Lunch at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and W.
Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017
Friday, January 31, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Your Messenger message:
"Hi sir tony
"I just dreamt of you. "I was in the mall watching a movie. Then i was in my work place with my collegues but decided to come up the escalator to check and try watch another movie. Apparently i could not use the stamp on my hand for another movie, in this dream stamps was used not tickets. I saw different movie theaters, big small another one has a party hall. Then i noticed now i was in the mall. I went down and saw a famaliar face, a cute girl in high school from my city who is now in manila. I was dropping down the long staircase so fast, it felt like a ride. I was able to stop in an instant when i reached the ground averting passing over the road. Then i decided to take the jeepney to come and see you, the purpose i did knew but i forgot now. There was another passenger who heard me asking about you. He said that they will bring me to your place as he is going there, his bringing the guy with him that needs healing, that guy really has a big stomach. On the way that sick person peed in his pants and it wetted my shoes but i was not wearing them though. I had been bare foot. When we arrived at your place you greeted us and accompanied your other visitors inside the house. You brought me inside the kitchen or dining area. I saw prepared roasted pork and chicken. A lady complained to a child that he mixed 2 different kinds of rice causing it to be undesirable. Then i woke up. Saw that its your sister's bday on fb. Happy birthday to her"
"Hi sir tony
"I just dreamt of you. "I was in the mall watching a movie. Then i was in my work place with my collegues but decided to come up the escalator to check and try watch another movie. Apparently i could not use the stamp on my hand for another movie, in this dream stamps was used not tickets. I saw different movie theaters, big small another one has a party hall. Then i noticed now i was in the mall. I went down and saw a famaliar face, a cute girl in high school from my city who is now in manila. I was dropping down the long staircase so fast, it felt like a ride. I was able to stop in an instant when i reached the ground averting passing over the road. Then i decided to take the jeepney to come and see you, the purpose i did knew but i forgot now. There was another passenger who heard me asking about you. He said that they will bring me to your place as he is going there, his bringing the guy with him that needs healing, that guy really has a big stomach. On the way that sick person peed in his pants and it wetted my shoes but i was not wearing them though. I had been bare foot. When we arrived at your place you greeted us and accompanied your other visitors inside the house. You brought me inside the kitchen or dining area. I saw prepared roasted pork and chicken. A lady complained to a child that he mixed 2 different kinds of rice causing it to be undesirable. Then i woke up. Saw that its your sister's bday on fb. Happy birthday to her"
My reply:
Hello ______!
On the whole this dream functions as a wish-fulfillment dream because you are in the Middle East and cannot come and see me as often as you want to.
In dreams, watching movies is a form of detachment. While you are engaged in a movie, you are merely passively watching it but are not in it as an actor or a participant. This has been your attitude since you began living and working in a foreign country.
Your high school friend and I represent the same thing to you: home and a pleasant life at home. Your co-passengers are personifications of yourself. Part of you has a big stomach (making good money, being able to feed yourself) but you perceive this as an "illness" for which you need to be healed. Peeing in one's pants is an indication of anxiety and of a regression to early childhood.
I bring you to the kitchen and dining area and show you the real food that does not cause one's stomach to "get big". Yet, someone (also a part of you) mixed two kinds of rice, making the rice "undesirable". It is possible that, while you remain my student, the "two kinds of rice" are conflicting values that continue to bother you. What do you think they are? Two religions? Two modes of spirituality? Science and magic? Only you can tell and work it out.
Your e-mail message:
"Dear Sir Tony,
"I was with my workmates for an out of town business function. when it ended some of my work mates took sometime to finish packing their things so. I decided that i will go first to the hotel. But suddenly, i decided to go to a different hotel. I just can't remember the reason why i suddenly decided to go to that hotel but what i remember is that i brought a plastic purple flower with me intended to place it in somewhere in the second floor of the hotel. I took the elevator and when i reached the second floor i saw people in the area. I scanned the area where i can place the flower secretly but can't find the proper timing to place the flower because i worry that putting the flower will violate some hotel rules. I intended to place the flower somewhere random when nobody will notice that i put it. But i remembered that there might be security cameras that will capture me putting that flower. I took the escalator down and when i saw a large trash bin, i crumpled the flower ang throw it there. I went out of the hotel then i saw a moving open van where my workmates rode coming from our business meeting and following the van is a car where one of my workmates drove i shouted at them to wait to the hotel reception area (where i should go in the first place). I throw my polo to them. I got lost in finding the hotel where i told them to wait but eventually found the right way. On my way to the right hotel i suddenly had the urge to pee (at this point i am worrying that i might be taking too long to reach the reception area and my work mates might decide to leave without me). On my way to pee i saw one of my closest guy workmate and he accompanied me to pee, he told me he needed to pee as well. We found a place just outside the hotel and we peed. I remember trying to secretly look at his penis while he pees. At first he was discreetly blocking his penis from my view but eventually he decided to remove his hands from the view where i can fully see his penis. Another adult man with a beer belly peed in the same area and i also noticed a chubby gay child peeing in the same area in front of a bucket containing yellow urine like liquid. After we pee, we went to the parking area to meet with our other workmates then he suddenly placed his arm around my shoulder and i put mine around his waist (we never do this gesture in reality) then i told him that i feel some pimple like bumps on his back but he replied that its nothing to worry. Then suddenly i felt danger from the adult man with a beer belly that peed together with us. I just can't remeber if we run in my dreams. I just felt that we are both in danger from that man.
