Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Watched "The End", the last episode of Grimm, concluding six seasons. After the Zerstorer kills Hank and Sergeant Wu at the police station, Nick tries to revive them with the healing stick, but it does not work. He goes to the spice shop, where Rosalee is about mix a potion that will vanquish the Zerstorer.  The Zerstorer follows Nick to the house of Monroe and Rosalee, where Eve tried to attack the Zerstorer with a dagger; instead, the Zerstorer turns the dagger on Eve and kills her. Again, Nick tries the healing stick, to no avail.

Trubel, Monroe, and Rosalee arrive at the cabin, where Adalind and Captain Renard are guarding Diana and Kelly. Captain Renard runs a dagger through the hands of Nick, Adalind, and Monroe over a cauldron so that their blood will mix into Rosalee's potion. Diana wakes up and tells them that the Zerstorer is coming. It knows where Nick is because Nick has the healing stick with him.

The Zerstorer does arrive and takes Diana. Captain Renard tries to fight the Zerstorer, but the Zerstorer lances him with his staff. Monroe tosses the potion into the Zerstorer's face, which only temporarily bogs the Zerstorer down. In the ensuing tussles, the Zerstorer kills Adalind, Monroe, and Rosalee.

Knowing that the Zerstorer wants the stick, Nick is about to give it to him, but Trubel tries to prevent him from doing so. Nick's mother and Aunt Mrie materialize and remind Nick of "the strength of blood". They tell him that the Zerstorer cannot take the stick away from Nick; it must be given to the Zerstorer voluntarily. They warn him that, if Nick were to do that, the entire world would be a world of suffering due to the power of the Zerstorer.

Nick, Nick's mother, Aunt Marie, and Trubel take down the Zerstorer. Nick's mother cuts off the Zerstorer's hand. The staff goes to Nick, and the healing stick bonds with it. The Zerstorer's cadaver turns into a storm cloud. Nick is sucked into it--and crashes into the mirror in Monroe's and Rosalee's house, where everyone is alive and anxiously waiting. (This, then, is the true return of Nick and Eve through the portal.)

We are shown a scene 20 years later in which Kelly, now 21 years old, is writing a Grimm report in a book inside a new trailer. Diana comes and asks him to hurry up and join her, because they and Rosalee's triplets are about to go on a Wesen hunt.
I love painting when my canvases are seen up close with slapdash, spontaneous strokes and brushwork applied as though with wild abandon, then, as one gradually moves four feet away, everything visually assembles, falls in the right place, and comes into sharp focus.

That, to me, is the art of painting that no technology can ever truly simulate.
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Watched "Zerstorer Shrugged", the penultimate episode of Grimm.  Diana opens the portal so that Nick and Eve can come back through. Unfortunately that is exactly what the Zerstorer wants so that he can also come through, and he does so at a gas station where he kills two men. Nick, Adalind, and Captain Renard take Diana and Kelly to the cabin in the woods, where the children are ensconced in the basement bedroom. Diana has a vision and tells Captain Renard and Adalind that the Zerstorer wants to take not only her but baby Kelly as well.

Trubel arrives from the Hadrian's Wall headquarters and reports that Black Claw is done and that the Wesen war is over. Monroe, Rosalee, Eve, and Trubel do further research in the spice shop basement and determine that the staff that the Zerstorer carries has a missing piece, and that that piece is the healing stick in Nick's possession.

The Zerstorer goes to the police station, where Nick, Hank, and Sergeant Wu are. He massacres the personnel and kills Hank and Sergeant Wu.
A wet first of July in Cubao.

Half the year is over. Wondering how many more paintings I'll manage to produce before December 31.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is raining white sapphires.
Two more episodes of Grimm plus bonus features, but I'll save those for tomorrow.
Night drizzle. Am glad I took advantage of the whole day's sunshine to varnish my painting.

Ordered an egg mayo submarine sandwich at M.'s cafe but took it in the kitchen because an office meeting was ongoing in the cafe and the waiters were a-flurry. The neighborhood elfin mound alive on a Sunday night.
Watched "Where the Wild Things Were" from Grimm.

After going through the portal Eve wakes up inside a forest. Back in Monroe's and Rosalee's house Adalind suggests that, since she is a Hexenbiest, she should follow Eve, but everyone protests because she has two children whom she must care for. Nick opens the portal with the healing stick and goes through, but the healing stick gets left behind because, according to Diana, it doesn't belong there.

Nick and Eve travel through the forest on the other side and eventually find fellow humans who speak only German. They are, apparently in the Black Forest--or on its "other side". The humans tell Nick where they can find the Zerstorer--in the stone circle near the portal. The Zerstorer comes. Nick shoots it but it doesn't die.

Adalind, Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, and Sergeant Wu decide to seek the help of Captain Renard because of his friend in Germany who is able to understand Diana's drawing. They go on Skype again. It seems that the Zerstorer is not after Eve or Nick at all but after Diana, whom he desires to claim as his shaphat, or child bride.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

On my last disc of Grimm!

Watched "Deleted Scenes" from two previous episodes of Grimm.

They cut a scene from "Blood Magic" in which Sergeant Wu explains to Nick and Hank that the caregiver was arrested that morning BUT MADE BAIL. The omission of that bit of information threw the continuity off in the final version.
Angelique and J. arrived from their movie.

Dipped out briefly to buy a bottle of wine at the neighborhood grocery.

Vernissage: _Divine Grace/The Immaculate Conception_

Watched "Blood Magic" from Grimm. A woman suffering from dementia is put to sleep by a Wesen in her nursing home. The autopsy reveals that her death was due to a severe dose of bug saliva. Monroe and Rosalee later disclose to Nick and Hank that, among Wesen, there is a "godfather of death" whom they can call on whenever they have a Wesen relative who is terminally ill, in  suffering, and in need of a peaceful end. They discover that it is Dr. Landau of the nursing home who is the community's "godfather of death". He receives a call from a Mrs. Staunton,  a client of the spice shop, and Nick, Hank, Monroe, Rosalee, and Dr,. Landau go to the address. Mrs. Staunton's husband has been suffering from severe dementia, leaving the house, and, as Sergeant Wu identifies him, committing a series of murders. Nick and Hank leave Dr. Landau to do what he must.

