Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
M.'s cafe sends over a flat basket of fried noodles.
To view the photo, go to my Facebook Page at If Blogger does not enable you to open the link, Copy the Link, go to Facebook, and Paste the link on your browser.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Can't go out and do any shopping, of course. Just bought this statuette online to place beside my desktop computer table, to mark my 70th. I was immediately attracted to it when I saw it--not so much because the world is a burden to Atlas but because he is strong enough to bear it. Strangely, when the statuette arrived, I saw that the globe on Atlas' shoulders is not Planet Earth at all. It must be a model of Planet Mars from more than a million years ago.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Asked M. to bring some food over to his cafe staff.
Night chores.
Q and Bertod cleaned the laundry area and gave Keiko Kashigawa and Yukiko Taka baths with lavender-scented, anti-flea shampoo.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Judge Dee.
In ancient Pei-chow, the headless cadaver of a murdered woman has been discovered in the bedroom of an antique dealer's wife.
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony good afternoon. Hope ur doin great. I would like to ask your opinion about dog howling. We just moved in her in our new house over a month ago and then suddenly my dogs howl for 4 consecutive days with the same time which is around 4am. Very weird because the way they howl is very loud like a crying baby. I have made my research about it, and it something to do with anxiety or are they giving us a sign like a warning or something else? Thank you po."
My reply:
Hello __________!
There is nothing to worry about. That is probably the same time when creepy crawlies move around, in sight or within hearing of your dogs: mice, water rats, or even garden snakes in their natural habitat. During summer time these creatures come out when the whole world is still.
Outdoor lights and indoor night lights might help.
In the meantime, allow your pets to become accustomed to their new home.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
One of the quickest and most effective ways of getting rid of unwanted friends is to encourage them to talk about their favorite local movies. At the crucial moment, turn to them with a blank stare and say, ":I don't watch Tagalog movies."
They sputter and are unable to say anything for the next five seconds.
Why are people so critical of Mel Gibson's films? They say that Passion was anti-Semitic, but Jesus was anti-Semitic himself; naturally his "biography" would be biased toward that. Christianity and other religions today, of course, make efforts toward a brotherhood or coexistence of all religions, but that movement did not occur until centuries after the life of Christ on earth.
And then there is Apocalypto, which has been accused of portraying the Mayans in a negative light. What do they mean by that? The graphic violence toward enemies? The human sacrifices? But aren't all of those in the history books anyway? And are not the same violence and killings still evident in any society and in modern streets today, centuries after?
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Korean dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and Jazz.
To view the photos, go to my Facebook Page at If Blogger does not enable you to open the link, Copy the link, go to Facebook, and Paste the link on your browser.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Haven't been wearing my earrings lately because my face masks and face shields overpower them. Instead I bought several face shields to match my Spandex shorts or my shirts. So far I have purple, blue/gold, green, red, pink, yellow, orange, black/rainbow, and, of course, clear/white. I stopped there, passing on the gray and the brown.
One-hour, afternoon nap.
Woke up thinking of Pio and Joy de Castro, both deceased. I remember visiting their quaint, modern house only once, most probably during the premiere production of my play Biyaheng Timog. They'd inherited a postage-stamp lot and had no choice but to build upward in order to have lots of space. Every square inch was carefully measured to accommodate their furniture. The house had four levels, if I'm not mistaken. Their library was located on the uppermost, where there were three of each book on the shelves. I asked Pio why that was so, and he explained that one book was to keep, the other to lend, and the third a spare.
Though each level of the house was small, there was a small atrium at one end in which they'd placed a potted banyan sapling. Pio also explained that, before they started building, they had to get rid of a fruit tree on the lot. He walked up to the fruit tree and apologized for what they were about to do. "After all," he added, "you never really bore fruit." Uncannily, on the day that they felled the tree, they saw that it had forced itself to bear albeit tiny fruit.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
I love being the first to wake up and rise on hot, summer mornings. When I step out of my bedroom I am greeted by scents that fermented during the night: the lingering perfume of incense long turned into ashes, the variegated smell of books and paper, and the woody aroma of antique furniture. I then open the sliding doors on the ground floor and the breeze brings in the scents of the bright, outside world. Night turns to day, yin to yang, darkness to light, death to life, dreams to waking reality.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
Mt favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Judge Dee.