"Dear Sir Tony,
"Its been a while since I last corresponded with you. Hoping you are well. Here's my dream just now:
My reply:
Hello ____________!
This dream is about your being distracted due to resistance to your current responsibilities and obligations. Work recently might have been making more demands on you than you can handle, and you desire, at the present time, freedom from these mental shackles.
The plastic, purple flower is the spirituality you may have been hoping for but have never truly attained, possibly because you chose to walk down paths of "spirituality" recommended to you by fake mentors.
Your psyche is telling you in the peeing episode of your need for cleansing, perhaps emotional overhauling. Your wanting to see the penis of your coworker is not a reflection of homosexuality but, rather, your need to see what lies behind the power and success of other men, what they are doing right and what you are doing wrong. You fear that your penis (or power) is as small and as ineffective as the chubby, gay child's. The man with the beer belly, on the other hand, is your Shadow--what you are in danger of becoming or dwindling down to if you fail to pick yourself up and face your responsibilities and obligations. In the dream your coworker has rashes on his back, meaning that others whom you perceive to be more powerful than yourself are imperfect and have their shortcomings, and that you should perceive yourself with less idealism.
I'd say that you've been biting off more than you can chew: perhaps wanting to take on more work for more money, perhaps feeling that others are more successful than yourself and that the world is passing you by. Just relax and take things in stride, for many other men are going through the same difficulties at this time.
Monday, January 27, 2020
One does not always desire whom one loves and one does not always love whom one desires, that is why it is difficult to find the perfect spouse.
As for myself, I need neither a spouse nor a lover. What I need is a faithful manservant, the way Bruce Wayne needs Alfred and the way Archibald Haddock needs Nestor. End of my simple story.
As for myself, I need neither a spouse nor a lover. What I need is a faithful manservant, the way Bruce Wayne needs Alfred and the way Archibald Haddock needs Nestor. End of my simple story.
One of the factors behind men going suicidal is that they imbibe "energy drinks" and "tonic drinks" to keep them awake and alert (such as to study for an exam or to work on a thesis). What they don't realize is that those drinks are really uppers, and that they cause one to crash after a period of four hours. That crash then leads to severe depression.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Sunday, Sunday.
The granddaughters are going to one of their favorite coffee shops for a long study session.
I need to go jalan-jalan to change dollars into pesos and go shopping.
In the early evening my sisters Alice and Sylvia, my brother-in-law Rey, my granddaughters, and I will converge in a restaurant to have dinner.
The granddaughters are going to one of their favorite coffee shops for a long study session.
I need to go jalan-jalan to change dollars into pesos and go shopping.
In the early evening my sisters Alice and Sylvia, my brother-in-law Rey, my granddaughters, and I will converge in a restaurant to have dinner.
Never "decide" that you're an artist and live like one, or else you will end up surviving as a classroom teacher and waiting for commissions to arrive. Instead, devote yourself to a profitable job that will provide you a hefty, monthly pension for life upon your retirement. ONLY THEN should you live as a full-time artist without a care in the world as to whether commissions come to you or not.
M. is still recovering from a 14-hour birthday celebration in his care that lasted 7:00 PM yesterday evening through 9:00 AM this morning Jerome was the only waiter last night. I saw him drinking a bottle of beer that the celebrant must have pressed on him this morning Now he is out like a light and will probably wake up after sundown.
Friday, January 23, 2020. Second in-depth workshop for the Spirit Questors in a participant's residence. One of the lessons was on the use of feng shui crystals, crystal cards, and very carefully selected Tarot cards to align the chakras. The Tarot cards, as long as they are chosen well, are most effective.
