Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Neil reported for work again.

Finished construction lines on one more human figure in my next painting, then worked on the upper background.

Two more human figures to go, but I need two more models. Some Spirit Questors are arriving for the 14th Bilbo Baggins afternoon, and I think I'll ask the first two to be photographed.

Now Neil is off to the painting chemist's with a sample that I mixed, to order two gallons acrylic for three house walls.

A reminder to myself to Disable Posts and Comments and abandon my Facebook account when I hit 75. If I live that long, that is, and, hopefully, I will. I find it terribly distasteful when others start Posting how ill they are, if not dying, and I refuse to have to go through that kind of shit.

It is our duty to die in silence and in solitude.

The best way to pay for your karma is not with your money but with your talents. It is why you were endowed with talents to begin with.

Good morning, Cubao!

Load your Warriors' cauldron with three iron nails..


Watched Indonesia's 2023 Indigo (1:57:49), about two sisters, Zora and Ninda, born with psychic abilities and haunted by the same ghost, that of a pregnant woman. With the help of Zora's boyfriend and an elder psychic, they discover how it came about that the ghost has become attached to them.

The movie progresses with the uncreative presentation of ghosts via the three Ss (shadows, silhouettes, and sheets), white face make-up, and black eye shadow, but the special effects step up during the last 30 minutes of the movie. The story is as smooth and as convincing as a Thai horror movie, a genre that Thailand has consistently excelled in. If there is anything unbelievable, it is that the cast is comprised of incredibly good-looking performers--perhaps too good-looking.  

Like all Asian movies that take liberties at deconstructing the meanings of terms, however, in this case "indigo," this one is no exception. My understanding of indigo children is that they were born in the 1950s, after World War II, and that they were born to make significant changes in the world. In the decades that followed, other children were born: violet children (highly spiritual) in the 60s, white children (psychics) in the 70s, red children (survivors) in the 80s, orange children (artists and innovators) in the 90s, and so on. Such movies also distorted the meanings of "kuman thong," "Ouija," "666,"and the like. I never imagined until now that one would eventually deconstruct the meaning of "indigo." 

The movie nonetheless has a satisfying conclusion.

Good night, Cubao!

The king of the white cloth continues to speak.

Fathers and brothers will be principal players in your life.

One Message For One of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Wear something white every day for an entire week.

A brief, afternoon nap.

Finished construction lines for another human figure in my next painting.

Now I need three more models to complete the tableau, but am calling it a day for painting.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Neil reported for work again today.

Finished construction lines for one more human figure in my next painting.

M. bought another security lock for the secret passage.

The image of the frog is the motif of the week.

Good morning, Cunao!

The day makes exciting promises.

Good night, Cubao!

Be proud of and honor your ancestry.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with three syllables in your name: Never seek to be anyone's protege. Be your own feudal lord and not a serf.

Finished construction lines for a fourth human figure in my next painting.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Finished construction lines for three human figures in my next painting.

Neil priming the wall between the studio foyer and the cafe waiters' quarters.

M. and the baby visited.

Good noon, Cubao!

The king of the white cloth ensures peace and harmony within a family.

Godzilla vs Kong

Watched the U.S.A.'s 2021 Godzilla vs Kong (1:52:45), one in a series of Godzilla movies. In this one, Godzilla, a Titan heretofore hailed as a savior of humanity, inexplicably attacks Apex Cybernetics in Pensacola, Florida. A team of scientists solicits the aid of the monitors of Skull Island, where Kong, another Titan, resides. They devise vehicles that will take them to Hollow Earth, the portal of which is in Antarctica, and is allegedly the site within the planet where Titans originate--and where a source of tremendous power can be found. During their exploration, they discover the reason behind Godzilla's odd behavior. A showdown in Hong Kong ensues between Godzilla and Kong--and a third, unexpected, entity.

Unlike early Godzilla movies, this series features slick animation and stunning special effects, making for highly entertaining and total escapism. Many audiences grew up with Godzilla from childhood, and always with the anticipation of watching crowds fleeing from the monstrous giant and buildings being crushed and razed to the ground.   

How many audiences realize that the Japanese subconsciously created Godzilla as the mutant outcome of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II?

And how many Americans realize that Kong represents power and resources exploited and wrested from countries populated by "Indians" to be brought to the mainland for commercial purposes?  

