When supervisors are nervous and insecure, they schedule a staff meeting.

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017
Monday, May 31, 2021
A Day of Snakes 'N' Ladders (Part 2)
The trip to Los Banos Friday, May 28, 2021 was a pleasant one. We made a rest stop and a lunch stop on the way. Being conscious of the time, we didn't stop to buy anything from the varieties of lush plants being sold along the roadside and contented ourselves, instead, with admiring them from the van windows. Our lunch stop was at a Shakey's on a traveler's oasis. From there it took a mere 15 minutes to Mr. C.'s farm via a dirt alley and a cluster of privately-owned houses outside the farm's periphery. As soon as I stepped off the van I saw Mount Makiling in the distance. I couldn't help whispering to the invisible entities in the air, "We meet again."
Mrs. C. greeted me and led us to an improvised conference table in a building that would be the development corporation's future office. Two of the four men who claimed they experienced unusual phenomena were there; the other two were in town because they'd been scheduled for vaccination. I asked the men what they experienced and why they felt they had to ask for help. They replied that they heard rustling sounds at night, which didn't seem unusual to me, considering that there are creepy-crawlies on farmland that do make rustling sounds at night. They wondered if all these could be related to the two, old banyan trees on the premises. I'd been sent photos of the older one via e-mail, and I advised the corporate secretary to prepare offerings of red wine and four kinds of grain: rice, corn, mung bean, and peas, just in case. I was also informed that the older banyan tree contained a nest of pythons.
I explained the occurrences on two levels:
First, on the more comprehensible, traditional, level, I reminded the group that trees, especially old trees, are inhabited by kapres, or tree spirits. Such entities become bothersome until their existence and their presence as "next-door neighbors" are acknowledged, after which they become life-long allies. Hence my suggestion of a libation of red wine and an offering of four types of grain, to be done once a month.
Second, on the level of the extraterrestrial, I asked the group to widen their perspective and see that we may not have been the first, intelligent beings on earth, and that beings from other planets and other galaxies may have visited, for one reason or another, millions of years ago, via what practitioners of Philippine magic call "ang litid ng mundo", a long, astral tendon that extends from the earth to outer space. The best analogy I could think of for this was an astral ladder or a set of astral ladders, as in the board game Snakes 'N' Ladders, via which such visitors could descend and ascend. The most viable ladders, of course, are old trees. What our ancestors believed to be kapres, therefore, could very well be extraterrestrials, for such beings could be stationed on our planet not only in the air and underwater but even much closer to us as well, such as in trees.
I recounted to the group my 2010 experience on the National Arts Center. I explained to the men that they were disturbed by the rustling sounds at night not only because of what they heard but also because of what they felt. It was a combined feeling of loneliness and lust, the kind of energy that Serpentines feed on. I added that it was possible that human, female visitors would come for a night of fun--if they hadn't been coming already--possessed by Serpentines. Although Serpentines have been featured in various illustrations as being snake-like creatures zippered up in human bodies a la _Men In Black_, I believe that this should not be taken literally. Serpentines do not "enter" a human body and take over. A close parallel would be possession. A closer parallel would be control over the mind through mental telepathy.
Mrs. C. pointed out a structure at the entrance to the farm. It was the former owner's house that was now being scheduled for demolition. She asked me how to cleanse the structure before demolition. I scanned the house and said that a simple smudging with red joss sticks inside and outside the house would suffice. I saw something else during my scanning. I saw that the former owner's wife fell inexplicably ill because she had a female python killed. All Serpentines are female, reinforcing my belief that there are planets on which there is only one gender. They lay eggs like chickens do. As such, they are very partial to and defensive of females. Many female activists I know of are actually supported by Serpentines.
I made rough sketches in my notebook and showed them to the group: a Serpentine with a very long tail that is used to wrap round a man or woman prior to possession; the tip of a Serpentine's tail, typically used for harming or for healing (including self-healing) with a quick, jerky, back-and-forth movement; and the mother ship above Mount Makiling surrounded by six satellite stations, one directly above the old banyan tree on Mr. C.'s farm, which used to be a rice field with an irrigation system. My first drawing shows that a Serpentine has six, very articulate fingers on each hand. Serpentines are excellent surgeons, possibly an explanation for why many doctors in India are superb surgeons, perhaps due to unconscious, telepathic communication with the Nagini (snake-like, mythical creatures).
