The passage of four hours is really the passage of half your day.

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
One Message To One Of 206 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a G in your name: Center your life around your children rather than your husband. They will always need you to be there for them--your husband will not.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Tana French.
Fascinating how Adam Ryan's modern Dublin is so different from Brother Cadfael's medieval Dublin.
The Law Of Attraction
maganda = beautiful
makisig = masculine
mabikas = has a good physique
matipuno = well-built
guwapo = handsome
kaakit-akit = attractive
maalindog = sexy
marikit = charming
simpatiko = good-looking
artistahin (coined word) = passes for a movie star
kaiga-igaya = pleasant
nakatatawag-pansin = head-turning
nakababalani = attractive
nakabibighani = mesmerizing, enchanting
nakahahalina = seductive
nakagogoyo = tempting
nakapanggigigil = makes one jump out of his skin
masarap kurutin = "pinchable", said of a chubby baby
presentable = presentable
kyut =cute (slang)
seksi = sexy (slang)
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony, I hope you are doing great during these trying times. . .
"I have been trying to suppress my 'sensing' radar since I was assigned in the mountains of _____________, _________. And I think OKE (wand) helped in stabilizing that strong aura in our 13-hectare facility. "But tonight, I want to share something unusual that happened earlier at around 7:30 pm. "I got my 1st vaccine dose today. Some colleagues went to a nearby coffee shop to catch up. At around 7:30 pm, I dropped by the office to get my bike (bike to work). Since I left my helmet on the 6th floor of the building, I went up to get it. While I was packing some things inside my bag, I noticed a big BANGAW lying on top of my 1.5L nature's spring water bottle. I shooed it away and filled up the water bottle. While refilling, I then started to feel something but decided to shake the feeling away. "Now that I am in my room and came across your post in the Spirit Questor group, I also had a chance to analyze scientifically the situation earlier. "How could a big fly got inside the locked door when: 1. Every floor of the bldg. Is sanitized every week. Nagpapa usok talaga each floor 2. The glass door can only be accessed by a key card 3. Trashes are picked up every morning. 4. The room is always air-conditioned daily 5. For almost two months of working back in the company, that's the first time I noticed a fly on that particular floor. 6. There was no food or anything that could attract a fly to be on that table also 7. The water bottle is located near the rims of bond papers. 8. The trash bin is located approximately 5 meters away 9. The only lighted area when I came in was near the trash bin. "Do you think I imagine things, Sir Ton? Or does the big fly means anything? "Thank you for reading."My reply:
Hello _____!
As a general rule the presence of a fly or flies indicates that someone is thinking ill of you and is trying to entrap you and get you into trouble. I strongly advise you to be extra careful in dealing with others, especially those who potentially envy your position and your lifestyle.
Kill the fly.
On Second Thought...
naisip = thought of
napaisip = brought one's mental gears into motion
naglaro sa isip = considered
masusing pag-iisip = carefully thought
malalim ang isip= in deep thought
malawak ang isip = broad-minded
malikot ang isip = imaginative
malikhain = creative
malinaw ang isip = clear-minded
malabo ang isip = fuddle-minded
magulo ang isip = mentally disturbed
matalas ang isip = analytical-minded, sharp-minded
mapurol ang isip = dim-witted
mababaw ang isip = shallow-minded
magaslaw ang isip = green-/horny-minded
marumi ang isip = dirty-minded, also evil
makitid ang isip = narrow-minded
sarado ang isip = closed-minded
nagdilim ang isip = lost one's senses
isip-matanda = mature
bungang-isip = idea
nagbagong-isip = changed one's mind
naguluhan = got muddled
nalito = got distracted
natuliro = got frazzled
sira ang ulo = crazy
may toyo/may baltik sa utak = perverted
naalaala = brought to mind with nostalgia
natandaan = remembered
naisaulo = memorized
nagunita = reminisced
nanumbalik = recalled
nanariwa = remembered clearly and vividly
sumagi sa isip = crossed one's mind
nabasa ang isip = read another's mind
nalirip = conceived
nahinuha = inferred
nag-akala = mistakenly thought
nagkamali = mistook
naghinala = suspected
narating = concluded
natunton = ended up with
nagpasiya = decided
naghusga = judged
kinilatis = assessed the value of something
nagdalawang-isip = on the verge of changing one's mind
nagpantasya = fantasized
isip-bata = mentally challenged, also innocent
utak-biya = idiotic
nakalimutan = forgot
malimutin = forgetful
nalingatan = overlooked
ulyanin = senile
matalino = intelligent
madunong = wise
One Message To One Of 205 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a J in your name: It is time to reinvent yourself and have a second blossoming. Your past triumphs will always be there, but your audiences are waiting for you to emerge as someone new.