When Godzilla confronts Kong, is there a rightful winner? Or should we just lean back and reach for the popcorn?

Good night, Cubao!

Wear a silver key pendant or carry a silver keychain with you.

One Message For One of 3,.600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Consult the chained god of the sea before introducing changes in your routine.

If you do not have access to the sea, offer four chunks of watermelon on your altar.

Monday, February 26, 2024

M., Neil, and I rearranged furniture on the ground floor and set asside a lot of stuff for the 14th Bilbo Baggins afternoon.

Good morning, Cubao!

For doors to open, you must knock on them.

Good night, Cubao!

Plan a day trip to the countryside. 

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five and you with six syllables in your names: Take especial precautions against loss.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Markova: Comfort Gay

Watched the Philippines' restored version of _Markova; Comfort Gay_(1:36:28) (2001), a remarkable movie for its statements on gay identity and social oppression, except that it was not written by a gay writer and directed by a gay director. The movie begins with the misleading promise that this is a delightful Dolphy comedy, then takes the audience into the dark labyrinth of World War II and the nonchalant attitude of society in general toward gays in the present day. 

What might have set the proper tone for this production was actual footage of Walter Dempster, Jr. today, or a montage of photos of him from his past and his present. Instead, Dolphy is left alone to do his thing, and we obtain no real insight into the biopic's protagonist. To make things worse, Dolphy's improvisations and quips fall flat in this particular movie, mainly because they don't seem to belong to the overall mood of the movie.

The screenplay and direction seem to have served as the inspiration for Thailand's 2003 _Beautiful Boxer_, shot two years later; both movies, however, are theatrical rather than cinematic, visually crude, and ill-assembled, as though their creators were developing isolated ideas and then stringing them together to comprise a finished product. 

Even Loren Legarda received minimal direction in this production. She seemed to have been left pretty much to herself, and her sequences give the impression that everything was shot over a maximum of two  days. She probably should have been included in scenes where Markova walks into her own flashbacks, rather than be a mere sounding board for verbal exposition. On top of everything, there is no continuity between the three characters--young Markova, adult Markova, and old Markova-- so that the movie becomes a sketchy hodgepodge of the lives of three separate gay persons rather than only one.  

Having said all of that, the performers who did real, serious homework were Eric Quizon and Jeffrey Quizon. The latter skillfully avoided the caricature trap his father fell into, underplaying his role effectively, while the former underwent a stunning transformation as impressive as Faye Dunaway's depiction of Joan Crawford in the 1981 _Mommie Dearest_.

Still a movie worth watching, since there won't be another like it in a long time.

Your Messenger message:

"Good morning, sir.

"I'm here again, sir. I apologize. "Just before I woke up, a very random image flashed in my mind. I saw a little tribal boy with a bow, and I heard the name "P___." Is he my spirit guide?"

My reply:

Hello _____!

Visions of children are usually indications of the state your Inner Child is currently in.

On a psychological level, it can also mean that there is at least one childhood fixation you need to get rid of in order to fully blossom as an adult. I sense that it has something to do with rebelliousness against authority.

Good morning, Cubao!

Be mindful of illness that might visit the elderly.

If you belong to a magically proactive group, organize a drumming ritual using rainmakers as wands in an open, unpopulated area.

Good night, Cubao!

To revelers, the night is always young.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Do not allow yourself to be swayed by friends. Every strong man stands on his own.

Your Messenger message:

"Good afternoon, Sir Tony. Here in this message is a dream that I had last night. I humbly ask for your help with the interpretation. This is with intention to help me give light to the things that will help me spiritually progress.

