Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

The unworthy face a year of fits and starts.

Good night, Cubao!

Prepare yourself for an early sumner, It will fall on your lap unexpectedly.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Never let anyone trample on your dreams.

Your Messenger message:

"Hello again. I've been meaning to ask you about what has been happening to me since the beginning of the year. I have found this new affinity for the sky. It's almost child-like. I always feel in awe of the sky and it actually seems that I'm seeing it for the first time. The colors are always so vivid. I have started taking pictures of it regularly. There was this one time that I felt compelled to say 'Sky Father'. I don't want to read too much into this since I've never experienced anything like this so I thought I would ask your opinion on this. I don't know if it's just my imagination or is it something else."

My reply:

Hello _____!

Those photos you took are gorgeous!

It is perfectly normal to be awed by the grandeur of Nature.

I also mentioned elsewhere that this is the year of the archer/hubter, and so the element air will figure prominently this year.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Make an offering of eight, meringues or sticky rice rolls to the fatherly spirit guide who rules the day.

Good night Cubao!

Inappropriate ambitions always crumble and turn to ashes.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Rest your weary head on my left shoulder, and sleep well.

Monday, January 29, 2024

When Japanese tourists say "Paizianzen," they really mean "Pagsanjan."

Your Messenger message:

"Good morning, sir. I would just like to seek clarity of my situation. Let's just say a problem resulted into a chain of events that led to me getting depressed.

"My issue is why is it that I, who did everything that is expected is suffering while those who caused the problem and felt no remorse get to enjoy their life? I would really appreciate a reply but at the same time you are not obligated but I thank you nonetheless for taking time to read it"

My reply:

Hello _______!

What seems dark is light, what seems a burden becomes a blessing.

Be patient and trust in karma. Your abusers will get their just deserts.

Good morning, Cubao!

Do not slay the goose that lays the golden eggs.

More fluid but less predictable is not the cycle of the seasons but he cycle of happiness and sadness.

Sometimes justice means that he who has more at stake, wins.

Good night, Cubao!

Enjoy the chill from the north, but also know how to shield yourself from it.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name; Make your loved ones happy at every opportunity, for there will always be times when no such opportunities exist.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Your Messenger message:

"Good morning, Sir Tony! All the best to you and your family this new year.

"May I please ask for your help in interpreting my dream this morning? Apologies for the length since there were three segments. "I was staying at a resort by a body of water and a cliff. Suddenly, boulders from the cliff came loose, crashing down on the swimming vacationers and those on their boats, causing massive waves. I watched from the common area of the resort but had to retreat since the waves reached the resort and partly flooded it. "You were among the survivors from the water who managed to get back to the common area of the resort unhurt. You looked for your eyeglasses, which had a dark frame and round-shaped lenses. I managed to find them on a table and hand them over to you. "After that, several of us from the resort, including you, decided to head out on foot to seek help. During our walk, I asked you about how magic actually works, especially when it comes to protection. I couldn’t specifically recall your response, but it was something like, 'you can’t be harmed.' "We reached a one-story building of an NGO / help center. The people seemed friendly but I noted they were quite fake and something was a bit off. "I then noticed bits of time went missing while they entertained us, which made me suspect that they either secretly drugged / hypnotized us. "The second time this happened, with two of our companions, I pointed out that we didn’t have blankets on us before, but why were we each suddenly covered in light gray, fuzzy blankets? "After that, chaos ensued because there was a zombie outbreak in the next room. We all managed to escape from the place without fighting off any zombies. I was still able to retrieve the backpack and other items that I brought with me. I even had the time to put on my sneakers to replace the slippers I was wearing. "Some of the help center staff, such as a scientist, volunteered to stay behind to fight the zombies so that we could escape. I just saw the start of the fight from the glass wall of the room we left. "We next found ourselves in an elevator of an apartment building occupied by women only, who were preparing to fight the zombies. "My dream ended with us joining them, sitting in a circle on a shaded, grassy area to discuss our next move. "Thank you for your time and interpretation, Sir Tony!"

My reply:

Hello _____!

Your dream indicates to me that you recently experienced some form of discrimination among friends or co-workers, and that this continues to disturb you.