Suddenly, it rained. A series of cloudbursts swept over us and lasted almost an hour. It occurred to us that we were being prevented from visiting the old banyan tree; the executive assistant wanted us to leave the farm 3:00 PM at the earliest to hit Metro Manila before dark. The wet spell eventually let up, but we had to put on rubber boots before traversing the muddy path across the farm. There were eight of us in all: Mrs. C., the executive assistant, the corporate secretary, a female employee who lives in Calamba, the two men who reported hearing rustling sounds at night, Mrs. C.'s driver, and myself.
One Message To One Of 272 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a K in your name: You fear the very person you love, and you love the very person you fear. That is because, despite your awe of him, you are afraid that he will exact from you what you cannot give, or are unwilling to give. Fear not. Enjoy a good life, friendship, and love.
A Day Of Snakes 'N' Ladders (Part 1)
Sunday, May 30, 2021
One Message To One Of 272 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a T in your name: Though you are miles away north of Cubao I hear you call my name at night. I enter your mind and I see what you see: what could be and what could have been. Ground yourself more often. As in algebra the solution to problems is in what is given, not in what is not given.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
I had vertigo all of Friday and all of Saturday. I am, thankfully, all right now. No one was able to explain why I had it, but I could. For the past two years I never stepped out of Cubao. Then, on Friday, I had to make a trip to Los Banos, Laguna, spending five or six hours in a van. I was like a 12-year-old boy who made a road trip for the first time. Like a landlubber who suddenly had to live on the sea. Or a sailor who became rubber-legged once having to live on land.
One thing is for sure. I am ready to never step out of Cubao once again.
One Message To One Of 275 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an R in your name: It is a bad idea to amass items of value if you have no one to pass them on to in your family. Before buying anything, ask yourself whether anyone in your family will want, appreciate, and cherish it after you move on. If there is no one, just look at the item, admire it, and pass.
Jazz arrived.
Jalan-jalan by remote. M. went to the center to do an important errand for me.
Brother Cadfael, Brother Oswin, and Brother Mark worked on the roof deck, side balcony, and Cubao New Orleans French Quarter front balcony vegetable and flower gardens.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and Jazz.
People are asking me if I still write plays. Of course I do, but I have the intelligence not to continue doing so during a pandemic. Where are the producers and directors after all, and when was the last play they staged for a live audience?
Being a writer entails having a good sense of timing. Otherwise it would be like selling popsicles during a particularly bad blizzard in Alaska.
Arts institutions should be concerned with building stable arts industries, not the intermittent dissemination of awards to individuals.
There should be employment opportunities for all arts graduates--inclusive of the talented and the untalented--rather than the offering of short-time projects and grants to the deserving.
All artists grow old and retire, and they must survive during that time. And that can happen only if REAL arts industries exist.
When a lonely matron is in love with you and means to have you for herself, she will praise you to high heaven for your smallest qualities and laugh at you for your smallest mistakes. Both are devices to wield control over you.
I pity men without money who voluntarily undergo this bind. It is worse than one-night-only prostitution.
Friday, May 28, 2021
One Message To One Of 275 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a Y in your name: You are always discontent with your job, your supervisors, and your romantic life. That is because, unbeknownst to you, you are discontent with yourself. For an entire month suspend judgment in everything and everyone including yourself. Don't think to yourself, "That's a beautiful house", "That's a plain-looking woman", "That's a disgusting habit", and so on. Simply look on without any kind of judgment whatsoever. You will be surprised at how your view will have drastically changed after that.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
One Message To One Of 275 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a B in your name: You have episodes during which you wish you were single once again. Resist the temptation to pack up and leave as though you were someone else. Know that you have subpersonalities better suited to the unmarried, but that commitment to a relationship and to your family is more important than all of them. Think of your wife and child. They would never understand you if you abandoned them. They would also never forgive you.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked Brian to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
All of us had Turkish delight for dessert.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Facebook suspended my Posting for 24 hours because I used the word "naked" in a Comment. Apparently they monitor only words and not complete sentences and contexts. When that happens, switch to my blog _Tony Perez's Electronic Diary_. Its content is identical to the content of my Facebook account, because one serves as a backstop for the other. Blogger is also more 21st-century in outlook.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
There are two unforgettable workshops I conducted on "Creativity and Conflict Resolution" for the Embassy before I retired, and neither one of them had adults as participants. The first was for the residents of a rehabilitation home for sexually abused girls. The second was for a rehabilitation home for boys in conflict with the law. Both were miles away from each other in Bacolod, and miles away from the city. When I conducted them I had no contact with my Bacolod City friends from Negros Museum and Gallery Orange, and I never felt so alone in my life.