Monroe and Rosalee have been covering all the mirrors in the house to protect Eve while she is staying with them. Eve borrows Adalind's mother's books and discovers a way to open the mirror portal so that she can go inside and fight the Zerstorer within.

A continuity glitch. While Nick and Hank are or their way to the nursing home we are informed that the caregiver of the old woman who died was arrested an hour ago. A sequence later Nick and Hank obtain the address of the caregiver so that they can ask him about the alleged murder. They go there and chase him.

Love the bold binding of Adelind's mother's books.
One-hour, afternoon nap.
Angelique and J. went out to watch a movie while I was asleep.
The June leaf falls off my planner.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Jalan-jalan at the center with my younger son Chito.
When taking your children or grandchildren out for a treat, do not make side trips to fulfill your personal errands. The day should be all about them, with nothing about you.
I observe from others that the results of plastic surgery do not age naturally with the rest of one's body.
If your day doesn't seem to begin right, do something out of your usual to reset it and make it right.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are silver, joss stick burners.
Night classes

4:30 AM

Listen to this before drifting off to sleep, but listen to it no longer than the allotted time, otherwise the sound might drag you off:

Watched "Tree People" from Grimm. A Wesen tree wraps its roots round forest invaders who show disrespect for the environment. The tree then drags their bodies to a monster tree that sucks them in and feeds on their blood. Nick, Hank, Sergeant Wu, Monroe, and Rosalee locate the monster tree and dump a solution that Rosalee prepared round it to attract the Wesen tree. The Wesen tree attacks them, but Nick strikes it with a Grimm axe from the spice shop basement, and it dies. The monster tree then drags the Wesen tree into itself. The team believes that the Wesen tree is dead, but Monroe thinks of the possibility that the monster tree merely protected the Wesen tree from the team, and that it is still live.

Captain Renard receives a video call from a specialist in Germany who has been studying Diana's drawing, which Captain Renard sent her. She asks him to find out more about the drawing, and what kind of tunnel it came from.

Eve continues researching on the mirrors that functioned as portals through which a Zerstorer materialized and tried to pull her in to the other side.
Worked on pencil and pen studies for my next painting.

Had a Very Veggie sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and mayo at M.'s cafe.

All of M.'s sandwiches are six-inch submarine sandwiches.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.
Two more discs from Grimm remain in my collection. I'm sure going to miss the series after viewing those.

Will probably screen the complete Ghost Whisperer next, in time for doing my next huge painting at that.
Watched "Deleted Scenes" from the three previous episodes of Grimm.

Love Captain Renard's new house, even the abstract paintings on his walls.

If Meisner can come back from the dead, why not others?
"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind,
And therefore a winged Cupid painted blind."

Angelique and J. arrived from Angelique's meet-up with her law school friends.

A nice cup of tea in the writing area. I think I'll light the lamps this evening.

Watched "Blind Love" from Grimm. Rosalee arranges a weekend in a hotel in celebration of Monroe's birthday with Nick, Eve, Adalind, Hank, and Sergeant Wu. A Wesen waiter recognizes Nick and plots revenge for Nick's throwing his father in prison for murder years ago. He collects hair samples from the characters' rooms and concocts a diabolic potion that he mixes with the dinner champagne. As a result Monroe falls in love with Eve, Nick falls in love with Rosalee, Eve falls in love with Nick, Adalind falls in love with Monroe, Sergeant Wu falls in love with a waitress whose hair strand fell into his champagne glass, and Hank falls terribly in love with himself. Rosalee takes no champagne because she is pregnant, and so she is the one who eventually confronts the waiter. The waiter takes the waitress as a hostage but falls off a cliff and dies, breaking the spell instantly. More comedic than threatening. A Midsummer Night's Nightmare.

Lieutenant Grossante, in revenge for not being groomed as the police captain as promised him, kidnaps Diana from Captain Renard's house, and then regrets it when Diana hurls him round like a mouse caught by a cat. In the end he calls Captain Renard and begs to be rescued from Diana.

Love the hotel respite. Reminded me of my favorite Hercule Poirot settings. Wish they'd shown the hotel group hanging out with more activities rather than just eating and drinking, but then again that would have made the episode less tight.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Back from jalan-jalan south of the neighborhood.
Rainy morning in Cubao.

Lunch at home with Angelique.
Rain does not have to fall directly over a dam. It saturates the surrounding mountains and then flows into the dam.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a memory of a bright summer long gone.
A late night cornsilog and a canned Pepsi at M.'s cafe.
Watched "Breakfast in Bed" from Grimm. An Alpe--a Wesen that feeds on other people's sleep, renders its victims temporarily paralyzed and incapable of sleeping until they go crazy--is in residence at Englewood, a welfare hotel. Nick and Hank ask Monroe to sleep overnight in one of the rooms and set up a camera that Nick and Hank monitor in their car. They discover that the Alpe enters its victims' rooms via holes behind chests of drawers that lead into a complex labyrinth. They follow the passage and enter the room of the proprietress of the hotel.She woges, tries to attack Nick, trips, hits her head, and dies.

Bonaparte's replacement visits Captain Renard at the police station to instruct him to pick up from where he left off. Captain Renard tells him that he is done with Black Claw and will receive no more instructions from them. Later, Meisner appears to Captain Renard and warns him that two men watching his car in the parking basement are out to kill him. Captain Renard kills the two men.

In the spice shop basement Eve and Rosalee figure out that the drawings on the ancient cloth are a merging of the Sumerian and the Mayan calendars. They use a computer program that maps the movements of the planets in the solar system and come up with a date, March 24, not as something that happened in the past but that has yet to happen in the future.

Those holes in the walls behind the chests of drawers are too crude for my comfort.
Watched "The Seven Year Itch" from Grimm. William Stillman, whom Stillman Park was named after, is an immortal Wesen who emerges from the park ground after every seven years and has one day to live above ground before he must go under again. While roaming the city he kills two men, one of whom he eats, and a woman whom he picks up from a bar to take with him into the ground until seven more years elapse and he must reemerge. Nick, Hank, and Sergeant Wu are able to intercept the Wesen while he is digging a hole in the ground to bury himself and the woman in. A fight ensues, but the detectives and the sergeant are astonished when the woman woges and bites off the head of Stillman.

