The grandchildren came down to a very late lunch in the dining room.
A cup of jasmine tea for me.
You with six syllables in your name: Make someone happy rather than make someone sad.
Brought some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
The grandchildren are playing card games in the dining room.
M.'s cafe will be open through midnight or until the last customer leaves.
As for myself, I am already in my bedroom.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, and then snuggling in bed with a Netflix movie.
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony.
"'Happy Holidays' to you pò!How sad. No pies for sale even at the topnotch bakeries. I think it's because atchays really don't know and cannot appreciate what pies are, and that their narrow-minded idea of a festive pastry is always a cake. The closest they ever go to pies, perhaps, are empanadas, that is why they cannot conceive of pies as dessert.
You with two syllables in your name: Always look on the bright side, especially when negativity surrounds you.
You with five syllables in your name: First taker appropriat4e action. Only when that doesn't work should you resort to prayer.
The gas and water merchants in our district have been employing a very inexpensive but effective method of announcing their services, which is to tape slips of paper, as tiny as Post-It slips, on every door and gate in the neighborhood. You could actually take down the slips and place them in your Rolodex.
You with two syllables in your name: Never compare your status with that of others. Instead, improve your state a day at a time--and you will be surprised at how far ahead you already are.
Looking high and low for a model for Saint Sebastian, but, so far, no one passes. I don't want a model who looks too handsome and too soft, neither do I want him to look like a cheap male prostitute.
The problem with every search for a model for this saint is that he has to look unquestionably like a member of the aristocracy.
As to the tenants on our compound, they're good-looking but come across as "boys next door".
You with one syllable in your name: Good projects cannot be completed overnight. Nothing is ever effortless, though others' work might seem to be.
Went to the Christmas bazaar at Araneta Center and bought bagnet and pork barbecue for our dinner. There were many center promenaders in the streets but I was the only customer at the bazaar. The stalls are now being vacated of Santas, elves, gingerbread houses, angels, trees, and lanterns, and are being stocked with truckloads of fireworks and firecrackers. I was informed that the bazaar has a permit for doing this.
Replenished our soda supply.
Dinner with Angelique and Jazz. Aubrey is having Christmas dinner out with Roi and his family.
You with one syllable in your name: Make a list of what you accomplished each month of this year. Then make a list of all of your objectives for the coming year.
Angelique and Aubrey came down to lunch in the dining room.
Cake delivery.
Worked an hour on twenty-eighth glaze.
Alkaline water delivery. We still have two, full, five-gallon jugs, but I ordered eight more in case we run out during the holidays. The men picked up the dispenser to give it a general cleaning as well.
Your Messenger message:
"Hi, Sir. Merry Christmas!! I hope you don’t mind if I’ll share with you my dream regarding my brother who just passed away. In my dream, I was mentioning to ________________ about my elder brother who gets so much acting bookings in Hollywood and he’s not even an actor. Then I looked at myself in a mirror, it was sort of a concave mirror where your face gets distorted depending on the angle. As I looked at myself it became the face of my dead brother and when I realized it, I cried. Eventually it turned to my face. But I can’t stopped feeling his presence. Then I made sure to accompany my mother to a get together with _______________. I wonder what that meant. Thanks so much.
"Wishing you the best this Christmas season. Sending love and good will."You with more than five syllables in your name: The fountain of youth is nothing more than the fountain of wealth. Seek it, but only through honest means.
Worked half an hour on twenty-fifth glaze.
Angelique went out to dinner with a college friend.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked NIno to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, and then snuggling in bed with a Netflix movie.
You with five syllables in your name: Learn to be appreciative rather than critical. For one thing, it makes everyone happy and makes everything go smoothly.
You with four syllables in your name: Age slows you down, but it also makes you more astute.
Work in progress: Glazing has begun on Peter Is Called to Ministry and Martyrdom; I am on my twenty-first glaze in this photo.
Glazing is the third and final step in my painting process.
I usually work from far to near (background to foreground) or from top to bottom (as in this case). In this painting the sky, the shoreline, and the medieval papal crown are already fully glazed and embellished. I embellish and work in details wet-on-wet--I love the sensation of doing so, and I also love how the slapdash strokes and apparently random blobs of paint synergize into sharp focus as the viewer moves four feet away from the work.