During the latter workshop one of the participants, a five-year-old boy, kept following me around and assisting me with my exercises. He went through a series of adoptive homes, all of which were unsuccessful in providing him a normal life. I thought of going through the formal process of taking him in and raising him in Cubao, but I judiciously reminded myself that I already had two sons and three grandchildren. (I have five grandchildren now.) It was a heart-wrenching moment, though, because I knew that I could raise the boy properly.
Alas, we must, many times in our life, be the protagonist in Shane and The Blue Knight.
I sincerely wish that the boy--and all of the participants in both workshops--is leading a good life now.
Two-hour, early afternoon nap.
Brother Cadfael, Brother Oswin, and Brother Columbanus worked on the roof deck, side balcony, and Cubao New Orleans French Quarter balcony vegetable and flower gardens, then hung out on the front balcony watching people pass by on the street.
It was pleasantly cloudy and breezy up on the rood eck.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Masonry work is now ongoing in the cafe kitchen.
It all started with our cutting an archway in our living area wall. Now M. is installing a food truck window in the cafe kitchen. As what always happens, the entire neighborhood will soon be doing masonry projects of their own.
One Message To One Of 275 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an S in your name: Your parents are urging you to get married. They say that you need someone to take care of you, that it would be good for you to settle down and have a family, and that they would like to have grandchildren.
But, what do you say?
Do you want to get married? Do you want to lead a married life?
Know this, that it is what you want and what you feel you need that matters most.
Never buy clothes for your children or grandchildren. Instead, take them to clothes stores and let them choose what they want for themselves.
When Angelique was a little girl I bought her Laura Ashley clothes only because she looked cute in them. Then, on one of her birthdays, I took her to a store to buy her a new set of clothes. She chose faded denims and tank tops.
Remembering A Grade School Boy's Mother
Wondering why I've been thinking of former students' mothers these days.
I was resident playwright of Ateneo Children's Theatre for eleven years. I cannot recall the year this anecdote occurred; it was possibly the year I wrote _Ignatius of Loyola_ celebrating the Ignatian jubilee. My lengthy stint was a difficult one, for it lopped off at least eight months from my life every year. I would write the play, design its cover, attend auditions, rehearsals, and performances, assist with press releases, lay out the annual yearbook, and led an extracurricular playbill and yearbook club. Had I the power to turn back time I would forego all of that and would have devoted all of my energy and my time to my own children.
Helping out faculty members with costumes was part of my responsibilities. I remember long hours sewing feathers and sequins on different costumes. For _Ignatius of Loyola_ I handknitted gauntlets made of silver twine and black yarn. It was common for a parent to bring her child to the house and be fitted for a costume piece I was working on. Yet, I remember only one such parent from all those years.
I don't even remember what costume piece I was working on. All I recall was an afternoon visit by a mother and her sixth-grade son. Both of them were fascinated by all the curios inside our house, especially the Tao altar that my Tao priest friend Ah Hok had been working on. They enjoyed their visit. We clicked. They laughed at my jokes and sat back while the day grew long. I felt that there were things they wanted to tell me but couldn't; I suspect it was about the woman's husband and the boy's father. I was afraid they would overstay and expect to be served dinner. I politely terminated their visit, giving them some gifts to remember me by.
There are times when I prevent others from confiding in me, in order to preserve my privacy and my solitude. When I established the Spirit Questors in 1996 I ensured that I would do the same. Yes, despite the fact that many people believe that I always extended myself to help others, I always knew when and how to say no.
I never saw that mother and her son again.
If I were a full-time painter I would not accept any gallery's invitation to exhibit paintings. I would tell the gallery owner, "First buy all of my paintings yourself. And then exhibit them." That way he would move heaven and hell to sell my paintings rather than complacently sit in his office chair leisurely posting pretty pictures on his site.
If I were a full-time writer I would not accept any publisher's invitation to submit my manuscripts for publication. I would say, "First pay me the entire worth of my works. And then publish them." That way he would also move heaven and hell to promote, market, and sell the books.
Why is it not that way in the Philippines?
Because there is a painter and a writer in every square inch of this country, and all of them are dying to be exhibited and published.
Monday, May 24, 2021
One Message To One Of 280 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a G in your name: In childhood your sibling was your idol and your protector; in adulthood you perceive him as your competitor. What happened in between? Do not carry on the rivalry through your old age. Simply live your life as best you can, and do not compare yourself with others even if others compare themselves with you.
An early dinner at home alone.
Then Angelique and Aubrey came down to dinner in the dining room after Angelique's last online class for the day ended at 9:00 PM.
Asked Betrod to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
The secretary of a Chinese business executive kept communicating with me all of last week. They remembered a favor I did for them some ten years ago, which was to cleanse and ward a lot on Roxas Boulevard. The lot was being developed for the construction of a condominium building.