"Here is the dream narrative: "Feb 24 full moon "I dreamt of full moon in my dream as well. I dreamt of high tide. "There was a guy in the dream that I supposedly created. They were all telling me that I should scold him because he wasn’t loyal to me. I told them that I didn’t create him to be in love with me. I created him to be his own individual self- not to blindly follow me all the time. "This guy was heading towards a dark forest because a mutual friend of ours rode a bike to go there. I, on the other hand, wanted to go home. I told him that he can go back there to explore because he was adventurous. I also wanted to do the same but I needed to go home first. That was my priority. We turned around and ended up by the beach. There was a movie theatre there and it was beautiful. A lady was there, too, saying that it is more beautiful when it is not full moon. I told her that the full moon has its own charm. Although the waves were rough. It was still magnificent. She said that one of the chapels got flooded once before because of the high tide. "I asked the psychic guy to invite my brother over sometimes because he loved the ocean as well. The guy refused. It turned out that they did not go along well together. He didn’t like my brother’s attitude. I told him that my brother can be stubborn sometimes because he feels that he is correct all the time but he was, in fact, a kind guy. The lady reacted because it turned out she was arranged for marriage with him but he refused it. I told her that there must be a reason why he didn’t want to. I said that I am sure that he will not just decide to do that because he was rude. I told them that there must have been a good reason behind it. "There was also a scene where I was watching a tv and decided to watch the one that’s a little bit further to me. I turned off the nearest tv so others who were with me can also enjoy watching the movie. "I ordered biscoff shake while the guy I was with ordered coconut milk shake. The buko juice was overflowing. It was his. The vendor made him sip on the cup because it was full. The guy hesitated because the cup is for everyone and he didn’t want to stain the common cup for shaking with his saliva. So the vendor opted to just pour the cup before giving the shake to him. "The guy is psychic. He can see all departed souls. We were with two other ladies who were too afraid to stay in the area where the shake was being sold because there were souls who were attached to their things there. I was in one of the rooms while I was waiting for the psychic guy to come out. He was with a woman who was complaining how her house rent went unreasonably high. I hurried the guy up so we can get out of there. I was holding my phone but it seems that because of hurrying, my slippers weren’t a match. I just didn’t mind it anymore because I didn’t want to be left alone there anyway. "The other two ladies became my friends after they realized that my intentions were pure. They kept pulling my hair before we became friends because I was playfully poking them at first. They didn’t like my humor and took it as an attack. They pulled my hair and told them jokingly that I was already shedding hair so much. "The vendor presented me with all the shakes that he made. I thought that minde wasn’t made yet. It turned out that it was beautifully and carefully organized within the shelf. I respectfully grabbed it along with its straw. "The psychic guy kept pointing where the souls were. Sometimes his sense of direction was off but his intention was me not bumping into one of them. I just followed through. There were crap on the road where he would walk faster. I just carefully avoided each one. "One scene, he asked me to hold the opened book for him so I can see what he was seeing. I did but telling him that I already can see, even sometimes with glitch, the departed souls. We saw a departed child who cannot see. Someone said that they particularly hated it if it was children. I asked why. The children were still cute and they were still children even if they were no longer alive. "The psychic guy that I made was infatuated with this girl and shouted her name while he delve deep into the waters. I told him that the girl was not there. He was hallucinating. He went back up. That’s when we started to go on adventures together and me deciding to go home first. "At one of the stops, we arrived at a house where one of the ladies we are with at the milkshake store departed. We waited for her to come up to us to ask help. She did while she was crying. We comforted her by inviting her to the small house where there were many lanterns. We lighted them all up to cheer her. Everyone in this dream was not familiar in physical reality. But I dreamt of lanterns because I enjoyed the night I had the dream shopping for lanterns in the mall. The full moon and the lantern may have been the catalysts for this dream. "I also made a reading a few weeks back that in full moon, what needed to be addressed will be shown. The issue and the solution as well. "Everyone in the dream was not familiar except for one person who is a true friend in reality. "That was as far as I can remember with all the details. I humbly ask for your help with the interpretation as I was nudged that this was an important message that I needed to hear. Thank you very much for your precious time, knowledge, and wisdom. May God bless you and your family always.

My reply:

Hello _______!

You had this dream on the last night of Chinese New Year. the night of the Lantern Festival.

All of the male characters in your dream represent your Animus, or your Male Self. the psychic man you created and set free because you still do not want to take responsibility over your own, psychic abilities; and your brother, who appeared in many of your past dreams and represents your aggressive, rebellious side.

Your psyche seems to be suggesting that one of your gifts is counseling the departed as well as the living  I have no idea, however, how this can be realized given your religion and the social context you live in. 

Try to consult this oracle, drawing three verses--read the instructions carefully--and see what the message is:


Saturday, February 24, 2024

A different sun shines on your fantasies, as a different moon shines on your dreams.

Don't wait for others.

Do what you need to do, and do it for yourself.