Will start rereading The Chinese Gold Murders later tonight.
Back from jalan-jalan at the center. had money changed covering two weekends and bought a bottle of Samyang sauce and a pack of dried seaweed at the Korean grocery store.
Also bought a bundle of striped trash bags.
Didn't linger due to increasing number of zombies.
A sweltering hot afternoon.
Replenished our soda supply.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Lazada's birthday sale begins three days from now. If the difference in the price of your chosen item today and the price three days from now is only in the vicinity of PHP 20 - 50, place your order now. You will find that, if you place your order three days from now, the item will be out of stock.
Ordered a 24-piece stainless steel spoon, fork, teaspoon, and knife set that matches one of the sets we already have, because our old set has two missing pieces.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey. Aubrey cooked kimchi fried rice with bacon, topped with fried eggs and shredded, dried, Korean seaweed.
Asked Bertod to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Judge Dee.
Two murders have been committed so far: that of a dancer on a flower boat and that of a young bride on her wedding night.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Your Messenger message:
"Dear Mr. Tony, how are you? I hope all is well. I saw yr latest FB post, and wondered if you had any advice for me. Maybe 20 years ago, I was at a family event and one of my aunt's friends was in attendance. She is known to be able to read palms/tell fortunes and she asked if she could see my palm. She gave me one piece of 'good news' (which has not come true) but the second was that I should never drive a car and that has affected me till today (I attempted a driving test once but failed). I am a Christian and not particularly superstitious, but my aunt was convinced of her 'prophecy' and accuracy because a few things she has said concerning my family came to pass, including that of my mum and my brother. So my aunt (we are close) is also very against me learning driving. I don't think I have the guts yet to learn driving immediately but how could I start to overcome this 'doubt' so it doesn't stop me from learning this practical skill? (Minus other factors that my mum also failed driving and I don't think I have the best hand-eye coordination?) Pls don't feel obligated to answer but if you feel like it, I would appreciate any wisdom on this, thank you!
My reply:
Hello ___________!
As a general rule, never allow others to tell you what to do or not to do, especially when it comes to your personal development and happiness. Rely on your own objectives and your own initiative. While the palm-reader's foresight may have truth, what she is really saying is, "Go ahead and drive a car BUT always be extra careful." Her warning, to your own benefit, will always be in your subconscious.
Everybody changes with time. If you like, try to take a driving test again and see if you are much better at it now. You will be IF YOU REALLY WANT TO DRIVE. In the past your skepticism was holding you back. See if it still has control over you now.
Know what you really want. Then, go get it. Your spirit guides will abet you.
Brought some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Judge Dee in The Chinese Lake Murders.
Judge Dee is at present attending a banquet in his honor on a huge flower boat.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Judge Dee. He and Chao Tai are currently billeted incognito in a ruffians' inn. Judge Dee and a student are about to go to the marsh to check out the corpse of a murdered woman.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The LaLaMove rider was at Gilmore Cubao. I always get antsy whenever I see the orange marker approaching our house.
Now the items have been delivered, and I am extremely pleased with them.
To view the photo, go to my Facebook Page at If Blogger does not allow you to open the link, Copy the link, go to Facebook, and Paste on your browser.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Asked Q to bring some food over to M.'s cafe staff.
Night chores.
My favorite time of the day has come again: an evening shower, spending some time watching online videos, and then snuggling in bed with Judge Dee.
Judge Dee is on a brief holiday in the district of Wei-Ping, where his colleague, the magistrate of the district, is besieged by a mysterious coromandel screen featuring images of the four seasons in his office.