Always remember that not everyone will readily comprehend and appreciate your abilities and your interests regarding the paranormal.

That you survived the avalanche and the zombies is a good sign and a reflection of your fighting spirit, but the dream also warns you that the world is full of hypocrites. Do not wear your heart on your sleeve, and be selective about whom you open up to.

Your Messenger message:

"Hi, Tony! I dreamed of a recently deceased uncle last night. One detail I can remember is that he was asking me to hand him plates from the cupboard so he can set the table. He was standing behind me as he said this. My deceased aunt (his wife) was also there. It was a family gathering they were hosting at their place. But that one detail stuck to me. I don't know if he's particularly asking for something. I would like to know what this is about, if you have the time and inclination. Thank you!"

My reply:

Hello _____!

Your uncle and aunt simply wish to be remembered. One way to do that is to place their photos, fresh flowers, a lit candle in a bottle, a glass of drinking water, and light three, red joss your ancestral table or family altar.

The archetypal image directly connected to your dream is that of the "dumb supper," in which the family sets extra plates on the table for the deceased.

Happy Birthday to my second eldest sister, Remi!

Good morning, Cubo!

The fastest way to waste your money is to give or lend it to others.

Good night, Cubao!

Patience is the cornerstone of success.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with eight syllables in your name: Never let any man dominate your mind, you heart, and your body.

Two-and-a-half-hour,, deep tissue massage. Ended 8:25 PM.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Stress kills.

Know when to relax, to rest, to have solitude to have "me" time, to have simple fun, to be selfish, to live, to be content, to be happy.

Happy Birthday to Kichiro Mayuzumi!

Good morning, Cubao!

Think thrice and make only the best choices.

Now watching One Friday Fights 49 on One Championship Philippines.

Watching ONE 165 on One Championship Philippines.

Good night, Cubao!

Follow your heart, but take only a job that makes you rich.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Do not invest in other people's business ventures.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

An artist who knows nothing of emotional truth lives as a hypocrite, whether he is cognizant of it or not.

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

Watched the U.S.A.'s 2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2:31:15), perhaps yet another effort to explain away loopholes and non-sequiturs prevalent in the comic book series, including issues of morality, of being human versus being superhuman, of mortality, of the concepts of good and evil, of social misperceptions and misunderstandings, even of espionage, resulting in a screenplay comprised of disjointed sequences. On the Batman side we have Alfred, the bat cave, and the bat signal. On the Superman side we have Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, kryptonite, Perry White, and the Kents, Clark's adoptive farmer parents. Added to this are the monster Doomsday and the surprise appearance of Wonder Woman. The scenes get darker and darker as the movie progresses, until both Batman and Superman seem to turn into no less that Saint Michael and The Devil, leading to a series of spectacular showdowns..

This movie, however is really all about Superman, and on the brighter side showcases one of the finest performances of Henry Cavill, whose acting is more relaxed and no longer manifests the uptightness and body consciousness evident in his earlier screen appearances. As compared with Batman's signature deadpan acting, he undergoes an entire range of facial expressions and emotions, coming across, ironically, as being more human than Batman, and, despite assuming a comic-book role, manages to endow the role with the most difficult thing to endow a comic-book role with: truth.

Wrath of the Titans

Watched the U.S.A.'s 2012 Wrath of the Titans (1:39:03). After destroying the Kraken, Perseus decides to live as a normal man living on a fishing coast, but his father, Zeus, visits him and asks for his assistance in preventing Kronos from unleashing demons on earth and ultimately taking away the powers of the gods.

The advanced special effects in this movie are stunning, yet pale side by side with the albeit cruder matting and animation magic of the 1958 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad and the 1963 Jason and the Argonauts. The suspension of disbelief is further destroyed because of the attempt to cast stars as some of the characters for commercial purposes; for movies like this, however, there is more identification in watching a cast of nobodies in non-acting roles. As a result, the movie is best enjoyed merely as a hi-tech video game.

Good night, Cubao!

Always be mindful of time, for that is how you will get things done.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Live toward the future, because that is where you are going whether you like it or not,.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Painted an hour.

13th Bilbo Baggins afternoon for Lani, Malou, and Karen,

Unexpect3ed goodies from Lani and Malou.