Now they want me to check out their farm in Laguna, where their live-in workers have been reporting strange phenomena. They sent me photos. Offhand I suspect that an extraterrestrial starship is stationed above the farm, but I need to go there myself and make sure. I'm going alone as I did before.
Brother Oswin went up to the roof deck because he wanted to see what it looks like when it's raining there. Moved decorative plants to the front balcony. We lounged on the front balcony while it continued to rain, and it was quite an enchanting experience witnessing the crystal rainfall on the street and the neighboring rooftops all around us.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Remembering Emily
1998. Claire D. was one my senior students and a member of the Spirit Questors. When her maternal grandfather passed away, her mother, Emily, invited me to lead a Spirit Quest outside their family mausoleum in the Chinese cemetery. Emily went out of her way to consult me on various issues since then. She was a lonely matron. Her husband, a traditionalist businessman who was frequently away from home, gave her little affection. She resorted to confiding her innermost feelings to Ruben, her husband's Filipino assistant--though an underling known to snooty Chinese as a "Juan-Ah-Kang". Their friendly relationship verged on becoming an illicit affair.
In the course of Emily's consultations with me she would pick me up from work, then at the Thomas Jefferson Cultural Center on Buendia Avenue, take me to lunch at a nearby restaurant, and drive me back to work again. She also began showering me with gifts--simple ones at first, such as concert tickets, and then very expensive ones. It was then I realized that the story of Ruben could have been a mere rehearsal for a prospective relationship she wanted to have with me; either that or she wanted both of us.
I very carefully extricated myself from the situation. It made me very wary of meeting my students' parents. Looking back now, I should have not mistaken Emily for a sincere friend and should have seen, early on, where she was heading.
There are times, like now, when I suddenly remember Emily, and I shudder at the thought of almost falling into a quagmire I would have regretted the rest of my life.
One Message To One Of 297 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an L in your name: Despite the problems you announce to the world, you are too complacent. You believe that everyone loves you, and you therefore take many things for granted. Know that the solutions to your problems must come from within you. Announce them to the world only after you have successfully solved them.
Why are most gallery owners and curators bipolar?
Is it because they are frustrated artists and wish that their works were being featured instead of others'?
Is it because the general public does not give them importance and acknowledgement?
Is it because they are not making enough money for themselves?
Is it because they would rather be working in New York, San Francisco, Melbourne, Sydney, or somewhere in Europe?
Is it because they frequently argue with the artists they are showcasing?
Saturday, May 22, 2021
One Message To One Of 304 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a G in your name: He expressed interest in you once and you rejected him. Now that you want him, he does not want you. He has somebody else who is more deserving of him than you are. Look elsewhere, and always think twice before acting. Your impulsiveness is your own downfall.
Dinner at home alone.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.s 'cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Brother Cadfael and Brother Mark have reached their destination.
Brother Cadfael and Brother Oswin worked on the roof deck, side balcony, and Cubao New Orelean French Quarter front balcony, then hung out on the front balcony.
It was very windy on the roof deck, as windy as the park in Blow-up.
Brought down stuff from the hallway leading to the old nursery room. Now clearing everything from the drawers in a tallboy.
Friday, May 21, 2021
One Message To One Of 305 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an E in your name: Every time you stumbled and fell, your spirit guides picked you up. How many times has this happened--how many chances have you been given all in all? Be thankful to your spirit guides and to your inner strength. Know that luck also runs out, however, and so, at this time, take no more chances. Do everything you can to make things work, and for good.
Jalan-jalan by remote. M. paid our water bill at the center.
Later, dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Brought some food over to M.s' cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Still reorganizing stuff from the old nursery room in different piles: forgotten treasures, toys for giving away to children, things for giving away to adults, and trash.
So far have given away bags of Barbie and Bratz dolls, assorted toys, games, fancy jewelry, handbags, backpacks, tote bags, unwanted cosmetics, bedroom pillows and throw pillows, blankets and bedsheets, two barongs, a suit, children's clothes, and unused house decorations to compound neighbors. Putting together a cache of little girls' treasures to give away to those two little girls on the compound who always look hopeful whenever they are passing by our house.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
One Message To One Of 315 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an I in your name: Do not plan to be a drifter forever, landing on the shore of one teacher after another. In the end you will find that nothing good will come of your hodgepodge of notes, and that, more tragically, no one teacher will ever acknowledge you as his own.
Staggered dinnertimes.
Asked Bertod to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and ten snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Brother Cadfael and Brother Mark are on their way to Wales.