Captain Renard consults an associate who owns a pawn shop and an Aspirateur Desprit, or spirit vacuum, to get rid of Meisner's spirit, which is always haunting him. He pawns his signet ring (yes, the ring I love) and his wedding wring in exchange for the service. While Captain Renard is inside the machine, though, the machine explodes and Meisner continues to appear in front of him.

Juliette has been drawing the symbols on the ancient cloth on the wall of the tunnel. Diana, and then Nick and Adalind, see the symbols on the walls and ceiling of the tunnel.
A fake identity is clear evidence of dishonesty and fraudulence.
Holiness is in the eye of the beholder.
A senior citizen need not adjust to others' whims.
Love in the sunshine, and love in the rain.
There will always be treasure hidden among trash.
We are all conditioned to produce our best paintings and our best literary works in the daytime rather than at night.
If there are old wives' tales, there  are old husbands' tales, for anything with gender has its exact opposite.
Only love can make a delicate orchid grow.
Full acceptance is the hallmark of true friendship.
You will know the prince, because he wears the king's ring.
Shut the doors and windows, for all unwanted creatures seek shelter from the rain.
Never go out of your way to do favors for an ingrate.
The worst dream of all is the dream of fame, and the best dream, possibly, the dream of honest fortune.
I love our country, you love our country. But so do all of our enemies, and often, everything that everyone does cancels out one another, and that is how active love for country comes to naught.
There is one thing I love about living in Quezon City, and that is the wide variety of food delivery choices available.
He who casts the first stone should first find out whether the person he is stoning has an anti-stoning talisman. He otherwise stones himself.
Do not judge books by their covers, but know that good covers are well thought-out, tastefully designed, expensive, and a result of work done by experts. They also look great on your shelf and on your study table.
When in the act of eating or drinking something, do not look at or think of anything negative, otherwise you will be ingesting and imbibing it as well.
Truth never creeps. It pounces.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Still intending to go jalan-jalan but waiting for the rain to stop completely.

Of course the rain is spoiling everyone else's TGIF. I'd known that over the 36 years I worked in an office, when it would pour just as we were leaving the house for work and then just as we were leaving the workplace for home. It poured especially on Fridays, like today, when it came in waves, as though the clouds had been given a potent diuretic.

Devils' rain descends on devils' traffic.
Lunch at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and R.
It is the obsessive-compulsive person who gets things done the right way.
Two more days before this month is over, and at least I have one painting to show the cosmos for May and another for June. Hoping to do another big painting and finish it in July.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are bowls of glass marbles.
Watched "Deleted Scenes" from two previous episodes from Grimm.

Interesting swing scene in the playground with Diana.

Another hot scene between Nick and Adalind deleted.

Also watched "Directing Grimm: Behind the Scenes with David Giuntoli".

David Giuntoli directed the third episode of this season, for which the script was rewritten to exclude him from most scenes. Interviews with production staff, cast, and crew members. Showed camera setups and some props being constructed.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Brought some food to M.'s cafe staff and to the compound security guard.

So relaxing to be doing nothing during this brief hiatus in my painting. I'll sit at my writing desk later with a cup of tea, and then take a finger measure of light brandy before I go to sleep.
Finished watching "El Cuegle" from Grimm. A three-eyed, three-armed Wesen called El Cuegle kidnaps babies and eats them. Nick and Hank trace him to his house, arrest him, and return the baby he recently kidnapped to its parents. At the police station the Wesen explains that one of his eyes sees the past, the second the present, and the third the future, and that he kidnaps and eats only babies whom he sees will grow up to be sociopaths and will commit multiple murders. Nick and Hank look up one such case 18 years ago in which the Wesen made the mistake of returning a baby and it grew up to massacre ten innocent people. The Wesen escapes and goes to the house where the baby he last kidnapped were returned by Nick and Hank. Nick and Hank follow him there. The Wesen falls down the stairs and dies. As Nick and Hank are about to leave, the baby's parents begin arguing violently as the Wesen predicted.

Meisner, who is not alive after all but actually a ghost, continues to haunt Captain Renard and even appears to him inside the police station.

Eve retrieves the healing stick from its hiding place in the tunnel, but it burns her hand. The burn mark becomes one of the symbols on the ancient cloth. She continues to explore the interior of the tunnel.

Rosalee tells Hank that she wants them to move out of Portland in order to raise a family in peace and quiet.

Captain Renard's crystal ball no longer has a stand on top of his desk.

Quite disturbing that, for the illustration of El Cuegle in the Grimm books, they used a drawing of the classic painting of Kronos eating his children.
Walked to the Sitio Catacutan Market to buy a variety of stuff.

Absolutely delicious, two-hour, afternoon nap.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Watched "Oh Captain, My Captain" from Grimm. Hank and Sergeant Wu file their resignations. Jeremiah, a media relations officer and co-worker of Rachel who was in love with Rachel, visits Captain Renard and says that he saw Captain Renard leave Rachel's apartment on  the night of her death. He blackmails Captain Renard for silence money. Captain Renard pledges to groom one of his men, Grossante, to be the next police captain but first Grossante must prove his loyalty to him. He instructs Grossante to liquidate Jeremiah and clean up the mess, which he does.

With Eve's and Rosalee's help, Nick transforms into Captain Renard's doppelganger, goes on TV, and announces his abdication of the mayoralty, and that his pursuit of Nick was merely a ploy to disguise an undercover investigation. Back at the police station, Grossante confronts Nick as Captain Renard and swears that Captain Renard will pay for his betrayal.

The two Renards face off on the loft of the paint factory, and come to agree that Renard backed off from the mayoralty to investigate the death of Bonaparte, and also that Nick, Hank, and Sergeant Wu are to be reinstated at the police station. Nick has difficulty shaking off the doppelganger spell, but Diana helps him do so. Diana witnesses how Nick and Adalind love each other.

Captain Renard goes home to an empty house because Adalind, Diana, and Kelly have moved out. He has a surprise guest waiting for him. It is Meisner, who is still alive.

Hank does not know how to lay a sleeping Diana from his arms onto the bed. He does not support Diana's neck while Diana is being laid down on the bed, so that she has to stiffen her neck to avoid her head from flopping, indicating that she is not asleep at all.
Sometimes the sun oversleeps, that is why the sky is tented with sheets of white clouds. Light comes through like golden lances only when the sun wakes up and stretches his long limbs.
Covering the painting with cloth and waiting for it to dry before vernissage.