A lantern for Malou, a blue-and-white for Lani, and a Halloween mug with a ghost and pumpkin pattern for Karen.

Good morning, Cubao!

The day is a lotus flower in full bloom.

Good night, Cubao!

Never Click on links sent to you by anyone.

One Message For One Of 3,,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with with four syllables in your name: Do not rely on old techniques that no longer work for you. Ten years ago you were able to charge people money for your services. Note that it has become hard for you to do so and that it will soon become impossible.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Organized my painting materials in the studio area, washed brushes, and mixed hues for the darkest darks.

Back to painting after a four-month respite of shopping, relaxing, and sleeping.

My objective is to finish the Glorious Mysteries (two more pieces) for the second floor of the MST library and the Joyful Mysteries (four more pieces) for the ground floor before half of the year is over.


Yesterday afternoon at Maryhill School of Theology, I moseyed over to the edge of the garden outside the refectory and smoked while waiting for the men to finish up measuring the walls in the library for the installation of the Saint Peter, the Saint Paul, and the Saint Sebastian paintings. There were no classes then, and so the campus was empty. I just sat there listening to the trees, reminiscing the days I spent there as a Religious Studies student, It was an extremely private and personal moment--the men upstairs and my family had no idea where I was exactly, what I was doing, and what I was thinking of.   

We all have moments like this, which is why we never completely know anyone, and no one completely knows us.

We do die with our secrets.

Good  morning, Cubao!

Do not lend or give money to anyone. You will be needing the money yourself in a week or so.

The King arrived in Tokyo. I wish him the best.

Happy Birthday. Adrian Laguador!

Your birthday messages:

1) Are female friends more true to you than male friends?
2) Abolish superstition from your life.
3) Fear poverty, but do not fear ageing.
4) Coffee and pastries with a loved one are an adequate celebration.
5) Be idealistic, but let normalcy rule.
Good night, Cubao!

They who do not deliver the first time around will not deliver at all.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friens, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Do your very best, and that is good enough.

Tuesday, January 24, 2024

Installation of three paintings (the Saint Peter, the Saint Paul, and the Saint Sebastian) at Maryhil School of Theology

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Wearing Gardenia by Elizabeth Taylor.

Good morning, Cubao!

Know the ancient folk tale that intertwines with your current lifetime. 

Good night, Cubao!

Ensure that you never say or do things you will only eventually regret.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Week

You with nine syllables in your name: There is something you need to accomplish before the week comes to an end. Do it well.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Know what your body needs, not what your body wants.

Good night Cubao!

Keep a thermos of drinking water by your bedside.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Always be  attuned to the weather. Clothe yourself appropriately,. Avoid getting cold and getting wet.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Back from Maryhill School of Theology with the new art installers.

Will be installing three paintings (the Saint Peter, the Saint Paul, and the Saint Sebastian) on Wednesday.

Good morning, Cubao!

The sky fairies wear  strings of blue pearls.

Good night, Cubao!

What are you looking forward to at the end of this month?

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Do not indulge in impulsive shopping, no matter how strong the temptation. You will be needing saved money in February, March, and April.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Your wardrobe is dictated by the place you live in.

A former co-worker who resides in Singapore is now always dressed in dowdy house dresses even when she goes out to eat in restaurants, because she lives not in a real house but in cramped quarters.

Good morning, Cubao!

Rest, and adequately. Do not wait to fall from exhaustion.

Friday, January 19, 2024

 Good morning, Cubao!

Money isn't everything, but why do people without money go out of their way to try to convince everyone of it?

Watching the live One Friday Fight 48 in Lumpinee Stadium on One Championship Philippines,

Good  night Cubao!

Were the pre-Adamites Neanderthals?

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Remember this, that we all have to work hard to get what we want, because life will not serve it to us on a silver platter.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Upgraded the toy vehicles of our kuman thong:

Ghostbusters Ekto 1 for Mongkut, diecut Mystery Machines for Channarong, and diecut Batmobiles for Tanet, Niran, Ukrit, Kittibun, and Daw.

Good morning, Cubao!

Always be cognizant of the pattern of the days.

Good night, Cubao!