Dinner at home with Angelique; Aubrey and Roi ordered food from outside and are taking their dinner upstairs.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Tana French. Her protagonist never went to college, but he thinks, talks, and writes like a Literature professor.
Monday, June 28, 2021
_Tai Toh Kung, God of Healing_
Tai Toh Kung, God of Healing
Acrylic on canvas
2004Collection of Ryan Valera and Peachie Deoquino Valera
Photo by Peachie Deoquino Valera
One Message To One Of 205 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an S in your name: Know the rules of living in a married state--rules that did not exist when you were single. It is always true that you have to keep working at your marriage, for no marriages are made in heaven and neither do they have fairy-tale endings.
Dinner at home with Aubrey; Angelique ordered food from outside and is taking her dinner upstairs.
Asked M. to bring some food over to his cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Tana French.
This novel began sailing smoothly in Chapter Three. The Prologue and first two chapters were written in a style that was absolutely lost in its own language and was screaming, "Yoo-hoo! I'm a literary novel!" Am now in Chapter 6 and enjoying the murder/detective story.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
_Batman_ (2004)
Oil pastels on canvas
Collection of Mico Marasigan
Photo by Mico Marasigan
This still life was part of my exhibit at mag:net gallery on Pasong Tamo, also in 2004. It features a clutter of items in my old bedroom: a Batman doll a co-worker's husband bought for me in Hong Kong; a Michael Keaton Batman mug that a student from De La Salle University gave me; a dip pen; a Bat Signal sticker; a brown, leather journal my sister Lourdes sent me from Sydney; a black, leather journal also sent by my eldest sister Lourdes from Sydney; my Bat Signal tie; a white, aromatherapy lamp and a giant Batman War comic book purchased from National Book Store Superbranch; a cloissone ashtray that I bought in Hong Kong en route home from training in DC; a gold fountain pen; reading glasses in a gold case; money bills; a drinking glass; a mobile phone (yes, once upon a time I used mobiles!); an empty carton of cigarettes; an antique, sterling silver key holder; a leather cigarette case and a lighter in a silver case I purchased in San Diego, California; a yellow, long-sleeved shirt; a foot roller; an antique tin; and a porcelain box, among other things.
This painting is small in comparison with my other works. I consider its triumph to be a triumph of detail, a difficult thing to achieve with oil pastels on canvas.
However, as I always tell others, "I never wanted to be Batman, but I always wanted to be Bruce Wayne."
One Message To One Of 205 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an S in your name: Never be ashamed to make a fool of yourself, for it is a form of humility. Continue learning, especially about the things you love most. It is a pleasant way toward happiness.
_Young Bacchus_
Young Bacchus
Oil on canvas1993
I learned to paint in oil from ages ten through 12 (fifth through seventh grades) at Ateneo Grade School's Arts Club under the guidance of Araceli Limcaco-Dans. From high school onward I made forays into graphite, charcoal, watercolor, chalk pastels, oil pastels, and acrylic, in that order.
In 1993 I decided to go back to oil painting for good, and this was the very first painting I made that year, a truly early work, of my younger son Chito as Young Bacchus.
In 1998 I gave this painting to Bambi Gamban, a student at De La Salle University and a member of the Spirit Questors, for safekeeping, and for the longest time it hung in her mother's lanai. I reclaimed it only a few years ago, giving Bambi my painting titled Batman in exchange. Both Young Bacchus and Batman were returned to me, however, and Batman ended up being given as a gift to Mico Marasigan.
This painting hangs in our studio foyer. I am glad to have it back.
Note that my definitive signature had not yet been developed at the time.
