing a horror movie is assigned by his agent to interview a series of persons who've encountered ghosts on his radio program and visit the places they'd been to, in preparation for his starring in the lead role of a horror movie. In each location, he is required to drink sake to open his psychic senses. The subtitle word "merging" is used to refer to the meeting of his intoxication with his fear. He is served a delicious dish in the company of his agent and interviewees after he survives each adventure. A horror comedy shot like a reality show, but it does have creepy moments.
The episodes are short, averaging 20 minutes each, and the whole season can actually be watched in one, long sitting. Sugino Yosuke plays the role with such spontaneity and naivete that one can't help but watch everything through the end. The places he visits are an apartment in which a woman in white appears; a cat cemetery; a home still inhabited by a stern man in his 70s, addicted to porn magazines featuring high-school girls; a love hotel room filled with ghosts beset with yearning, especially a jealous woman; a comedy theater built on the site of an old elementary school and haunted by the ghosts of an old woman, a boy, and a girl; and a stigmatized building with a dangerous ghost on every floor (a landlady stabbed to by a tenant after an argument, a murderer who committed suicide, a middle-aged man beaten to death by his friend, who afterward hanged himself, and another tenant who jumped off the roof).
In fact, all of these places could be anywhere in the Philippines!
One Message To One Of 228 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five syllables in your name: When something happens, good or bad, or when someone says something about you, good or bad, know how to say "So what?" and mean it.
Saturday, January 8, 2022
A delivery arrived--alas, not the canvases.
Can't wait to start my first painting for a prospective exhibit, though completing a substantial number of works will take me time. But, it will be heavenly to be painting for myself again, for a change.
I remember when, several years ago, my former classmates asked me to do an exhibit for a fund-raising project. I went out of my way to do ten paintings. Unfortunately, the liaison they assigned to organize the exhibit was a lazy bum who expected me to do all the work. I had to draft letters to the art gallery, since he was neither a writer nor an impresario, and set appointments for meetings on my own. He would show up at my house close to lunchtime, perhaps expecting me to serve him meals. He would ask to see me in coffee shops and then not order anything, just sitting there and gabbing about his life in general. And then, after all of my works had been varnished, he came to the house and said he would pull them out to deliver to my former classmates--without receipts or documentation of any kind. I asked him for an update on the status of the project but he had nothing; evidently he wanted me to give HIM an update that he could then report to my former classmates. I had him leave and shut the door on him. End of project. Thankfully, I was able to sell off most of the paintings to friends.
Waiting for the delivery of new canvases. These will be for an exhibit comprised of ten or more pieces to be mounted a year of two from now. I'm now alternating work between paintings for Maryhill School of Theology and a prospective exhibit. Serendipitously, a new novel is brewing in my mind, though I haven't gotten down to writing its first line.
One Message To One Of 228 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Dinner at home after Angelique's last exam for the day. I ate downstairs; the granddaughters took their dinner while watching a show on a tablet in Angelique's room.
Brought some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, and then snuggling in bed with a Netflix movie. Watching something from Japan for a change.
Friday, January 7, 2022
One Message To One Of 228 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Thursday, January 6, 2022
One Message To One Of 228 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: You have to love what you do in order for it to love you back.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Peter Is Called to Ministry and Martyrdom
Peter Is Called to Ministry and Martyrdom
Oil on cradled canvas
6’ x 4.5’
December 8,
2021 – January 6, 2022
This is a companion painting to The Pauline Letters.
Daybreak. After catching a net full of grouper, the fisherman Peter is about to turn his boat and paddle home. As he does so, he has a vision of the medieval papal crown, and the tip of his oar’s shaft takes on the image of an inverted cross.
The painting alludes not only to the miracle of the fishing nets, Peter’s calling as a fisher of men, his martyrdom, and his designation as the rock on which the Catholic church is built, but also to the later blinding of Paul of Tarsus and Constantine’s vision of the cross in the heavens.
The Galilean boat is a smaller version of the fishing boat in Christ Calming The Storm. The throat and blade of the oar, however, are not Galilean; they are a memory of the artist’s visit to Pagsanjan Falls many years ago. The halo round the papal crown was made to simulate the shape of a Tibetan ghau gau, or portable shrine, as, in The Pauline Letters, Paul’s halo is comprised of the Tibetan lotus mandala.
The auditory stimulus I used while making this painting is at Do listen to it while viewing the painting.
One Message To One Of 227 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with seven syllables in your name: Will you live the rest of your life without telling the person you love of your love?
The Europeans and Americans should be encouraged to use face shields. I personally believe that face shields provide additional protection against the virus. So what if no one provided scientific backing for their use? Common sense is enough--the same common sense behind the use of windshields, umbrellas, window panes, caps, hats, visors, sunglasses, and motorbike helmets.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
One Message To One Of 227 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: To motivate you to save more money within the month, assume that the following month will be a very lean one.
Monday, January 3, 2022
One Message To One Of 225 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with six syllables in your name: When you are unable to kill the mosquito, it is because the house lizard needs to catch it for its supper.
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Your Messenger message:
"Hello sir Tony, good afternoon and Happy New Year

One Message To One Of 225 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Be aware that not everyone who asks for help really needs it.
I survived the holidays and even managed my fifty-fourth glaze this afternoon.
Jazz goes back to work tomorrow, Angelique resumes her online classes, and Aubrey resumes her work at home.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked David to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, and then snuggling in bed with a Netflix movie.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
I love sitting inside the small loggia past midnight, smoking silently in the dark, before retiring to bed. It is always a magical time for me. The only illumination around me comes from the front porch of the compound office, two doors away, from the street lamps on P. Tuazon Boulevard, from the lighted windows of the Cyberpark buildings in Araneta Center, from the top floor of Regalia Tower across EDSA, from the upper stories of the police trainees' quarters on Camp Panopio Compound, and, of course, on clear nights, from the moon and the stars and the silver-gray clouds. Yes, I have Posted about this magical time several times before, except for the following:
I must give up this practice because it renders me an invisible man. Compound tenants reporting to night-shift work pass by, fully dressed for outdoors with backpacks strapped to their shoulders, looking like they wished they had kinder jobs. A young woman dolled up for some party pauses at the gate to wait for a taxi--where is she going and what will she be doing in the wee hours of night? Lovers hold intimate conversations, believing that only the dark can hear them. An anxious man with eyes glued to the bright screen of his cell phone paces to and fro as though hoping that someone would finally come home; he then unzips his pants and takes a leak between two parked cars in the driveway, confident that no one can see him.
Whenever these things happen I hold my breath and keep still, pretending to be a potted plant, lest they suddenly see me and think I am a ghost who has materialized in the night and come to frighten them.
Ah, my neighbors are so different in the daytime and so different at night, and they often make me wonder if I also am!
One Message To One Of 225 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with two syllables in your name: Continue saving money even after the holidays. Making this your habit will enrich you the entire year.