Were there dinosaurs East of Eden?

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with four syllables in your name: It is ridiculous to paint all the time or to write all the time, for there are other aspects of life worth enjoying and spending time on. Have a painting season, and have a writing season. The rest of the year, live.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

If you live in the highlands, the entrance to your house should have an offering to the god of the mountain: a perfectly white stone on a perfectly white plate.

Good morning, Cubao!

The day is a delightful parcel about to be delivered.

War for the Planet of the Apes

Watched the U.S.A.'s 2017 War for the Planet of the Apes (2:19:44), by far the most serious episode in the _Planet of the Apes_ series, It showcases the finest performance of Andy Serkis, who, despite the prosthetics, projects an entire range of sensitive facial expressions and emotions. In this movie Serkis departs from his previous caricatures of unusual characters--he underplays the role, yet his screen presence becomes the strongest of all. 

The scenes are as slick as the winter episodes in David Lean's 1965 Dr. Zhivago and as classic as John Sturges's 1963 The Great Escape. Indeed, it is the story of war between men as much as it is between men and apes. The dialogue is sparse; much of the story is told non-verbally, all this leading to a spectacular ending. There is also the marked absence of the usual camp found in the older _Planet of the Apes_ movies, including their Flintstones architecture and laboratory settings.

On the downside, this is a film about subversion and the dark side of human nature minus love and sex, making it non-commercial and also making it highly unlikely that the geniuses behind the production will be called upon for more than one or two sequels. And Bad Ape was perplexingly too much like Dobby the House Elf from the Harry Potter series.

Good night, Cubao!

Ensure that the month does not end with work unfinished and loose ends untied.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

 You with four syllables syllables in your name: Wait for a breakthrough. If it doesn't come when you expect it to, do not resor6t to producing tired, old works.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Take note of GEATAO. He is the elemental king who resides inside the statue.

Good morning, Cubao!

The sun knows all your deepest secrets.

Good night, Cubao!

Complete freedom is of the body, the mind, and the spirit.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Fight for your country, your family, and your loved ones. Most especially of all, fight for yourself.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

As long as there are religions there will always be subversion, for the story of every religion is essentially a story of subversion.
Good night, Cubao!

One cannot help but laugh at the self-righteous, the judgmental, and the upright who cannot even pay their own bills. 

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Set aside your money for necessities rather than for luxuries.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Oversleeping is a luxury that only the gainfully retired can afford.

Now watching the second half of One Fight Night 18 on One Championship Philippines.

Good night, Cubao!

Babies sleep well where they feel safest.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Focus on your business, make wise decisions, and enrich yourself.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Back from lunch with family at The Great Buddha in Lucky Chinatown. The food and the service were excellent, though the servings were smaller than the usual  Also, no MSG, as far as I could tell!

Going offline in a while for a family lunch in Chinatown.

Good morning, Cubao!

There will always be an exciting, mid-month flurry.

Good night, Cubao!

Never challenge fate by going to where trouble is.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Do not travel to the mountainside alone, especially without government protection.

Friday, January 12, 2024

David is doing a major cleaning of our dining room.

M. re-installed one of the life-size skeletons outside my bedroom door,

Angelique and Jazz are  doing groceries and having lunch out

The cafe baby visited and had a mango snack.

Had an Aice nanas (pineapple) for dessert. Beginning to love Aice ices. They are really very fine and delicate sorbets,

Good morning, Cubao!

Draw a graph illustrating your journey of ups and downs over the 12 months of the previous year. Was your life on an upward trend?

Good night, Cubao!

True intelligence is knowing who really loves you and who does not.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Do not push your luck too far. Know what turns other people off, and seek improvement accordingly.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Look in the mirror and say, "My father." Look in the mirror and say, "My son." Look in the mirror and say, "My self," for you are all three in one: your past, your present, and your future.

Good night, Cubao!

My nephew's demolition crew lights a bonfire in the middle of the compound at night to keep wam and cook food. The sight reminds me of the gypsy camp in Herge's TinTin and the Castafiore Emerald.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with four syllables in your name: All upgrades are expensive. That is why they are upgrades.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

CCTV is now being installed on the entire compound.

Will eventually have separate CCTV for our house alone.