The problem with being martyred is that the persons torturing and killing you really share and care nothing about your enemy's ideology.

They just like torturing and killing.

Good morning, Cubao!

Build every dream on solid ground.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

Watched the U. S.A.'s 2022 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2:22:08), the third and apparently last of a projected five-movie series. In this movie, Albus Dumbledore seeks to prevent his former lover, Gellert Grindelwald, from dishonestly winning an election and taking control of the wizarding and non-wizarding worlds. In order to succeed, he enlists the assistance of magical allies: brothers Theseus and Newton Scamander, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Professor Tally Hicks. Bunty Broadacre, and Yusuf Kama.

The movie earned bad reviews and is described as a commercial flop, so much so that a stop has been put to Installments 4 and 5. Looking closely, though, The Secrets of Dumbledore isn't as bad as the critics make it out to be. The story is well-told, well-directed, and well-performed, with, as usual, breathtaking magic.

What the critics couldn't pinpoint, perhaps, is that the audiences simply got tired of this kind of movie. J.K. Rowling's creative writing is flawed in many ways. Her blind spots are over-exposition, over-interpolation, and overpopulation, as though her secret objective is to create a mythology that rivals no less than that of the ancient Greeks. As a result, her endings are overextended, mawkish, and melodramatic, necessitating closure for at least seven characters, which gets tedious and predictably boring. Her greatest sin of commission, however, is using magic as a mere deus ex machina to rescue her characters out of dire situations--all they have to do is whip out their wands and those spectacular visuals appear, after which they smugly pat themselves on the back. No character, therefore, relies on his or her own, genuine intelligence, common sense, cleverness, and wisdom to solve their problems and comes across as a true protagonist, if not a hero and a heroine. While this trick worked with her first series, it was because her characters there were children. The same formula simply does not work with adult characters who must manifest, at the very least, maturity and that sine qua non of authentic magic: spirituality.

Alas, I couldn't take a photo of the full moon. The sky over Cubao is completely covered with a sheet of clouds, meaning that starships are silently passing through.

Night of the Lantern Festival

My nephew celebrates his birthday amidst the demolition of the compound buildings. One of the buildings is already almost entirely demolished.

He sent some food over. Didn't go because there were outsiders and I was in my Spandex shorts. Rowdy crowd and loud music. Everything surreal.

I think the workers are being fed and given drink elsewhere on the compound.

In the meantime Neil finished a day's work in our house. Jay and he are now having a drinking session at M.'s cafe.

Good night, Cubao!

Be observant. Be alert.  What changes are on the horizon?

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Avoid sarcastic, bitter, and envious persons.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Lunch at home alone; the granddaughters are at a driving seminar.

Neil and David wrapped Job Dreams of Heaven, now ready for shipment and installation at Maryhill School of Theology.

Neil proceeded to do some masonry work in the service passage.

Chinese New Year, Day 15 and last day of celebrations: Lantern Festival and night of the first full moon of the lunar year

Good morning, Cubao!

Fumigate your house with sage or other cleansing herbs.

Watching One Friday Fights 53 live on One Championship Philippines.

Good night, Cubao!

Avoid young people who tend to gossip.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name:: It is not the time to do planting or burying things in the ground.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Day 14: Eve of the Lantern Festival and eve of the first full moon of the lunar year. Decorate the house with lanterns. So many fabulous lanterns are for sale, but, traditionally, family members make their own.

Good morning,  Cubao!

This is not a day for listening to emotionally disturbing songs.

The Batman

Watched the U.S.A.'s 2022 The Batman (2:55:49). The movie opens as a serial-killer story, then escalates to the level of a masterpiece as the plot thickens and relationships between characters are revealed. This is an unusual Batman movie in that everyone in it, all the way from Batman himself to Alfred Pennyworth, is presented not only with strengths but also with weaknesses. As a result, we are watching real, vulnerable people rather than comic book caricatures--even the villains in this movie are not dressed as clowns.  

The darkness of Gotham City and the hushed dialogue are carried over from all previous Batman movies, but Robert Pattinson outshines everyone else who played the dual roles of Batman and Bruce Wayne. His face is completely different when masked, unlike previous Batmen whom you could still recognize despite the masks and make-up they wore. Moreover, he is possibly the only actor who has the perfect, Batman mouth, which is as expressive as his eyes.

