Your Messenger message:
"Hello sir, thank you for posting your dream interpretation last time. I appreciate the point of view about the 'old woman' and pondered on it.
"Last week, I had another weird dream that I still remember up to today, and was wondering that maybe you will have another insight on it.
"In my dream, I was living a totally different life (single, inside a condo, no companion). I was visited by a friend who came from the province.
"In the dream, she keeps on inviting me to go out with her group and she wanted me to eat and drink something that she brought, but for some reason I wasn't consuming them.
"Later, there was already her group of friends outside of my condo wanting to go inside. So I told my friend that I don't want to go with them. I ran outside of the door, onto the hallways, onto the car, and kept on driving.
"It turned out that she and her friends were 'aswangs' and wanted to eat me and my brain for some reason.
"When they caught me, they kept on saying that my death will not be painful because my brain will produce hormones and chemicals that will only make my brain felt like in ecstasy while they are eating my brain and body.
"Then I woke up.
"Thank you very much "
My reply:
Hello ____________!
Your dream life and your waking life are coexistent. There is a side of you that abhors other people--you simply have been tolerating them in order to function properly at the workplace and in other social situations. It is possible that you subconsciously view others as "asuwangs": users, abusers, manipulators, et cetera.
Could it not be that others, especially those who are/were important to you, let you down too often or made important promises that they never delivered?
My advice is for you to never rely on the kindness of others. Be self-sufficient. Be independent. Both your dream life and your waking life will then merge into one.
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