How Far Does Our Language Reach Into Outer Space?
araw = sun
buwan = moon
kabilugan = full moon
eklipse (coined word) = eclipse
bituin = star
tumaeng bituin = falling star
tala = big star
planeta = planet
bulalakaw = comet
meteorita (coined word) = meteorite
galaksiya (coined word) = galaxy
Sorry, guys, everything else is in English.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
One Message To One Of 205 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an H in your name: It is all right to be a dreamer as long as you inch your way toward realizing your dream. In fact that is how the greatest and most impossible dreams are achieved.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Light Up My Life
sindi = to light up something with a match or a switch
ilaw = light
nakasisilaw = intense brightness
tulos = to illuminate someone or something with a lit candle or torch
tanglaw = torch
panglaw = depressing dimness
liwanag = brightness
sinag = ray
sikat = shine, as in sunshine
lamlam = half-darkness
anag-ag = glimmer
aninag = near-sighted vision
andap = mellow glow, as the light of a firefly
kisap = momentary flash of brightness
kislap = sparkle
kutitap = twinkle
banaag = daybreak
luwalhati = spiritual brightness; literally, glory
One Message To One Of 205 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a Z in your name: Always be neat and well-groomed even if you're staying home most of the time. Never give others the impression that you're not taking care of yourself.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Exercise In Oil: Copy Of _The Old Gladiator_
An exercise in oil, a copy of Diego de Velazquez's The Old Gladiator, made under the tutelage of Fernando B. Sena at Saturday Art Gallery, Ali Mall, in 2000.
Most of my classmates were indigent. The cheapest student brands were used. Watercolor was done on odd sheets such as manila paper and newspapers. For the exercise in oil we were instructed to use Canola cooking oil instead of linseed oil and lacquer thinner instead of turpentine.
It's been 21 years but this painting has held up very well.
One Message To One Of 226 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a J in your name: You've been taking things for granted, believing that everyone who loves you will come after you and cosset you. What about their own, private lives, which they also need to look after? Isn't it about time you cared for yourself without help from anyone?
Staggered dinnertimes; Angelique still has an online class.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Tana French.
Finished reading The Summer of the Danes last night, It had a swift, spectacular ending that successfully tied all loose ends and swept me off my feet.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
One Message To One Of 226 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a G in your name: Stop hanging medals on your chest and Posting them on Public. No one but yourself is impressed. A few years from now those medals will be but meaningless pieces of tin and discolored snips of ribbon. In the end, you will realize that the truly great artists are those who are never acknowledged in their own time.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked Bertod to bring some food over t6o M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Otir has Cadwaladr captured and brought to the camp of the Danes. Handsome Gwion's treachery is discovered.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
It's Only Skin-Deep
balat = skin
kinis = smoothness of skin
gaspang = roughness os skin
puti = whiteness of skin
itim = darkness of skin
mistisuhin/mistisahin = fair-skinned
kayumanggi = brown-skinned
kape at gatas = mulatto
maputim = between white-skinned and dark-skinned, but usually jokingly referring to a dark-skinned person
banat = taut
malangis = oily
malagkit = sticky
kalisag = chicken-skinned or having one's hairs stand on end
pawisan = sweaty
luhaan = tear-stained
kulubot = wrinkle
baku-bako = pitted
kalbo = bald
panot = balding in patches
kati = itch
balakubak = dandruff
kulitiw = stye
an-an = vitiligo
batik-batik = splotchy
buni = ringworn
hadhad = abrasion
tagihawat = pimple
balat = birthmark
nunal = mole
kulugo =wart
kulani = swollen lymph gland
pekas = blemish
bakekang/bakukang = embarrassing, big scar or discoloration
kalyo = callus, corn
pamumula = reddening
pagtatalop = peeling
kalmot = nail, talon, or claw mark
latay = whip or cane mark
kagat = bite or sting
tibo = splinter
galos = scratch
hiwa = slice, as by a bladed object
saksak = stab wound
pasa = discoloration due to ruptured blood vessels, such as a black eye
lamog = massive discoloration to ruptured blood vessels, e.g. the entire side of one's face
bugbog = bruised all over, as though beaten up
sugat = wound
langib = scab
lapnos = peeling of the skin due to scalding or burning
tungkab = an entire section of skin and flesh torn off, such as a shark bite
pilat = scar
peklat = embarrassing scar
maga = swelling
manas = puffiness
bukol = bump or node
galis = skin disease
bungang-araw = prickly heat
pigsa = boil
bulutong = chickenpox
tigdas = smallpox
niknik = hicky
maugat = pronounced veins
lambi = skin tag or uncut portion of foreskin after circumcision
tato = tattoo
butas = piercing
One Message To One Of 226 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Staggered dinnertimes.
Asked Bertod to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Brother Cadfael, Brother Mark, and Heledd await Otir's reaction to Cadwaladr's renege.
Brother Cadfael, Brother Oswin, Brother Mark, and Rose visited the roof deck, side balcony, and Cubao New Orleans French Quarter front balcony. Rose admonished Brother Oswin for the missing disco-lights pepper plant from Masbate, which he must have thrown away, thinking it a weed.