Every bipolar on the way to healing needs to accept the following:
--Nothing in this world is perfect.
--Things almost never turn out the way we want them to.
--The people we love will always have habits, mannerisms, and personal preferences that turn us off if not disgust us.
--Money doesn't grow on trees. We need to earn it by honest means.
--It is all right to dream as long as we know that not all of those dreams will become reality.
--It's a world of idiots, but you don't have to be one of them.
--Life demands constant learning, and true learning requires patience.
--The simplest joys and pleasures are the best.
--Never go grandiose.
--Never compare yourself to others, because that is the first step to disappointment, envy, and frustration.
--Things almost never turn out the way we want them to.
--The people we love will always have habits, mannerisms, and personal preferences that turn us off if not disgust us.
--Money doesn't grow on trees. We need to earn it by honest means.
--It is all right to dream as long as we know that not all of those dreams will become reality.
--It's a world of idiots, but you don't have to be one of them.
--Life demands constant learning, and true learning requires patience.
--The simplest joys and pleasures are the best.
--Never go grandiose.
--Never compare yourself to others, because that is the first step to disappointment, envy, and frustration.
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony, good morning. Thank you for the message you gave after my father's passing. It was light. It was what I exactly need that time, an I appreciate it. While I benefit from the guidance that your daily posts provide, words of wisdom from the wolf himself on my birthday will be a gift enough for me. I hope to personally meet you someday. Thank you."
My reply:
Happy Birthday, B.!
Your birthday messages:
1) What no longer lives without you, still lives within you.
2) The best thing you can do for your loved ones and yourself is to always try your best.
3) Learn from the brightness of the morning sky.
2) The best thing you can do for your loved ones and yourself is to always try your best.
3) Learn from the brightness of the morning sky.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony, just want to share something from tonight. I have been in this outdoor facility in _____ for more than 4 years already. I am not oblivious of the different presence here in the center. In fact I have sensed and seen quite a few. But tonight seemed a little different.
"It is my first time to feel an odd feeling from both my feet. I was at the laundry area which is located below our room. When I turned on the lights, a strange feeling already reverberated down my feet but I did not bother it at first. Till I heard banging sounds coming from one of the doors of the restroom located on the same floor. I walked into the CR and checked saw open windows - so I closed it. When I walked back to the washing area, I heard tapping sounds. It sounded several times and the tingling sensation from my feet didn't vanished.
"What really disturbed me was the fact that the sensation still lingered even if I went up to my room already.
"does it have something to do with the current status of the earth? Knowing the center is right across Mt. _______ and having the presence of ____ here."
"Hi Sir Tony, just want to share something from tonight. I have been in this outdoor facility in _____ for more than 4 years already. I am not oblivious of the different presence here in the center. In fact I have sensed and seen quite a few. But tonight seemed a little different.
"It is my first time to feel an odd feeling from both my feet. I was at the laundry area which is located below our room. When I turned on the lights, a strange feeling already reverberated down my feet but I did not bother it at first. Till I heard banging sounds coming from one of the doors of the restroom located on the same floor. I walked into the CR and checked saw open windows - so I closed it. When I walked back to the washing area, I heard tapping sounds. It sounded several times and the tingling sensation from my feet didn't vanished.
"What really disturbed me was the fact that the sensation still lingered even if I went up to my room already.
"does it have something to do with the current status of the earth? Knowing the center is right across Mt. _______ and having the presence of ____ here."
My reply:
Hello _____!
The elementals are warning you of things to come, and I am certain it is related to the earth changes we have been experiencing.
There is indeed a strange thing happening to young and old psychics in this country at this time, and it has to do with their feet, as if their feet are seeking to be un-grounded in order to allow them to astral-travel to places where they are needed. One needs to be especially un-grounded when visiting the elemental kingdoms.
Since the end of November last year, psychics' feet have always been feeling cold even in hot weather, and there are tingling sensations, sometimes like brief, electric shocks, in their toes and inside their very feet. The feeling is most uncomfortable and annoying. The best recommendation I give them is to wear thermal socks when in bed and pay attention to their dreams.
Since the end of November last year, psychics' feet have always been feeling cold even in hot weather, and there are tingling sensations, sometimes like brief, electric shocks, in their toes and inside their very feet. The feeling is most uncomfortable and annoying. The best recommendation I give them is to wear thermal socks when in bed and pay attention to their dreams.