Waiting for two parcels to arrive.

M.'s birthday.  Back from jalan-jalan at the center. Took M. and the cafe crew to lunch out at Max's Main Avenue, where I love the Siberian air-conditioning. Brought home take-out pizzas from Yellow Cab Pizza Main Avenue.

Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are porcelain coffee and tea services.

Good night, Cubao!

He will sleep like a baby in the arms of his father.

One Message For One Of 3,400 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Unbeknownst to you, fantasy and reality were on parallel plans today. Choose your moves maturely. Do not wear your heart on your sleeve..

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

My mother's death anniversary (1991).

Lighting candles at our family altar and columbary.

Good morning, Cubao!

The best way to foil your enemy is to know what cuts him to the quick.

Good night, Cubao!

Always aim to have strong powers of observation.

One Message For One Of 3,400 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Worry not, and relax as long as you are in the right. Your spirit guides will fight for you and defend you.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Even in the daytime, the air can be filled with orbs.

Your Messenger message:

"Good evening, Mr. Perez! I am ___________, a first year _________________ student from _________________ (____) and a group representative of an ongoing historical research and documentary about the Manila Film Center incident as a final output for our ____________________________________ course.

"I am reaching out to ask if you are interested in entertaining an interview as a key informant of our research. Research title: '_________________: ___________________________________ the Manila Film Center's ____________________' "The purpose of the interview is to collect information about your experiences and perspectives regarding the Manila Film Center as a part of the Spirit Questors. My group saw articles and videos that feature or mention the time that you have done a seance inside the Film Center a few years ago, and we would like to further discuss the details through this interview. Your insights will contribute to a broader understanding of the events and help uncover any urban legends associated with the incident. "We are willing to adjust accordingly to cater how you prefer to do the interview, whether through video call or in-person. "Should you request it, I will be providing further details, such as the informed consent letter signed by the researchers of the study along with our course our professor, which contains the process of the interview, as well as the interview questionnaire that we will be using. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you and and we hope to hear from you soon."

My reply:

Hello _________!

Thank you for thinking of me, but I retired in 2015 and am now a full-time writer and painter. I have completely lost interest in your topic, and am at that stage in my life in which I do only what I like and only what gives me the greatest pleasure, 

May I also suggest that you select a topic of true historical value.

Happy Birthday, Randy Torrecampo!

Your birthday messages:

1) Value financial stability.
2) Do not shoot your arrows too high.
3) Analyze a missed relationship.
4) Where you are is not always where you should be.
5) Love for self conquers all.
Belated Happy birthday, Criselda Mari!

Your birthday messages:

1) Avoid coveting things that you know you will only eventually get tired of.
2) What worked for you very well the previous year?
3) Buy yourself flowers.
4) Make a careful assessment of who your real friends are.
5) Do not sleep to music It will only keep you awake.

One Message For One Of 3,400 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Review the previous year and take especial note of its ups and downs.

Good night, Cubao!

Let the world stay up and revel. As for yourself, stay the night in bed and sleep.

Wi-fi back on. Didn't realize until today how easy it is to have wiring streamlined and cleaned up. I wonder why the LGUs can't do that for the city streets. Indeed, I have yet to experience having a President, a Governor, or a Mayor who has street wiring streamlined and cleaned up. It's not as if it can't be done--I think, it's that they can't be bothered to spend any more money than they want to.

M., Rose, and Princess back from jalan-jalan at the center. They bought a white, plastic bin for some of my overcoats and a new cover for my younger son Chito's motorbike, among other things.

Bought Aubrey a crunchy chocolate and a milk melon Aice.

Our Pakistani neighbor is delivering all sorts of exotic, wooden furniture to my doorstep. What I don't like, he will place in storage.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

 Might lose wi-fi for a few. The wiring on the compound is being changed to main-trunk, condo-building-style wiring.

Happy Birthday to my youngest sister, Sylvia!
Good morning, Cubao!

The gods' and the goddesses'  love is conditional because so is yours. "If you do this for me, I will do this for you" never works with deities.

Two-hour, deep tissue massage. That was the best masseur so far! 

Good night, Cubao!

Know this, that elementals can grant wishes and make miracles happen.