Wearing jewelry again, especially my rings!
Good morning, Cubao!

The tiny cloud above you is a list of promises you made yourself.
A wayward child will always be in his parents' heaven.
Had a shredded beef sandwich from M.'s cafe again. Took it in the kitchen with root beer.

Now back in my bedroom. There is a fine drizzle outside. I can hear the tinny songs from the compound security guard's radio. I like the sound. It makes me feel protected, and I sleep well.
"Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides."

Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.

Brought a plate of food to the compound security guard.

Watched "Trust Me Knot" from Grimm. Nick, Juliette as Eve, Trubel, Monroe, Rosalee, and Bud hide in the back of the refrigerator repair shop as Captain Renard's policemen prepare to move in. Hank and Sergeant Wu then arrive to arrest Captain Renard on the charge of murdering his public relations manager Rachel, since his fingerprints were all over the room where she died. The policemen move in anyway. They frisk Nick and find the healing stick from his pocket--and the stick renders all the policemen unconscious.

In jail, Captain Renard asks Adalind to be his alibi, but she refuses. Nick asks Hank and Sergeant Wu to take Captain Renard to the paint factory, where Adalind conducts a Trust Me Knot Ritual between Nick and Captain Renard with a rope and her blood: Adalind will testify in favor of Captain Renard to set him free, while Captain Renard will, in exchange, drop all of the charges he made against Nick. The grand jury meets sooner than expected, though. The judge and the defense attorney are both Black Claw Wesen, and they clear Captain Renard of the murder charge. Captain Renard then instructs Hank and Sergeant Wu to file their resignations the following morning.

In the spice shop, Rosalee, Eve, Adalind, and Trubel try applying a liquid solution on the ancient cloth so that the hidden symbols will show up. Diana can see the symbols by using her powers, and she makes a drawing of them.

Trubel is called to Hadrian's Wall headquarters, which is no longer based in Portland.

Now free, Captain Renard wants Nick taken down.

For some reason, baby Kelly looks to me like a different performer in this episode.
Watched "Fugitive" from Grimm. After the massacre of the Black Claw Wesens and Bonaparte in the paint factory, Nick goes into the tunnel to retrieve Juliette as Eve, Trubel, Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, and Sergeant Wu. They dispose of the bodies by dropping them inside the tunnel.

Eve, Monroe, and Rosalee go the spice shop to dispose of the bodies of the two Black Claw members there as well. One of the cadavers suddenly grabs Eve's wrist in an attempt to drag her down and exchange her soul for his. His face has three, distinct symbols tattooed on them. Rosalee rescues Eve by chopping off the cadaver's hand.

Captain Renard must report to the Black Claw authorities that Bonaparte is dead and that Nick killed him, even if he and Adalind know that Diana's powers were responsible.

In the paint factory, Trubel shows Eve the ancient cloth the healing stick was wrapped in. Eve sees symbols of light on the cloth, and they are exactly like the tattoos on the cadaver's face.

Captain Renard sends out an APB and a shoot-to-kill order for Nick. Nick, Eve, Trubel, Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, and Sergeant Wu hide out in Bud's refrigerator shop. Very soon, however, the shop is surrounded with police, and Captain Renard orders them to take everyone down. Eve attempts to woge but is now unable to.

Love Captain Renard's signet ring, whicn looks like it is made of platinum.
"Maybe this world is another planet's hell."


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey. Now they are off to claim their passbooks and then swing by the salon.

Watched "Deleted Scenes" from three previous episodes of Grimm.

A scene in which Rosalee hands baby Kelly over to Adalind, and it is a stiff as a board, obviously a swaddled doll.

Been realizing that when a phone rings in any scene, it is as a convenient excuse for a character to leave that scene or a tiresome technique to end a scene.
Painting # 9 must dry and await vernissage. In the meantime I'm getting ready to do painting # 10. Still will not admit unscheduled and unannounced visitors.

_Divine Grace/The Immaculate Conception_

Divine Grace/The Immaculate Conception
6' x 4.5'
Oil on cradled canvas
June 18 - 26, 2018

This is painting # 9 for Maryhill School of Theology.

In a Wikipedia entry, "Mary (Arabic: Ù…Ű±ÙŠÙ…‎, romanizedMaryam), the mother of Jesus (Isa), holds a singularly exalted place in Islam as the only woman named in the Quran, which refers to her seventy times and explicitly identifies her as the greatest of all women, stating, with reference to the angelic salutation during the annunciation, 'O Mary, God has chosen you, and purified you; He has chosen you above all the women of creation.'...
"According to the Quran, divine grace surrounded Mary from birth, and, as a young woman, she received a message from God through the archangel Gabriel that God had chosen her, purified her, and had preferred her above all 'the women of the worlds.' This event, according to the same narrative, was followed by the annunciation of a child who was to be miraculously conceived by her through the intervention of the divine spirit while she was still virgin, whose name would be Jesus and who would be the 'anointed one,' the Promised Messiah. As such, orthodox Islamic belief 'has upheld the tenet of the virgin birth of Jesus'... 
This painting depicts Mary as a Mindanao maiden (the Luzon Mary is at the entrance to the library while the Visayas Mary is inside the main section of the library), and was designed to hang at the top of the staircase leading to the library's second floor.
The auditory stimulus used during the execution of this painting is on The auditory stimuli I use for paintings have nothing to do with the paintings' subject matter.

Worked half an hour on thirtieth glaze.
Every pleasant posting is a friendly smile.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is serenaded by golden roosters.
Patients who are unable to communicate, frequently deteriorate and die in hospital because no one knows what medication they'd been taking, what diet they were on, and what really makes them well.
Watched "Beginning of the End (Parts 1 and 2)" from Grimm. The North Police Station is now completely manned by Black Claw Wesen. Hank is framed for two murders and is brought to an undisclosed location, where Nick and his companions rescue him.

More Black Claw Wesen attack the Hadrian's Wall headquarters, and Meisner is killed.