There's still a lot to get done, and I'm glad my hands will be full through the end of the holidays.
Note: The throat and blade of the oar are not Galilean. It's an oar I saw at Pagsanjan Falls many years ago.
You with two syllables in your name: Do not make the days leading to holidays a succession of daily expenses.
2:00 PM. Buyer picks up The Cubao By Moonlight Trilogy from my studio area. These are the last paintings from my Thomas-Hart-Benton-influenced period; I have no more. Whenever my paintings leave the house I know that I shall never see them again, and I can only hope than the owner will love them as much as I did.
You with five syllables in your name: Deviate from your regular routine from time to time, as long as it does not make you feel insecure and awkward.
One-hour, afternoon nap.
Bought a ream of ziggurats.
Picked up the granddaughters' bedroom laundry from the compound laundry. The woman who operates it knows, for some reason, that I am a painter, and informed me that her cousin, also a painter, recently died of COVID. They decided to keep two of his works, which she showed me, in one of their bedrooms. The works are stunning! What a waste when someone with talent just suddenly departs like a snuffed candle!
You with two syllables in your name: Every night, make a checklist of things you need to do the following day. Stick to the list as best you can, and you will soon always be ahead of yourself.
You with more than five syllables in your name: Loneliness is a peaceful coastline.
You with two syllables in your name: There will always be cause for sadness, for sadness is a part of life, but there should never be cause for despair.
You with two syllables in your name: Be especially cautious when the pretentious pledge you something with no intentions of delivering.
Finished watching all 16 episodes of Korea's Possessed on Netflix. A detective with a traumatic past and a psychic who works in a dress shop team up to track down the ghost of a serial killer executed 20 years ago but whose spirit now possesses someone to continue his grisly murders. The problem with this formula, of course, is that the villain never undergoes any kind of dramatic change (they either just die or get punished), so that one wonders why many actors consider villain roles as juicy ones.
Suspenseful, but there are many moments of comic relief due to the idiosyncrasies of the characters and, as in other Korean movies, the romantic scenes have the best treatment and dialogue. Having said that, I couldn't watch more than two episodes in one sitting because of the multiple murder scenes. As a matter of fact a disclaimer at the beginning of Episodes 5, 12, 15. and 16 even assures the viewers that the child actor's role did not affect his mental health and that he continues to receive monitoring and support. Episodes 11 and 14, to me, were especially sadistic.
Not for the faint-hearted, but Strangers from Hell still takes the cake for me. The ending of Possessed, however, is diffused, anticlimactic, and, after all those deaths, wanting for proper catharsis. Finally, one cannot help but question the overall morality of the movie, since its premise includes the dissipation of souls and the possibility that even the gods have no control over evil.
By the way, the reason you cannot learn Korean by watching Korean movies is this: the subtitles are never literal translations. The upside always is, when we are watching Korean thrillers, we realize with great gratitude that we are living safe and simple lives compared to all those characters.
Layering in progress for Peter Is Called to Ministry and Martyrdom.
After my construction lines are done, the next step in my painting process is layering. To me this is nothing more than color blocking. It helps me:
--find the right tones and contrasts
--see where the shadows and highlights will fall
--set the painting's color sense, and
--ensure color distribution over the entire canvas.
I am only on my seventh layer in this photo; the figure's and the fishing poles' medium tones remain undone.
I never layer with unmixed colors. For example, the sky is a mixture of alizarin, carmine, and Payne's gray, while the sea water is a mixture of ivory black and terre verte. Mixing at this stage allows me to see where the work is going. I also eliminate the need for under-painting--the layers serve as THE under-painting. Having said all that, I should also point out that the objective of layering is not to cover the entire canvas with paint. There are times when I allow the bare canvas to shine through. In my portrait of Ambeth Ocampo, for instance, the bitten apple is not painted white. It is the bare, primed canvas that I merely painted around. In The Pauline Letters, the companion piece to this painting, the highlights of the sash round Paul's waist are also portions of unpainted, bare, primed canvas.
Note that layering still renders the painting flat. It is only during the third and last step, glazing, that everything magically takes on three dimensions.
Yes, my painting process is comprised of only three, simple steps: construction lines, layering, and glazing.
You with three syllables in your name: Remember this, that a plant will not grow bigger than the pot it is in.