My advice to you is to wait and see. You may dream of a clear message. In the last analysis, we cannot prevent earth changes from happening; we can only ensure our safety by taking the proper precautions, whether we are near the mountains, near the sea, or in the lowlands.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Back from jalan-jalan,
Angelique and Jazz went to the center and are not back yet.
When I arrived home my sister Alice informed me that my sister Sylvia and brother-in-law Rey uneventfully flew in yesterday from Sydney and checked into their condo unit a few blocks away from our house. I'm glad they missed the flight delays caused by volcanic ash fall.
Angelique and Jazz went to the center and are not back yet.
When I arrived home my sister Alice informed me that my sister Sylvia and brother-in-law Rey uneventfully flew in yesterday from Sydney and checked into their condo unit a few blocks away from our house. I'm glad they missed the flight delays caused by volcanic ash fall.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
W. reported for work this morning.
We've gutted the ceilings of the laundry room and service passage, reconfigured the plumbing and electrical wiring and placed everything in neatly-arranged and squared pipes to eliminate the necessity of placing decorative ceilings and crown moldings. Cement work is now in progress.
Lunch at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and W.
B. arrived for another one-to-one session with me. He's Christine Bellen Ang's and my anak-anakan. I asked him to request Christine to buy him a deck of Tarot cards (actually two decks because all of my students are required to have a light deck and a dark deck; the only deck that fulfills being light and dark at the same time is STILL the Rider-Waite deck) while she is in Jong King. He will join us during my next workshop for the Spirit Questors sometime the following week.
We've gutted the ceilings of the laundry room and service passage, reconfigured the plumbing and electrical wiring and placed everything in neatly-arranged and squared pipes to eliminate the necessity of placing decorative ceilings and crown moldings. Cement work is now in progress.
Lunch at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and W.
B. arrived for another one-to-one session with me. He's Christine Bellen Ang's and my anak-anakan. I asked him to request Christine to buy him a deck of Tarot cards (actually two decks because all of my students are required to have a light deck and a dark deck; the only deck that fulfills being light and dark at the same time is STILL the Rider-Waite deck) while she is in Jong King. He will join us during my next workshop for the Spirit Questors sometime the following week.
Friday, January 17, 2020
End of another workday on the service passage.
Dinner at home alone; Angelique still in college; Aubrey ordered dinner from outside and is having it upstairs.
It's Aubrey's fourth day on medication. One of them tastes so bad that I have to make her eat a bar of Nestle's Crunch immediately after ("Just a spoonful of sugar/ Helps the medicine go down...").
Asked Jerico to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Watered my pathetic, dead or dying orchids. Added chunks of coal to the coconut-shell cradles two nights ago and I'm still waiting to see what happens.
An otherwise uneventful day. Looking forward to a hot shower and to snuggling back in bed with Duma Point. I'm more than halfway through it.
Dinner at home alone; Angelique still in college; Aubrey ordered dinner from outside and is having it upstairs.
It's Aubrey's fourth day on medication. One of them tastes so bad that I have to make her eat a bar of Nestle's Crunch immediately after ("Just a spoonful of sugar/ Helps the medicine go down...").
Asked Jerico to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Watered my pathetic, dead or dying orchids. Added chunks of coal to the coconut-shell cradles two nights ago and I'm still waiting to see what happens.
An otherwise uneventful day. Looking forward to a hot shower and to snuggling back in bed with Duma Point. I'm more than halfway through it.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
If our homes were by the sea and a tsunami ravaged them, or if our homes were on a mountainside and a landslide destroyed them, we should MOVE to safer places permanently rather than rebuild on our former sites. Yes, it is easier said than done, but IT HAS TO BE DONE. We first of all need to convince ourselves to just get moving.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
A heavy breakfast followed by a one-hour, morning nap.
Not yet halfway through Duma Key, but then again I read a few pages only to go to sleep. It's a good read because it's "well-written", but I have no plans of rereading it; it has too many sad and tragic episodes.
Amazing how you look at a painting and decide whether you like it or not in a split-second--and how you need to plod through a thick novel before deciding the same. Amazing because both the painting and the novel took the same amount of lengthy time for their artists to conceive and create them.
Not yet halfway through Duma Key, but then again I read a few pages only to go to sleep. It's a good read because it's "well-written", but I have no plans of rereading it; it has too many sad and tragic episodes.
Amazing how you look at a painting and decide whether you like it or not in a split-second--and how you need to plod through a thick novel before deciding the same. Amazing because both the painting and the novel took the same amount of lengthy time for their artists to conceive and create them.