Nick and Captain Renard have a showdown at their police station. Nick is arrested and thrown in jail. Bonaparte wants to see Nick and has him transferred to the North Police Station, where Juliette as Eve, Trubel, Hank, and Sergeant Wu rescue him. Bonaparte mortally wounds Eve and escapes, but Nick and his companions take her to the paint factory. Nick is able to heal her with the healing stick. It seems, though, that the healing is quite thorough, because she becomes Juliette again.

Diana murders Rachel by using her powers to suffocate her inside her blanket.

Bonaparte forces Adalind to give him the address of the paint factory. He and Black Claw Wesen go there and fight with Nick, Trubel, Hank, Sergeant Wu, Monroe, and Rosalee. Nick orders the team to go into the tunnel behind the paint factory. He stays and fights off the Black Claw Wesen. He is shot but, since the healing stick is in his jacket pocket, he revives. Bonaparte and Captain Renard arrive. Bonaparte is about to kill Nick but Captain Renard takes a sword and rams it through Bonaparte and kills him--an act caused by Diana piercing a male doll with a long needle.

Rosalee is pregnant.

An exciting, double episode, though I couldn't tell where Part 1 ended and Part 2 began, and, at the very end, there was a "To be continued" card.

Someone please tell me why, when characters are punched hard on the jaw, they immediately recover as though they didn't get hurt at all.
"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."

Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Calling it a day for painting. Will work on thirtieth and hopefully last glaze tomorrow.

Washing brushes now.
Took a two-hour, late afternoon nap.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Watched "Bad Night" from Grimm. Adalind leaves Nick, and she, Captain Renard, Diana, and Kelly are finally reunited in a house owned by Black Claw.

Hank spends another night with his physiotherapist, who betrays him, letting in Tony (Rosalee's old lover from Seattle), a Black Claw member. Tony downloads all information from Hank's cell phone. Hank catches Tony sneaking back into the physiotherapist, house. takes him down, and arrests him. Nick and Hank set up a trap for the physiotherapist, whom they then take to the Hadrian's Wall headquarters for interrogation by Juliette and Trubel.

Nick shows Trubel the healing stick in the tunnel behind his house.

Captain Renard wins the mayoralty election. 
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Then worked an hour on twenty-ninth glaze.
Painting #9 for Maryhill School of Theology is in progress. This is my seventh day working on this painting with a 28th glaze.

Divine Grace/The Immaculate Conception
Oil on cradled canvas
6' x 4.5'
June 18, 2019 -

Two cups very black barako.

Worked two hours on twenty-eighth glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The Sun meets the Ram in a coffee shop in the clouds.
My day ends with Grimm.

Watched "The Taming of the Wu". Sergeant Wu is discharged from hospital but transforms into a lycanthrope when a Wesen stalks him, woges, and attacks him. The Wesen dies. Nick and Hank take Sergeant Wu to the spice shop, where Rosalee gives him a potion that will bring back his memory. They all determine that the scratch he obtained from the lycanthrope has made him one too.

Black Claw elements pressure Adalind to take baby Kelly with her and join their ranks. Hank, who has been dating his Wesen physiotherapist, is also being targeted. Conrad Bonaparte, a high-ranking Black Claw official, mentions to Captain Renard that he wants Nick on their side too.

Alas, an episode without closure for anything.

Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.

Sneaked in half an hour and worked on twenty-seventh glaze.
Worked an hour on twenty-sixth glaze.

Calling it a day for painting.

Must wait for this glaze to dry.
Took a one-hour, afternoon nap.
Worked two hours on twenty-fifth glaze.

Aubrey is making a mango float refrigerator cake in the kitchen.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Went with Aubrey to the neighborhood grocery.
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Worked an hour on twenty-fourth glaze.
Worked an hour on twenty-third glaze.
Worked two hours on twenty-second glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun's beams are thousands of healing hands.
Night classes

4:30 AM

Characteristics of astral time and space

Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Calling it a day for painting.

Washed brushes.
Worked an hour on twenty-first glaze.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Watched "Good to the Bone" from Grimm. A Wesen preys on the mortally wounded, sucks out their bones, and goes to his Wesen parents' trailer home to feed them. Rosalee develops a spray scent of death that Monroe can wear to attract the Wesen. It works, but the Wesen picks up two scents--Monroe's, and Sergeant Wu's, who has slowly been transforming into a lycanthrope and falls unconscious after he knocks his head trying to chase a stray dog. Nick and Hank are able to prevent the Wesen from killing Sergeant Wu. The Wesen tries to run away but is run over by a truck.

Hank is finally dating his physiotherapist.

Captain Renard takes Adalind to an undisclosed place, where she is finally reunited with their daughter, Diana.
Worked half an hour on twentieth glaze.
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Worked an hour on nineteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on eighteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on seventeenth glaze.
If you dislike your job, are underpaid, and have poor supervisors and unpleasant co-workers, simply look for a better job, but do not ever regret your present situation. You will have learned from it many lessons about systems and structures, human nature, social psychology, and yourself that you will never find in books. 
Note that your less affluent neighbors will often seek to fleece you of your money for all the reasons in the book. They will end their spiels by saying, "Nandito lang po kami 'pag kailangan n'yo kami". I never fell for that, and taught my sisters and nephew not to. After all:

--They always need you more than you need them
--Test their words by calling upon them some time. You will find that they will be unavailable or unwilling to help you and will give you all sorts of excuses.

Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are viewing parapets between Earth and outer space.
Learn how to exclude everyone who excludes you.
Watched "Inugami" from Grimm. Four teenage boys spend a night together. One of them, Roger, shows them a gun that was owned by his grandfather. It accidentally goes off and kills another, a Japanese boy, Kuma. The three boys only get probation, which upsets Kuma's parents.

One night another of the boys, Brian, is abducted, brought to the riverside, and beheaded. Nick, Hank, and Sergeant Wu are assigned to the case. Kuma's parents tell Nick and Hank about the Inugami, either a ghost or a human being who becomes a protector and guide of a family because a member of that family saved his life. Kuma's parents conclude that their family's Inugami is their attorney.

Roger is abducted and is also brought to the riverside by the attorney, but Nick, Hank, Sergeant Wu, and Kuma's father manage to prevent Roger from being beheaded.The attorney is arrested.

Sergeant Wu is having more sleepless nights because of the lycanthrope's scratch.