_Adoration of the Magi_
Adoration of the Magi
Oil on cradled canvas
4.5' x 6'
February 9 - March 17, 2021
This painting is a reverse take on the Wise Men's visit to the Christ Child during the Nativity. Guided by their inner star, they arrive at the entombment of Christ after his body is deposed from the cross. Instead of gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they offer a gold bowl of clean water, an alabaster jar of spices and perfume, and a thurible with lit incense.
The pattern on the side of the sarcophagus is that of ripe, rice stalks, signifying new life that follows death. Like _The Glorious Mysteries: The Resurrection_, with which it will be hung side by side, the work bears the leitmotif of a circle, triangles, and squares. Also as in _The Resurrection_, the figure of Christ was proportioned to eight heads, while the figures of the others were proportioned to seven heads.
The painting is a study in black on black, but I had to lighten it up considerably because it will hang in the narrow stairwell between the ground and second floors of the library of Maryhill School of Theology (MST).
Perhaps it should be mentioned here that the preference of MST for the enculturation of theology entails not pulling forward the religious events in the past to the present, but, instead, superimposing the present on the religious events in the past. Given such phenomenological perceptions of time, this is MST's contribution to the celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines.
The auditory stimulus I used while making this painting is at Do listen to it while viewing the work.
Your Messenger message:
"Dear Sir Tony,
"We needed to reach out to you again because we want to exhaust all possible explanations about our daughter. She is a non verbal autistic who is dependent on us for everything, including self care. So she cannot tell us, or anybody, what she feels. May we ask what is the possibility that beings (if there were) who may have been 'residents' or 'friends' of the trees that were cut near our house could inflict any form of physical harm? Yesterday, our part time gardener who comes about twice a month was here for more clearing and weeding. Last night, my daughter, who also has a seizure disorder, had some seizures which were unlike her usual seizures in the past. Just short and quick ones, but several times. Maybe it’s a different medical condition so we are taking her for a check up, but we would very much appreciate your opinion on this. That is, if you find the time and if you think we can do something that the doctors might not be able to 'see' or advice us about.
"Thank you as always and thank you also for still keeping me in your friends list.
My reply:
Hello ________!
Go ahead and bring your doctor to her physician. There is nothing supernatural about her new seizures. Her body has been reacting to the summer heat.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
A one-hour afternoon nap, and then Brian and I went up to the roof deck to segregate more vegetable plants in individual pots.
Were I a film director I would set a story on our roof deck, which is, as can be seen in previous photos, surrounded by interesting structures. The protagonist would be in the center of it all. Other characters would be a married couple in a unit of Pineda Condominium, an instructor of Samson College of Science and Technology, a student in one of the units of my nephew's tenement building, an office manager at Cyberpark Tower, a police officer at Precinct 7, a parent of an OFW in Theresa Towers, an artist setting up an exhibit at Artery Art Space, and a salesperson at Indian Motorcycles USA.
The film would consist of a lot of zooming in and out of windows from the roof deck.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Still rereading Poets and Murder. It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Judge Dee is spending a few days at the palatial residence of his colleague in Chin-wah, who has prepared a lavish dinner for three eminent poets. Two murders have already been committed, that of a student searching for his father's murderer and that of a young dancer, and Judge Dee is already on both cases. I remember how this novel will end, but I always willingly read it through, for I am immediately transported to the picturesque scenes and lifestyles of exotic, ancient China when I do so.
Staggered dinnertimes.
Didn't paint at all today, but it was another enchanted afternoon and evening on the roof deck. Brian and Neil segregated the tomato sprouts in individual pots. After sunset, the lights in the buildings surrounding us came on. The aroma of food cooking on someone's stove wafted on the breeze, and then the scent of someone's cologne. We heard snatches of disembodied conversations coming from the driveway. Now I'm still dreaming not only of a small bedroom on the roof deck, but also of an iron bridge leading from the south end of the deck to the small parapet on the front corner of the yellow tower.
Sunday evening with Brian and Neil on the roof deck.