Conversing on Messenger with painter Raul Arellano, who has a to-die-for property with a studio cabin a la Roald Dahl in Calaca, Batangas. He decided to stay there rather than come to Metro Manila from Day 1 of the volcanic eruption. As a result he has a lot of stunning photos of the eruption and its aftermath. I suggested that he open a photo-journal of the event from his point of view. Glad to know that he still has drinking water and food stocks and is fine.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Monday, January 13, 2020
Still reading Duma Key. Plodded through the first 77 pages, which were replete with the protagonist's depressive thoughts and schizoid episodes--not my idea of horror at all, but the idea of horror, perhaps, of Americans who live and feel that, even if they are with other people, they are all alone.
Finally, on page 78, something paranormal happens, and I think I might enjoy this novel all the way through the end.
Finally, on page 78, something paranormal happens, and I think I might enjoy this novel all the way through the end.
W. and I had dinner in the dining room.
End of another workday on the service passage.
Angelique ordered food to be delivered from outside for Aubrey and herself. Aubrey is running a fever and is sleeping in Angelique's bedroom tonight. Both granddaughters have no school tomorrow, thank God.
Bought medicine and Gatorade for Aubrey.
Asked Michael to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Now locking up for the night.
End of another workday on the service passage.
Angelique ordered food to be delivered from outside for Aubrey and herself. Aubrey is running a fever and is sleeping in Angelique's bedroom tonight. Both granddaughters have no school tomorrow, thank God.
Bought medicine and Gatorade for Aubrey.
Asked Michael to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Now locking up for the night.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Clean scarves and shawls are more exotic than "face masks". That's what they wear in places where there are sandstorms.
If you walk around wearing those cheap, dispensable "face masks", you will only manage to look like a pretentious Chinese tourist who cannot stand the smell of Philippine streets.
Or a manikurista taking a break from an atchay beauty parlor.
Or an underpaid food server subcontracted by a stingy caterer.
Or a hardware-store paint mixer.
Or a lab extra in a B-grade Godzilla movie.
If you walk around wearing those cheap, dispensable "face masks", you will only manage to look like a pretentious Chinese tourist who cannot stand the smell of Philippine streets.
Or a manikurista taking a break from an atchay beauty parlor.
Or an underpaid food server subcontracted by a stingy caterer.
Or a hardware-store paint mixer.
Or a lab extra in a B-grade Godzilla movie.
Walked to and from the neighborhood grocery, which is open 24/7 again. The streets were deserted. Didn't see any signs of volcanic ash fall, but then again it was dark.
In 2013 one of my spirit guides instructed me to have the exterior of our house wrapped all around with steel balconies and frosted, glass sliding doors, and I thought it was because we would have snow very soon. As it turns out the glass doors protect us from wind, rain, insects--and volcanic ash falls.
In 2013 one of my spirit guides instructed me to have the exterior of our house wrapped all around with steel balconies and frosted, glass sliding doors, and I thought it was because we would have snow very soon. As it turns out the glass doors protect us from wind, rain, insects--and volcanic ash falls.
Started reading Stephen King's Duma Key. I bought a copy despite its cover design, which looks like it was lifted off the series The Curse of Oak Island--because it's set in Florida, because it's about a man who takes up painting, and because I want to read a really scary novel for a change. So far I'm just wading through a lot of the protagonist's personal frustrations and woes in life, combined with even more, unnecessary Americanisms, the kind of padding Stephen King's fat turkeys are usually overstuffed with.
At any rate it succeeded in making me take a two-hour, afternoon nap. When I woke up all the lights inside the house were turned off; the granddaughters must have gone somewhere while I was sleeping.
Lit afternoon joss sticks to the kuman thong and a tea light in our soapstone holder.
The sun begins to set in Cubao.
At any rate it succeeded in making me take a two-hour, afternoon nap. When I woke up all the lights inside the house were turned off; the granddaughters must have gone somewhere while I was sleeping.
Lit afternoon joss sticks to the kuman thong and a tea light in our soapstone holder.
The sun begins to set in Cubao.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Frankly, there is not much mystery about your choice or acceptance of lifestyle.
If you are a materialistic person, the gods and goddesses and your psyche will give you the means, and even more, to satisfy your needs and wants.
If you are not a materialistic person, they will give you a lifestyle of simplicity and even poverty, and you don't even have to denounce materialism to settle for that kind of happiness.
If you are a materialistic person, the gods and goddesses and your psyche will give you the means, and even more, to satisfy your needs and wants.