Adelind applies for her old job and woges into a Hexenbiest, to the delight of her former employer.

Monroe and Rosalee explore the tunnel in the rear of the paint factory. It leads to more tunnels that run under the city.

Rachel brings the child Diana to Captain Renard. Father and daughter are reunited.

"Previously on _Grimm_" is voiced over by different characters.

Love the rainy scenes in many episodes. It must rain a lot in Portland as it does in Melbourne.

It has always been easy for me to be an old man because I was already thinking and feeling like one since I was 21.
Worked half an hour on sixteenth glaze.
Watched "The Believer" from Grimm. Dwight Eleazer, the Wesen head of a religious group, woges in front of his audiences to convince them that he is taking his followers' sins unto himself and becomes possessed by the Devil, whom he then casts out as he un-woges. A rival religious group headed by his former wife, Joan Park, plots to kidnap him and drive the Devil out of him permanently. Park bribes Mark, one of Eleazer's security men, to help them kidnap Eleazer. Her followers tie up Eleazer and do an exorcism ritual with iron brands. He dies, and Nick and Hank arrest the group for kidnapping and murder.

Juliette as Captain Renard calls Rachel to his apartment to ask her about the Black Claw organization.

Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee bring the cloth the healing stick was wrapped in to a specialist to decipher the words inscribed on it, "Mirakulum" (Miracle) and "Perikulosum" (Dangerous).

Didn't like the allusion to Judas when Mark hangs himself for betraying his master and spills the gold coins worth $12,000 that he was bribed with on the ground. Quite contrived.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and R.
Took a two-hour nap, then went jalan-jalan to pay our water bill at the center.

R. and I have a cold, but mine is due to the fumes of linseed oil and turpentine. 
Watched "Skin Deep" from Grimm. A Wesen photographer recruits young models and then sucks essence out of their bodies. When the victims leave, they rapidly age and die. The photographer produces a cream from the essence, which a doctor buys to treat aging women and make them look young again. Nick, Monroe, Rosalee, and Hank do research on this type of Wesen. Rosalee goes to the clinic under the pretext of wanting a consultation. Nick, Monroe, and Hank move in. The doctor kills the photographer in the tussle. The jars of cream smash, and the doctor puts as much as he can on his face. His face becomes monstrous and old.

Captain Renard runs for mayor.

Juliette as Eve mixes a potion and becomes the doppelganger of Captain Renard.

This episode seems to be a commentary on Michael Jackson's series of plastic surgeries.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Worked an hour on fifteenth glaze while Aubrey and J. took a late lunch in the living room.
Went with Angelique to the neighborhood grocery.
Worked an hour on fourteenth glaze.

Lunch at home with Angelique.
Worked an hour on thirteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on twelfth glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a colorful mobile above a newborn baby's crib.
"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes."

Watched "Deleted Scenes" from three previous episodes of Grimm.

A really carnal scene between Nick and Adelind before Nick leaves for the Black Forest was deleted. It was very sensual and very suggestive, though it would have provided a good counterpoint to Monroe's and Rosalee's demure kissing scene that followed.

I'm glad they deleted the scene in "Into the Schwarzwald" in which the Catholic priest picks up the map of five keys that Nick and Monroe dropped. It would have raised more questions, such as why Nick and Monroe were not intercepted at the airport for vandalizing a prospective, heritage site.

Too bad that, in "Silence of the Slams", they deleted a scene in which Sergeant Wu mentions and explains Philippine kulam.
The werewolf must have gotten hungry after his viewing of "Lycanthropia", and so he went to M.'s cafe and had a cornsilog and a canned Pepsi.

A montage of M.'s dishes plays on his TV screen.
At the entrance to your house, place nine, shiny, copper coins in a bowl.
Do not make a list of all the people who died.
Watched "Lycanthropia" from Grimm. Doyle, a young businessman, is on his way to his mother's for his monthly visit when he blows a tire and his car hits a tree. The next morning a truck driver finds him bloodied and unconscious in the middle of the road. With the help of Monroe and Rosalee, Nick and Hank explore the woods in the vicinity of the accident and find the bodies of two campers who were apparently attacked by a vicious animal. Their blood samples match the blood found on Doyle's shirt. Nick and Hank arrest Doyle despite his and his mother's protests. They place him in an isolation cell. Rosalee prepares a tranquilizer in case he shapeshifts into a lycanthrope. They soon discover, however, that it is Doyle's mother who is the lycanthrope--she escaped from their house the previous night because Doyle did not arrive early enough to lock her up. Doyle came upon her attacking the two campers and tried to stop her, but was unable to. They drive to the house but are too late, since Doyle's mother broke out of the room she tried to lock herself into. The team follows her through the woods. Doyle tries to appease her, but she attacks and Sergeant Wu is forced to shoot her down.

Later that evening, Sergeant Wu discovers a scratch on his leg caused by the lycanthrope. He spends a fitful night in bed.

Juliette as Eve tracks Rachel, the campaign manager, after watching a video that shows Rachel making a mobile call during the rally and looking up at the Black Claw sniper. She discovers Captain Renard's campaign poster, apparently made long before the assassination of Andrew Dixon, and later informs Nick and Hank about it.

Captain Renard informs Adalind that Meisner drove the helicopter and that her baby is not in Germany after all.

Nick continues exploring the tunnel behind the rear door of the paint factory, He is able to open the steel door and sees a deep pit with iron rungs leading to its bottom.

This episode has too many loose threads being tied together.

I can understand that Juliette as Eve no longer has emotions, but what's with all those Rosanna Podesta wigs in different colors?

And if there are lycanthropes--or even just one lycantrhrope--in Portland, why have there been no reports of previous victims, considering that there are 13 full moons in one year?
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Calling it a day for painting. Must wait for this glaze to dry.
Worked an hour on eleventh glaze.
If you really want to save your money, stay at home. Every day that you stay at home makes you richer. You can even count how much you were able to keep from spending at the end of each day.

The minute you step outside your home, note that your money begins trickling away like sand in an hourglass on transportation, snacks, shopping, recreation, friends, and general nonsense.