We planted ferns and Wandering Jew in two white pots that Aubrey provided for her bedroom.
All the pepper plants were moved up to the roof deck, all the dumb cane moved to the side balcony, and all the "twelve o'clock" plants in rectangular nursery boxes moved to the front balcony.
Monday, June 21, 2021
One Message To One Of 231 Friends (I Accepted The Request Of A Friend In Singapore), One Every Night Of The Year
You with a Z in your name: Keep your distance from the older woman who is verging on becoming your Sugar Mommy. That way your experience will not leave a bitter aftertaste. You are employed by her, so know the right boundaries. Do your job well. This is not the time to pretend to be in love.
Asked Neil to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Cadwaladr attempts to send the mercenary Danes back to Dublin and flee back to Prince Owain's camp.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
One Message To One Of 230 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a T in your name: You did not tell him how much you really love him while he was there with you. Now he is miles away, and you wonder what would have happened had you done so. You cannot draw another card from the deck because you still have the maximum number in your hands.
Asked M,. to bring some food over to his cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Brother Cadfael and Heledd have been captured by the Danes. Brother Mark seeks help from Prince Owain and his men, and acts as emissary to Cadwaladr for a meeting between the two brothers.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Father's Day 2021 In The Philippines
When their mother died in 2015, Angelique and Aubrey matured overnight. It was their first experience of death in the immediate family, and they were, suddenly, no longer the little girls I used to know. Angelique was in junior year at university at the time, Aubrey in tenth grade and soon celebrating her birthday. Their world suddenly changed, and so did mine, for I took sole custody of them, which was the best possible arrangement. I never imagined that my daughter-in-law Ivy would leave us long before her prime.
I took over the reins of our household. I made no plans of taking in any outsider, male or female, to help me. I taught Angelique and Aubrey to be strong-willed and to never depend on others, especially men. Despite all the women's movements since the 70s I still perceived everything around us as a man's world. They applied for passports on their own, traveled abroad unescorted, and repainted and redecorated their own bedrooms, among other things. Through the assistance of City Hall I had my Last Will And Testament drawn and executed, leaving my estate and all of my possessions in their names.
I thought that being a single grandparent and parent would be difficult, but I soon discovered that I was only too glad to shun visitors and cease going out with friends. It gave me more time to write and to paint. Angelique graduated with a BS degree in Marketing Administration and is currently enrolled in law school. Aubrey graduated with a BS degree in Psychology this month. I was at that time in my life and my retirement when I needed nothing more and no one else for myself, and my true joy was seeing my grandchildren happy.
I am a single parent to my younger son Chito too. I feel, in addition, that, where he is, outside the main island of Luzon, he has three spirit guides, among them my father and his elder brother Nelson. Sales from my antiques, collections, and paintings that Angelique and Aubrey decide to dispose of are to be transferred to Chito, where he lives, after my demise.
As to my books on magic, wands, talismans, shamanic implements, card decks, and the like, I already began passing them on to selected members of the Spirit Questors since the day I turned 70.
Yes, I turned 70 this year and know that I may have only a few more years to live. My only projects now are the completion of my 40-painting project and my 40 volumes of collected works in cyberspace. It matters little to me, though, whether I complete them or not. I am already one, absolutely fulfilled man. Because, in the last analysis, the successful artist is he who provided well for his family.
One Message To One Of 230 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Staggered dinnertimes.
Asked Brian to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Woke up a quarter after 12 noon today, and the day sped by. I'm not yet ready for the night, but I might as well have a full night's sleep and wake up earlier tomorrow.
Brother Cadfael and Brother Oswin visited the roof deck, side balcony, and Cubao New Orleans French Quarter front balconies.
The decorative plants from Masbate are doing very well.
Aubrey bought a white, plastic pot and wants to have one of our survivor ferns for her bedroom.
Saturday, June 19, 2021: Keiko Kashigawa And Yukiko Taka Take An Afternoon Walk
The compound kitten that likes lounging in the space between our side porches looks on, unfazed. I wish someone would adopt her.
Friday, June 18, 2021
One Message To One Of 230 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a J in your name: Know that a major change in interest also entails a major change in orientation. Have you been wanting something different? Have you been desiring to try out a new experience? If so, what are these? Are they the result of being influenced by another person, having obtained a new piece of learning, or sheer boredom?
Look before you leap. Many choices in life are irreversible.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
One Message To One Of 233 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an F in your name: Pay your guest resources with commensurate fees, not with your family heirlooms. They know you can be overgenerous with your gifts and have been taking advantage of you.