To view the photos and their captions, go to my Facebook page at If Blogger does not allow you to open the link, Copy the Link, go to Facebook, and Paste the link on your browser.
It seems easier and more pleasant to upload multiple photos on Facebook.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Back from jalan-jalan at the center. Had money changed, bought another pair of reading glasses and two ceiling light bulbs, bought two packs crabsticks at the Chinese grocery, four packs sushi at the Japanese grocery, and two packs dried seaweed and two boxes kimchi at the Korean grocery. It was a warm afternoon, even though the sun was behind clouds.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Jay and Q take Keiko Kashigawa and Yukiko Taka for a Saturday afternoon walk.
To view the photos, go to my Facebook Page at If Blogger does not enable you to open the link, Copy the link, go to Facebook, and Paste the link on your browser.
Your Messenger message:
"What do you make of people who keep calling on the phone to chat (hour-long!) even when you make it clear you don't welcome the phonecalls? I feel guilty for not calling back but resent the imposition and demand on my time and attention."
My reply:
"I'd just ignore and not call back. Never be a slave to technology. It should serve you, not the other way around. It is really the caller's problem, not yours. If they ask you later why you didn't call back, just say, "One of my rules is to ignore all phone calls." That way THEY follow YOU.
"I am even more brash than that. When unexpected guests knock on my door I myself open the door and tell them, 'I'm sorry, I'm not expecting you. I'm working on a painting in progress and I can't let anyone in.' I feel absolutely no guilt in doing so. Only I can choose whom to entertain.
"One of my problems is that most people see me as sweet, fatherly, approachable, and easily manipulatable. I am not. There was a time when a woman, a stranger, knocked on our door and insisted on using our ground-floor bathroom. I, of course, refused, and advised her to go to a restaurant or to the barangay hall. She then said, 'Dito na 'ko iihi sa may pintuan mo.' I yelled, 'Subukan mong gawin iyan! Sasabuyan kita ng tubig-kanal!' She slunk away.
"I love making my dark side pop out like a jack-in-the-box to atchays. The expressions on their faces are precious and, unfortunately due to lack of time, I could never actually photograph them."
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Aubrey came down to lunch in the dining room.
Brian and I went up to the roof deck. We had to wear caps and open an umbrella under the blazing, summer sun.
All the bitter melon shoots have now been segregated in individual pots with dragon-tree poles in their centers. I'm secretly hoping the poles take root and grow.
Your Messenger message:
"Goodeve sir Tony!
"Can I share a screen shot my daughter took it this 6pm while we were praying the Rosary via chat....My reply:
Hello ______!
It's a technical glitch caused not by the camera but by elementals. If you look hard enough you will see their seven faces imaged by the pixelation.
If you are unwilling to allow playful elementals to have fun in your room, smudge your room with sage or frankincense. Light scented candles often in your room. Elementals do not like incense and candles.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning po Sir Tony! Hihingi po sana ako ng advise tungkol sa kung ano po ang gagawin ko sa friend request of a person who unfriended me twice and added again po. This will probably be the third approval po and I do not know the reason why she unfriended me last time. We used to be really good friends back then but due to different principles at work we drifted apart and she left the company. I wanted to give it some thought so I have not responded since yesterday. For your advise po. Salamat po Sir Tony and ingat po!"
My reply:
Hello _______!
Do not accept her Friend Request. As a matter of fact, Block her to discourage her from continuing to play social media games.
Do not fall into the trap of believing that Facebook is real life; it is not. Real life is when you shut off your computer and go into physical movement to engineer your day.
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning Sir Tony
"I’m reading your 365 notes on love Ganda na kaka miss ma in love again "Sir I miss having lessons and learning from you "Is it possible for us with Elline and Allan n others to Have a zoom or Skype class "Thank you"Hello _________!
I prefer to teach in everyone's physical presence because physical presence is a requirement for memory recall. Note that my new exercises, which we did together, accomplished that. We just have to wait for the pandemic to blow over.
Two-hour, deep tissue massage. Ended past midnight.