Watched "Silence of the Slams" from Grimm. A young wrestler commissions a mask maker to produce a mask that will render him an all-time winner. The mask maker kills a Wesen and cuts off his face a la Hannibal Lecter and fashions a magical mask out of it. He gives it to the wrestler, provided that he is paid 50% of the wrestler's winnings and that he should return the mask once he is done with it. He also warns the wrestler not to wear the mask outside the ring.

The wrestler wins a match against the reigning champion. However, the champion accosts him in an alley and the wrestler is compelled to put on the mask, defend himself, and kill the defeated champion. When he gets home he is unable to take off the mask. He goes back to the mask maker,
who is unable to help him, and kills the mask maker as the Wesen spirit completely takes over him. Nick and Hank arrive in time to pin the wrestler down. Rosalee and Monroe perform a ritual that effectively takes off the mask.

This episode takes on a Curious Goods in Friday the 13th quality and seems to be merely the subplot against which the healing-stick, Hadrian's-Wall-versus-Black-Claw, and Adalind-is-a-Hexenbiest-again story threads are made to advance.

I'm also wondering how Nick and Hank are able to pin down the wrestler, considering that he is wearing a magical mask.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face."

Worked an hour on tenth glaze.
"What's past is prologue."

Watched "Into the Schwarzwald" from Grimm. Nick and Monroe fall into the catacomb of the old church. They find the cross marker in a niche behind a wall of skulls and retrieve a bronze chest with seven keyholes. They exit, but not before one of the Wesen chasing them bites Monroe's arm. Nick and Monroe escape the Wesen chasing them, drive to the airport, and return to Portland with the chest.

In the spice shop, Rosalee is visited by a former lover from long ago who needs five thousand dollars. Adalind discovers that she has Hexenbiest powers again when the lover accosts her for defending Rosalee. She breaks his fingers.

Andrew Dixon dies. Juliette as Eve follows the assassin, contrives a bike accident, and lands him in hospital. Captain Renard receives a tip from a mysterious caller, goes with Hank and Sergeant Wu to the hospital, and follow the assassin when he is discharged, There is a fight between Captain Renard and the assassin.  Captain Renard kills the assassin, only to find out later that he was set up by Black Claw and thereby ruined Hadrian's Wall's attempt to track down the rest of the Black Claw group in Portland.

Later in his apartment, Captain Renard is visited by the campaign manager and Black Claw leader Lucian. Lucian and the campaign manager urge Captain Renard to run for mayor and become a powerful element of Black Claw.

In the spice shop basement, Nick, Hank, Monroe, Rosalee, and Sergeant Wu try to open the casket with the five Grimm keys turned in their locks simultaneously. This fails, most probably because two keys are with the Royals, and so Nick attempts to open it with his blood. The chest opens. Inside is a pointed stick, like a wand.  (No wonder it safely went through customs and all those metal detectors.) When Monroe passes out due to the Wesen bite in his arm, Nick accidentally presses the stick against Monroe's wound, and the wound heals miraculously.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Don't bury the past. Lay it out in the sun and bleach it white.
Worked an hour on ninth glaze while Angelique was taking her lunch in the dining room.
Took an early lunch.

Worked an hour on eighth glaze.
Worked an hour on seventh glaze.
When God and Nature give us problems, they also give us the solutions to those problems, except that, most of the time, we do not see them because we are blinded by our anger and our grief.

Remember this, that every padlock maker will also make the padlock's keys.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are outdoor steam baths.
Night classes

4:30 AM

Forms of immediate karma

The scent of refined linseed oil is always in my hair.
Watched "Key Move" from Grimm. Nick, Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, and Sergeant Wu study the pieced-together map  and guess at the location of the knights' buried treasure. Nick and Monroe travel to the Black Forest in Germany and come upon the foundation of what could be an old church on top of a hill. They start digging, a trapdoor opens, and they fall in. Suspicious Wesen follow them secretly.

In Portland, Captain Renard has been endorsing the candidacy for mayor of Andrew Dixon and has been having an affair with his campaign manager on the side. A rally is being held at a park. The Black Claw terrorist whom Hadrian's Wall has been tracking murders the resident of a unit in a high-rise building, assembles his rifle, and snipes at Andrew Dixon.

A "To Be Continued" episode, and a disappointing one. The Black Claw plot is like a rehash of The Manchurian Candidate. The treasure hunt is too simplistic and unconvincing. Can one really travel to a location in a foreign country with a shovel and just dig? Those foundation stones didn't seem hundreds of years old to me. And that trapdoor was a bad cliffhanger. Why was it never discovered by the Germans themselves? Indiana Jones minus the ingenuity, and possibly the budget. 
"It is not down on any map; true places never are."

Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Worked an hour on sixth glaze.

Then sent some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Watched "Map of the Seven Knights" from Grimm. In Germany, an antique dealer sends a trunk full of Grimm books and weapons to an antiquarian book owner who happens to be Monroe's Uncle Felix. The dealer is murdered by Black Claw Wesen who want to get hold of the trunk. Felix travels to Portland to show one of the books to Monroe and his friend Nick, who he knows is a Grimm. The rest of the stuff he ships to Portland. Black Claw Wesen in Portland murder Felix in his hotel room and get the lading bill for the trunk shipment. They are intercepted and killed at the customs office by Nick and Monroe.

In the basement of the spice shop, Nick, Monroe, Rosalee, Trubel, and Hank inspect the contents of the trunk. "Looks like we got our trailer back." In one of the books they find Grimm family trees that include Nick and possibly Trubel. Monroe discovers that the lock of the trunk is exceptionally huge. When he disassembles it, he find three keys inside.They now have five keys, and proceed to make prints to add to the map they already have.

They plan to travel to the Black Forest, in Germany, where something important must be buried.
Worked an hour on fifth glaze.
"History is the nightmare from which I am trying to awake."

Worked an hour on fourth glaze.
Watched "Star-Crossed" from Grimm. A Wesen ritual killer is crucifying and murdering six victims. Nick, Hank, Rosalee, and Monroe figure out that the locations correspond to the seven stars of the Big Dipper and superimpose the figure on a map. Nick, Hank, and Sergeant Wu go to the seventh location, shoot the Wesen, and save the seventh, prospective victim from being killed.

Meisner, Juliette, and Trubel continue their efforts to locate a Black Claw terrorist who is in Portland.