Dinner at home with Aubrey; Angelique has an electronic class.
Now that she has graduated from university, Aubrey refers to me as retired and to herself as unemployed. Mainly because we both did nothing the whole day.
I didn't even go jalan-jalan. I asked M. to pay our water bill at the center, and my day was comprised of watching Snapped videos online.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
One Message To One Of 233 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a W in your name: You assert yourself with rebelliousness, forgetting that, in raising your defenses, you categorize even your friends and sympathizers as your enemies. Step back, pause, and take a good look at everyone. You have more people on your side than against it.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey. Aubrey cooked pesto pasta with bacon bits, flaked chili, shelled shrimp, garlic, and parmesan cheese. She used my favorite pasta--fusilli--which is the only pasta in the world for me.
Asked Bertod to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Brother Cadfael and Brother Mark have proceeded to Bangor, and Prince Owain and his men to Carnarvon to defend the coastline from the Danes.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
One Message To One Of 238 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an S in your name: You have a loving friend who could very well soon be your fiancee. Why do you feel that something is terribly lacking?
First make a list of everything you are afraid of, and be honest with yourself.
Read the list carefully, and the answer will look you in the face.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked Bertod to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
A dinner and drinking party for eight is ongoing at the cafe.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
For a language that tends to be quite graphic, the only Tagalog word for "torture" is "pahirapan", a mild word that also means "to give someone a hard time" or "to make things difficult for someone", as applied to work or a school exam. There are no precise words that imply any overt sadism, excruciating pain, or bloodshed.
Monday, June 14, 2021
One Message To One Of 241 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a J in your name: The man you love is not the man who is with you now, and you wonder if some other man, who is interested in you, will fill the gap and fulfill your needs.
He will not.
Love is not something that has to be immediately replaced--such an attitude only leads to disaster. Enjoy life alone for now. You may have lost someone you were hoping to be your lover, but it is certainly not the end of the world.
Cement work on the archway resumed this afternoon.
One-hour, late afternoon nap.
Staggered dinnertimes.
Asked Brian to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
May favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
One Message To One Of 250 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a W in your name: When too finicky, one loses out on everything, including romantic love. How much longer will you be desirable to others? Are you able to give back to those who offer to give to you, or are you for the most part unwilling?
If, upon evaluating your situation, you decide that you will be happiest alone, well and good. It is a much-trodden road and not a dead-end road, but it is often a road of no return.
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Ah, the joys of living diagonally across Camp Panopio Compound/Police Precinct 7! An officer is lecturing on a microphone to citizens arrested for violating health protocols, and the sound is projecting all the way into my bedroom window.
I would never be a police officer, even in succeeding lifetimes. I do not have the patience to mingle and deal with atchays.
Your Messenger message:
"Hi pai. I had a dream. You came. We sat together on the floor. We covered ourselves with a thin blanket. You told me a certain AL had telling you about me. You said. That you will do your best to help me. That you came so we can do yuwipi together since you forgot to do it to me. We held hands. Closed our eyes. The you started humming and chanting. I ioened my eyes and I was alone floating. But i saw the world differently. It iw filled with spirits and angels and beings, almost filling the whole ether. The world is crowded with beings of different kind. After that I observed a war being fought by magickal beings and people who are half bred. They hide under the earth. The entrance to jt is agate where you have to crawl under. Then i held a white baby who talks like an adult and I was told I adopted him. Then I woke up with the sun hitting my face. Decided to message you before i forget. And i used you then as a cyber ichabod crane. Love you pai. Miss uou"
My reply:
Hello ____________!
Your dream indicates a need to undergo another rite of passage in your life. This need not be a formal ritual of any kind; it could simply entail a paradigm shift, a change in attitude, or a different worldview.
The white baby, of course, is Tommy, the antique doll you purchased when we still had Elvencraft. It seems to be inhabited by some kind of spirit. Both the baby and the sunlight represent rebirth, like the rising of the phoenix from ashes.
One Message To One Of 252 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a U in your name: The best comeback is not as someone you were in the past but as someone completely new.
Angelique and Jazz are back from shopping and dinner out.
Dinner at home with Aubrey.
Asked Brian to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Brother Cadfael.