I have taken note, over the years, that when different parts of the body are massaged they allow particular emotions/mental states/attitudes to emerge, and that when a body part aches most the explanation is not necessarily physiological and possibly psychological:
Back of Head/Nape: Submission
Upper Back: Sadness
Shoulders: Guilt/Remorse
Lower Back: Happy friendships with peers
Buttocks: Rebellion against authority figures
Backs of Thighs: Fear
Calves: Intense grief and frustrations
Head/Scalp: The ability to let go
Face: Strength of will
Ears: Flirtations
Neck: Intellectual pursuits
Chest: Shame
Ribs: Anger
Stomach: Love
Abdomen: Lust
Arms: Hopefulness
Hands: Responsibility
Front of Thighs: Joy
Knees/Shins: Vulnerability to seduction by others
Feet/Soles of Feet: Attainment of goals
Monday, March 8, 2021
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning Sir Tony, Hope your doing great. I just need your guidance regarding po sa bahay ng kapatid ko. Noon kakalipat pa lang ng kapatid ko sa nakuha nila bahay which is ako po nakahanap, meron po doon isang malaking matandang puno ng mangga na nakadikit mismo sa labas ng bahay. Mejo nagworry po kapatid ko dahil sa baka daw po masira yung foundation ng bahay kapag lalo pang lumaki yung ugat sa ilalim ng lupa. Pero prior nilang gawen niyon. Tuwing pumupunta ako sa bahay nila lage po meron pumapasok sa isip ko na nagsasabi wag na wag puputulin yung puno, at may times na hindi po ako mapakali dahil po dun. Kaya sinabi ko po agad sa kapatid ko ng makailang beses na wag putulin po yung puno pero di po siya nakinig saken. After nila putulin doon na po nagsimula na ilang beses po silang nasiraan ng appliances sa loob ng bahay at lage po umaalis yung katulong nila, at sobra mabigat sa pakiramdam sa loob po mismo ng bahay kaya di po ako nakakapagstay ng matagal sa kanila dahil sumasakit po ulo ko. I dont have any idea how to communicate po sa mga entities na nakatira if meron man po para na rin maging peaceful na po yung environment. Need your opinion Sir Tony. Salamat po"
My reply:
Simply ask your sibling to buy a mango seedling and plant it on the same lot but at a distance from the house.
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning po sir Tony have a blessed day
"My question lang po aq,2x na pow aq nakkita ng snake sa bahy..una xa kusina po then hinabol ng dog q bgla sumuot xa hole outside r house ..then knina po sa kusina again..hinabol ulit ng dog q dun ulit xa hole dumaaan outside r house..Anu po ba ibig ipahiwatig nun..Thank u po in advance.."My reply:
Hello ___________!
All this means is that it is summertime, when creepy crawlies come out to live above the ground. That of course includes ants, millipedes, and all sorts of bugs, including, unfortunately for your dog, fleas.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Work done for the day, but I didn't have a moment to myself. Whenever I tried to lie down and nap someone knocked on my door. Brian had to retrieve a second machete from our storage room, buy a length of nylon rope and then eleven, woven sacks and afterward trimmed our dragon tree; two men arrived to repair Aubrey's bedroom air-conditioner; my sister Alice arrived from lucky Chinatown and gave us a variety of sweetmeats; Brian trimmed my younger son Chito's ficus tree in front of M.'s cafe; and Toto asked us to have the talisay tree in front of D.'s store trimmed as well. I hope to sleep well tonight.
To view the photos and their captions, go to If Blogger does not enable you to open the link, Copy the link, go to Facebook, and Paste the link on your browser.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Under The Blazing Saturday Afternoon Sun
Brian and Bertod trim the dragon tree branches on the east side of our house.
It is summer time because our frangipani, possibly the oldest tree in Cubao, is in full bloom.
To view the photos, go to: If Blogger does not enable you to open the link, Copy the link, go to Facebook, and Paste the link on your browser.
Frank sent this to me. I wrote the screenplay for this segment years ago.