Interesting, but the mystery formula is too Name of the Rose.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Then worked an hour on third glaze.
Watched "A Reptile Dysfunction" ("Erectile Dysfunction", get it?) from Grimm. Two Wesen brothers run the Diamond Lake Monster resort in cahoots with another Wesen who woges and pretends to be the Diamond Lake Monster for random tourists. One of the boaters tries to shoot at the Wesen, who becomes enraged and drags the boater down. The incident causes a boom in lake visitors and the sale of souvenirs. Seeing the amount of money being raked in, the Wesen asks the brothers for more money plus 50% of the shop sales. The brothers' plan to get rid of him is foiled when Nick, Trubel, and Hank step in. Trubel kills the Lake Monster Wesen. One of the brothers, guilty because he plotted to get rid of his brother also, escapes, woges, and dives into the lake, where he is shot by policemen on boat patrol.

Trubel brings Nick to the training quarters of Hadrian's Wall, where he meets Meisner and Juliette (as Eve) again and is introduced to the organization's mission. Eve believes that Nick is not ready to join them. Meisner shows Nick where they buried his mother.

This episode was a pun on _Jaws_.

And why is the Diamond Lake Monster wearing red swim trunks rather than nothing at all?
Worked an hour on second glaze.
Worked an hour on first glaze.
Sunlight In Cubao, Thursday, June 19, 2019

Tony Perez's Art of War: Never trust a person who remains a friend to both you and your enemy, for he will never be a true friend to either one of you.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are ghost empires in the sky.
Watched "Eve of Destruction" from Grimm. Xavier is taken into custody, but a fellow inmate kills him. Rosalee calls the Wesen Council, which is currently meeting in The Hague, to report the Wesen attacks in Portland. Alexander informs her that the organization is called Black Claw. During the Council meeting, a Black Claw member who managed to get inside the meeting room assassinates all of the Council members except Alexander, who escapes. Back in Portland, the Black Claw members honor those who were killed in the warehouse by burning their cadavers on a funeral pyre in the middle of the forest. (A huge fire--couldn't the Portland Fire Department detect it?)

Meisner sets up a meeting between Juliette and Nick in a restaurant. Juliette has changed her name to Eve and is now a member of Hadrian's Wall. She informs Nick that Black Claw wants to make use of him, which is why they tried to use Xavier to get to Monroe, Monroe being a friend of Nock. Black Claw members, as a matter of fact, are in the restaurant and try to take Nick, but Juliette kills two of them with her powers while leaving, and Nick takes on the rest of them.
"Awake, arise, or be forever fall'n."

Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.

Then watched "Wesen Nacht" from Grimm. A group of Wesen, whose symbol is the red claw marks, vandalizes shops all over the city, and they are shops belonging to Wesen. Captain Renard, Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Sergeant Wu investigate--and walk into a trap inside a warehouse (yes, yet another warehouse). A powerful Hexenbiest arrives, kills the Wesen, and saves them. They see that it is Juliette.

Trubel wakes up inside Nick's house and tells him what happened to her after she was abducted. She was taken by the secret government agency, actually a worldwide agency, called Hadrian's Wall, and was recruited to travel abroad to kill Wesen.

One question: Why is it that the claw marks supposedly spontaneously painted on walls are all identical, as though someone has been walking through the sites with a very big stencil and a pint of vermilion paint? 
Worked half an hour on fifth layer.
Watched "Rat King" from Grimm. Three young men torment and kill a rat-like Wesen boy, but two are attacked by the Rat King, a 20-foot-tall Wesen that comes into being when a group of rat Wesen assemble themselves and become as one. Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Rosalee trace the Rat King's hideout to a junk yard, where the Rat King is (are) subjected to electric shocks when Nick instructs Hank to shoot a power line.

Nick takes Adalind to hospital, where a group of hospital staff embers, apparently anti-Grimm, connive to take Trubel to ICU to undergo "brain surgery". Meisner visits Adalind in the nick of time (pun intended) and asks Nick on the phone where Trubel is. Nick and Meisner rush to the hospital and are able to overcome the hospital staff members.

Nick takes Trubel to his residence. He then confronts Adalind and demands to know who Meisner is.
Worked an hour on fourth layer.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Watched "Maiden Quest" from Grimm. Daniel Troyer, an old businessman, desires revenge against a bar and disco owner because one of his goons killed his son some time ago. He sets up a traditional maiden quest, the prize being the hand of his daughter in marriage, in which three men, one at a time, attempt to kill the bar and disco owner. The first two men are mysteriously killed by a Wesen. The third is arrested by Nick and Hank. When the bar and disco owner himself goes to Troyer to kill him, he is attacked by the Wesen. The Wesen turns out to be Troyer's daughter, who never wanted to get married in the first place. Troyer confesses to her that he set up the quest merely as a test to see if she was strong enough to take over his business.

Nick explores the rear exit in the abandoned paint factory to see where it leads to.

Beaten and badly bruised, Trubel apparently escapes from her captors and goes to Nick's new residence.
Don't you just hate it when, before exiting from their positions, officials destroy everything that was built, make it difficult for their replacements, and cause life to be much harder for everyone else?
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Then worked an hour on third layer.
Watched "Lost Boys" from Grimm.

Four runaway, Wesen children kidnap a woman, take her to their hideout, and tie her up so that she can be their mother and take care of them. The woman escapes but trips and falls by the roadside. She hits her head on a log and dies. Now one of the children is sick. Another tries to steal medicine in a drug store, is unable to, and ends up in the spice shop, where Rosalee gives him two bottles of medication for free. Later, the children come and kidnap Rosalee and take her to their hideout, where Nick, Hank, and Monroe track them down. The children are turned over to Child Services. They end up in an institution run by the rebel organization that seeks to destroy the secret government agency that is out to destroy all Wesen.

Nick, Adalind, and their baby move out of Nick's house and into an abandoned but secure paint factory.

Meisner visits Captain Renard and tells him what happened in the helicopter he was flying.

When confronted by Nick in the woods, why does one of the children cry out that Nick is a Grimm when, while Rosalee was telling them a (veiled) bedtime story about Grimm and Wesen, none of them really knew what a Grimm is?

In this and the past few episodes, the opening montage has a new version.

Love the cello music used in the closing titles. It seems to suggest that Monroe, who plays the cello, always has the last word.