Friday, June 11, 2021
One Message To One of 252 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a B in your name: You love your current job away from home because it gives you a sense of complete freedom and independence, which are new to you, since you never had them when you were still at home. Do not turn your back on your family with finality. Always keep in touch. They remain your closest relatives, and there will be many times when you will be drawn to come home and see them again.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
One Message To One of 252 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a G in your name: Yes, it is all right for a woman to take the lead in a relationship, especially when the man is unsure of himself and of what he wants. You need, however, the tenacity, the steadfastness, and the patience to make the relationship work. Here's hoping your enthusiasm never flags.
I recall that, many years before I retired, a group of officers were invited to dinner at a mayor's house. The living room of the house had a couch and chairs covered with Ifugao fabric. Back at work, the officers laughed at and made fun of what they called "Navajo upholstery".
In defense of the officers, though, I have always believed that native fabric pieces should always be used as they were originally intended, typically as table runners, place mats, and blankets, and should function in one's home as such. They should not be repurposed as upholstery, dresses, pillowcases, and wall hangings in the name of creativity or of cleverness. Whenever they are I call them the "department chairperson look".
It was a frazzling morning. Angelique's highlighter package arrived, W. came to measure Aubrey's glass bedroom walls and doors for curtains, W. and I took an early lunch and corn tea, Aubrey's shoe rack arrived and needed to be assembled, the Maryhill School of Theology crew arrived to pick up four paintings, we went to the school to install the paintings, and Angelique is having her friend Cath over for a visit. Great coffee from Father Rene. I also saw more walls to make paintings for.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
One Message To One of 252 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an H in your name: You are constantly surrounded with artists, yet, in your position, you cannot allow yourself to fall in love or have an affair with any of them. How is this, now that you are head over heels and passionate over one of them? The choices are to keep your job and your reputation or to live the unpredictable life of a groupie.
Currently hooked on M.'s cafe's red iced tea. I have a large glass every night. It seems to improve my digestion and, strangely, seems to dissolve the sugar crystals in my body. It is mildly sweet and reminds me of cherry syrup---the kind they use on ice cream sundaes, not the cough-syrup flavor of Coke Cherry. It also brings me back to the nights I spent in Figueroa Hotel in downtown LA, where my DC training program officer Mary White booked me (she kept pronouncing "Figueroa" as "Feeg-WAY-row"). On those nights, before going to bed, I'd sip cherry or watermelon or strawberry Kool-Aid while watching Mexican teenagers gather on the street below my window.
Brother Cadfael, Brother Oswin, and Brother John visited the roof deck, side balcony, and Cubao New Orleans French Quarter front balcony vegetable and flower gardens. The plants that Rose brought home from Masbate are doing well.
The sky was overcast and ripe with rain after the morning's drizzle. The birds in the dragon tree were all astir and chirping joyfully. Most humans were indoors, and so everything else was quiet and still. All we could hear was the motor pump that fills the water tanks above my nephew's tenement housing.
I need to buy more clay pots and have to get down to it.
Back in the cafe, I saw a table full of patrons glad to be indoors, away from the gloomy weather and into warm lighting and a cozy atmosphere. The kitchen was bustling, steam rising from cooking pots and the cooks and waiters preparing food on plates.
Like the upper branches of the dragon tree, the cafe was alive and busy.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
One Message To One of 255 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a J in your name: You are doing well, keeping your Inner Child alive within you. You will find that your Inner Child will endow you with the patience and the sense of humor you have long been needing. The Inner Child also prolongs one's life.
Monday, June 7, 2021
One Message To One Of 255 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a J in your name: Widen your breadth in order to reach great heights and depths. As your country may be too small for you, your condo unit may also be too small to contain your mind and your art.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
One Message To One Of 255 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with an S in your name: Your zeal in furnishing your new house in the south is commendable but, in order to avoid plunging into financial and psychological depression, alternate your expenses as follows: House - Self - House - Self - House - Self. You will find that developing your house into something brand new and exciting will also result in a brand new and exciting YOU.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Sunday morning in Cubao. Early risers leave beds unmade, contemplating whether they should go back to sleep after their first cup of coffee; the sweet dreams they had at dawn still linger in their minds. The streets are quiet, stalls open shop late. Even the pets raise their heads briefly and then lower them to their blankets once again. Everyone is thinking of repasting at lunch rather than breakfast. Only the sun is raring to cross the sky and get the day going.
One Message To One Of 255 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with a Y in your name: There are married couples who remain steadfast in their love through old age, but there are also married couples whose love becomes mere friendship in midlife and onward. This is nothing to be alarmed at. It is not only children who outgrow things, adults do as well. Simply figure out how both of you can remain content and happy without pretending to be the ideal, romantic partnership that people think they see.