Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2023

Your messenger message:

"Good evening Sir Tony. It's me again. We have a little family problem. I prayed to my papa and brother. I dreamt of my papa. I saw him enter our front door. He is healthy and went normally in the house up to the kitchen, I noticed there are 2 form of shadow of 2 people in the kitchen parang taong putik. I am so happy to see him but he can't see or hear me. Tjat's all I remember. Bakit po kaya?

"Also my lola died recently, we were able to discuss all things including when she will see my brother and papa again. She promised me that she will visit me especially with my brother. On her deathbed she saw my father beside me but never my brother. I'm wondering why? I once dreamt of my brother treating us in a restaurant in new york with my mother and my daughter but thats it. "We are a grieving family. Their death affected our relationships. We try to be happy and move on but deep inside we are still hurting. "Thank you for taking time to read my messages. Hope you can give me some answer."

My reply:

Hello ____!

First, when we dream of the deceased they are not necessarily actual visits from them. More often than not, they are simply personifications of the values they represented to us when they were living, and some of these values have been internalized in our psyche,

The shadowy figures in the kitchen could very well symbolize your resistance to the idea that your father has passed on. That you father cannot hear or see you in your dream reinforces that idea.

As to the second dream, it is possible that your brother has reincarnated in your karmic group, but that you are not even aware of it.

Second, everybody dies--and almost no one, both the living and the dying, are ever prepared for it. Let time take its normal course of deaths and births without worrying about where the deceased have actually gone and without worrying about what else we need to tell them or hear from them.

Trust the deceased to be able to take care of themselves--as they must trust be able to take care of yourself, whether in grief or not.

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