If you are not a materialistic person, they will give you a lifestyle of simplicity and even poverty, and you don't even have to denounce materialism to settle for that kind of happiness.
Would have finished _The Golden Fleece_ last night, but felt drowsy and had to set it aside to sleep (the objective of my reading in bed).
Fascinated by the cones of thread that Ariadne showed Theseus (one into the labyrinth and one out of it). Whenever I come upon thread in any myth I cannot help but think of knitting and of friends who knit or handle yarn or thread. Thread in myths seems to be an archetype of salvation, of escape, of freedom, of life, and of death, and I am happy that I actually use it to knit artworks.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Your Messenger message:
"Hi sir Tony..had a dream of my kindest uncle in our house who passed away 9 years ago and he wants to.sleep in our old home. Whats the meaning of that dream? Thanks again."
My reply:
Hello ______!
You failed to record the dream NARRATIVE, which should have a beginning, middle, and end. Interpreting your dream would be like reviewing a movie based on only one sequence.
The closest interpretation I can give is that your uncle is one of your spirit guides and that you should acknowledge this by placing a framed photo of him on your altar--a variation of the way Chinese martial arts students keep a photo of their master on their receiving-room wall. He will then be more proactive in guiding you, for the deceased like being remembered fondly.
"Hi sir Tony..had a dream of my kindest uncle in our house who passed away 9 years ago and he wants to.sleep in our old home. Whats the meaning of that dream? Thanks again."
My reply:
Hello ______!
You failed to record the dream NARRATIVE, which should have a beginning, middle, and end. Interpreting your dream would be like reviewing a movie based on only one sequence.
The closest interpretation I can give is that your uncle is one of your spirit guides and that you should acknowledge this by placing a framed photo of him on your altar--a variation of the way Chinese martial arts students keep a photo of their master on their receiving-room wall. He will then be more proactive in guiding you, for the deceased like being remembered fondly.
Solo Ojo Ring Encircled By The 8 Ms
Each one of these is the name of a spirit. All eight are spirits of time periods, i.e., each spirit rules a three-hour period within 24 hours, ensuring protection all day and all night.
One invokes the names when rising in the morning and before going to bed at night.
Sterling silver. The stone in the center is a black star sapphire, indigenous to Bali, Indonesia, where it is frequently used in magical jewelry.
Each one of these is the name of a spirit. All eight are spirits of time periods, i.e., each spirit rules a three-hour period within 24 hours, ensuring protection all day and all night.
One invokes the names when rising in the morning and before going to bed at night.
Sterling silver. The stone in the center is a black star sapphire, indigenous to Bali, Indonesia, where it is frequently used in magical jewelry.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Slept ten hours last night.
Lunch at home with the granddaughters.
Aubrey's first day of the second semester was pushed back to January 20.
Started reading The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles. Wonderfully detailed and an excellent review of Greek mythology, with exquisite illustrations too.
Lunch at home with the granddaughters.
Aubrey's first day of the second semester was pushed back to January 20.
Started reading The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles. Wonderfully detailed and an excellent review of Greek mythology, with exquisite illustrations too.
Your Messenger message:
"Hello sir. I would like to ask if there is a prayer/mantra to find a lost cat. My cat ______ has been missing for 24 hours. He is still a kitten and may not know how to get back. I hope I am right in intuiting he's with our next-door neighbor (used a pendulum). But my other neighbor suspects ______ was taken by kids/lured away from our apartment.
"It's ok sir if this question remains unanswered. I am just worried sick.
"Thank you sir. Hope to meet you one day."
"Hello sir. I would like to ask if there is a prayer/mantra to find a lost cat. My cat ______ has been missing for 24 hours. He is still a kitten and may not know how to get back. I hope I am right in intuiting he's with our next-door neighbor (used a pendulum). But my other neighbor suspects ______ was taken by kids/lured away from our apartment.
"It's ok sir if this question remains unanswered. I am just worried sick.

"Thank you sir. Hope to meet you one day."
My reply:
Hello _________!
In my own time I owned lots of kittens and cats. Some of them went missing, a few came back months later.
Kittens and cats will go where they think they will be happiest, if that is any consolation to you. Should your kitten eventually decide that it was better off with you, it will manage to escape from where it is and come back to you.
Try a novena to Saint Anthony of Padua, keeping in mind that after he gives you what you've lost, he will take something else from you.
If that does not work, consider that your spirit guides may be teaching you a lesson in detachment.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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