I don't know why, but, whenever I hear the Nazareno theme, I always think of the entrance of King Xerxes in 300.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Religion and superstition are a deadly combination.

Good night, Cubao!

A scented, bottled candle by your bedside helps you sleep well and prevents the unwarranted arrival of astral visitors.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Transited fully to gold joss sticks on our four, ground-floor altars.

All throughout October - December 2023 I consumed six packs red joss sticks and one pack green joss sticks covering Angelique's review and exam period, and afterward in thanksgiving for her passing her board exams.

All of our joss sticks will be gold from now on.

Still hooked on Indonesian Aice treats at M.'s cafe. My favorites are jeruk (orange), nanas (pineapple), and semangka (watermelon).

Jazz arrived.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Always begin the first month of the year on a positive note.

Good night, Cubao!

Post ugly photos of yourself not to elicit sympathy--because it really won't happen-- but for viewers to thank God profusely that they are not you.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Back home from jalan-jalan at the center with M., Rose, David, and Princess. 

Bought a lot of housekeeping stuff.

Good morning, Cubao!

No single person can save a sinking ship, Just grab a life vest and get onto the nearest life boat.

Good night, Cubao!

Illness is a strange thing. It shows the world how we really look like without cosmetics and without poise.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Back from jalan-jalan at the center; Toto drove for me. Withdrew money at the bank, changed dollars to pesos, and sent some money to my younger son Chito.

Good morning, Cubao!

Generously allow your friends to laugh at you all they can and while they can. It is always the kind of situation in which you end up having the last laugh, when you see them writhing in hunger, in illness, and in poverty

The cafe baby is back from hospital and behaving as though nothing happened.

David arrived from Masbate and is now helping out at the cafe.

Good night, Cubao!

Having written much and some, I still feel that I haven't written enough to make me fully understood by those who love me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Your Messenger message:

"Hi Sir Tony, first off, Happy New Year to you and your family!

✨💕 "At the same time, asking about the bulalakaw stones u gave us before: where did it come from and what would be its purpose/uses? I always keep it in my pocket/bag, or sometimes place it under my pillow."

My reply:


A bulalakaw is usually a lozenge-shaped (as opposed to spherical) piece of tektite, usually formed when a meteoric fragment dashed through sea water,

Tektite connects you to extraterrestrials, It has other properties, which you can search in any book on crystals or even on Google.

Good morning, Cubao!

Tony Perez's Art of War: Learn how to make malicious criticism and gossip roll from you like water off a duck's back.

Good night, Cubao!

Forgetfulness is the usual factor behind every family tragedy.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Took a late lunch at M.'s cafe. I don't want to have to wash dishes today. Had a pineapple Aice and a sweet corn Aice, which Aubrey said I should try. Nice. I do prefer the citrus ices, though.

Today I just want to sit on the side porch and do nothing.

Slept 12 hours last night, and that lingering cold has gone.

Home alone; Angelique at work and Aubrey off to brunch with former schoolmates.

Good morning, Cubao!

Self-denial is a defense mechanism.

Good night, Cubao!

Get rid of spells that others cast on you before casting your own spells, or your own spells will go askew.

One Message For One Of 3,400 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Fear not the deceased, for they have other concerns on their continued journeys.

Finding it hard to go back to my domestic routine; my heart and my mind are still at the hotel. Angelique wants us to try Ibis Styles Hotel in Gateway 2 next year, but I wonder if they'll have a countdown dinner.

As long as the high-end Araneta Center hotels don't deteriorate, we'll keep going to them. They do remind me of the hotels I stayed in, in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

Now that Angelique has a juris doctor degree, she turns up her nose at ballpoint pens and other inexpensive writing instruments. (She didn't want the Novotel pen that we won at the raffle, but, then again, neither did Aubrey.)

Last week I gave Angelique a pearl-white fountain pen for her oath-taking, one of her associates gave her a Parker fountain pen, and she herself ordered another pearl-white, Japanese fountain pen online. I have yet to introduce her to the variety of inks (brilliants, psles, watered-downs, and different colors). I do know as of now that she detests blue ink.

In the meantime Grandpa has a glut of ballpoint pens.