You with more than six syllables in your name: Do not sell yourself without knowing what your true worth is.
Construction lines in progress for Peter Is Called to Ministry and Martyrdom, the companion painting to The Pauline Letters (see this in my Cover Photos). Both paintings have the same dimensions, 6' x 4.5'.
As you can see, I do not use pencils/graphite. I always sketch with a brush and paint dilute, since it is easier to wipe off lines with a rag and turpentine.
Am working in a Galilean fishing boat, much smaller than the one in Christ Calming The Storm. Fishermen in that era worked in the sea butt-naked, but I couldn't paint it that way, since this will hang on the second floor of the library of Maryhll School of Theology.
You with two syllables in your name: Never show interest in another person if you know that it will only lead nowhere.
Instead, take interest only in yourself.
You with four syllables in your name: This is the 21st century. Work hard for the money if for nothing else.
Your Messenger message:
"Good evening, Sir Tony.
"I remember how you told me about how I should try to explore the meaning of the ocean in my dreams since it has always been ever present in it. I still do not know exactly what it means but lately, I am very much gravitated towards the ocean. It, sometimes, feels like it is calling me. When I think of it, I could feel, smell, and even hear the sea breeze just by thinking of it.
"That is when I remembered that there were two occasions that I could partially recall from my childhood memory: the first one, I could remember myself looking through a hole from our stilt house when I was three years old. When I asked my parents about it, they told me that that was the first incident that I fell into the sea (which my parents were puzzled about since the hole was too narrow for my body to fit into).
"A neighbor nearby saw me and asked for help. (It was a huge river that is connected to the open sea.) They were confused since I was found just floating in the sea with no signs of drowning. Just merely floating but conscious. My father recalled that I told him that an old woman saved me that day. He further explained that there was no old woman on that particular day who could have saved me. That incident still confuses him to this day.
"A year after that, the last incident was when my cousin and brother were told to buy something from a sari-sari store. I was upset because I wanted to tag along but they had to run so fast that I couldn't catch up with them. In attempting to do so, I slipped by the makeshift bridge.
"This one is still fresh in my memory, I could still feel how I battled to have my head stay up in the air since I did not know how to swim. Fortunately, I wore my new slippers that day, a pair that I really adore and would have hated to lose.
"Since I was in the sea, the slippers were slowly carried away by the small waves. I remember struggling to want to get a strong grip on it. By wanting to save those slippers, a passerby saw me drowning and hurriedly reached out a stick for me to hold on to. I still feel grateful for having those slippers and, ultimately, for the kind people who saved my life twice in a row.
"(I still suffer from panic attacks, every now and then, when I am out in the deep ocean. I couldn't breathe even just by staying afloat. I still love swimming, nonetheless. My love for the ocean is greater than the fear.)
I was born in that stilt house until I was 4. Because of what happened, my father worked hard for us to finally have a house away from possible drowning again.
"Perhaps these are the reasons that I keep dreaming about it. I still am not sure about the specifics but my intuition tells me it is related to those two events.
"Thank you for taking the time to read my message. God bless you and your family always."
My reply:
Hello _____!
The goddess of the sea is your mother and continues to be your strongest spirit guide. Always keep symbols of the sea around you: shells, South Sea pearls, coral, a bowl of sand, part of a fishing net draped at the back of your house that you can hang decorative items from, sea agates, even pictures of the sea.
More importantly, do this once a year: Buy two watermelons and slice them in half so that you have four pieces. Hire a small boat to take you far out into the sea and drop the pieces into the water as an offering. Your panic attacks will cease, for your psyche will finally tell you that the sea is life rather than death, and that you must give it this yearly ritual as a gesture of gratitude.
You will continue to dream of the ocean whenever you feel that the world is oppressive. Know that many women have such dreams, for the world is still chauvinist and will often not give women their due. Seek help from the goddess whenever you have such feelings.
You with one syllable in your name: Make a list of the people who try to control you. How do you successfully manage to foil them?
You with two syllables in your name: Beware. December will always be the month of freeloaders pretending to be friends.
You with two syllables in your name: Just get down to every task and they will promptly get down in no time at all.
You with four syllables in your name: Disappointments and disillusionments are part of life. They are fine as long as they do not drag you down to depression.