This is a well-performed movie and social commentary on corruption, greed, the lust for political power, and the drug problem. It is quite unfortunate that the actor who plays Riddler is a complete ham and seems terribly out of place.

All cradle sides are painted black.

Waiting for everything to dry before wrapping for shipment and installation.

Good night, Cubao!

Sit back and allow your spirit guides to foil and destroy your enemies.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Avoid situations that you are unable to handle or control.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Their secret advocacy is to eliminate all bullies.

Watch the bullies gradually disappear.


Good morning, Cubao!

Value new beginnings.


Watched the U.S.A.'s 2021 Malignant (1:50:57). A  mysterious entity murders three former doctors of the now-defunct Simion Research Hospital, where, years ago, experimental surgery was performed on a child. For some reason, recently widowed Madison Mitchell has visions of the murders as they are being committed. Madison's sister, Sydney, and Detective Kekoa Shaw work on the case and hone in on shocking revelations about Simion Research Hospital and Madison's painful past.    

This is an impressive production in that it can be enjoyed on three levels: as a horror movie with a brutal monster, as a story about psychic abilities, and as a psychological study of folie a deux. There is nary a dull moment due to the swift and action-packed scenes, some of which could be a trifle too gory for the faint-hearted. That the cast is not comprised of famous stars is a plus factor; it increases the audience's suspension of disbelief, so that the characters are perceived as real persons rather than performers acting out roles.

A most enjoyable, scary movie of the twenty-first century, cleverly constructed, written, and directed, although the ending is abrupt and provides no adequate closure for everyone.

Good night, Cubao!

The scrupulous, though still alive, already are in hell.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with nine syllables in your name: Plan a short vacation in a place you've never been.

The Covenant

Watched the U.S.A.'s 2017 The Covenant (1:36:46). Four young men--Caleb Danvers, Reid Garwin, Pogue Perry, and Tyler Simms--are descendants of witch families that migrated from England to Ipswich in the 1600s. They are all very careful not to reveal their abilities in public. Caleb, who is turning 18 soon, is about to "ascend" to the apogee of his powers on his birthday.
During an outdoor fracas involving their peers, the young men discover that one of their co-students was murdered in his car, and apparently by black magic. They wonder if any one of the five of them was responsible for this, and, if it wasn't one of them, who was?
This movie is gay eye candy the way The Brotherhood of Satan movies are, with a cast of handsome young men who might just as well have stepped out of Bel Ami, scenes in underwear, a school shower scene, and a swimming competition in scanty trunks. The story line and premise, however, are not as ridiculous as in other teen horror flicks, and the movie is suspenseful and entertaining.

Asked  M. to buy a tube of paint at Ali Mall and then have three bag zippers replaced at Farmers Plaza.

\Painted one cradle side black.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

 Chinese New Year, Day 12: More bonding and celebrations with family.

Good morning, Cubao!

After you retire and a former supervisor gets in touch with you and asks a favor of you, first ask yourself what he did for you in the past.

If he did nothing for you, do nothing for him either.

Good  night, Cubao!

Wear something white an entire week.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Study business ;propositions carefully. Do not readily sign your name on anything.

Worked an hour on construction lines on my next painting for Maryhill School of Theology.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Painted two cradle sides black.

"Wherever makes me feel at ease is my hometown."

--Water Immortal and Muci, in _Ashes of Love_

Chinese  New Year, Day 11: A day to honor children.

Good morning, Cubao!

Give yourself a special treat.

Lost in the Stars

Watched China's 2022 _Lost in the Stars_ (2:01:03). Set in a fictional country in Southeast Asia (which could very well be the Philippines because of its hotel, casino, beach, and scuba diving motifs--and a mall dressing room with a trapdoor), it is about He Fei, whose wife Li Muzi has been missing for 15 days, and who wakes up one night to find a strange woman claiming to be his wife beside him. He hires the services of a lawyer, Shen Man, to unravel  the mystery that surrounds him

This is a love story, a detective story, and a thriller rolled into one, with totally unexpected twists and a spectacular, perhaps too spectacular, ending. It has a delightfully complex screenplay, though, is well directed and well-performed, and has excellent camerawork.

Paint to your heart's content. Write to your heart's content.

But DROP EVERYTHING for your family, especially during times when they need you there.


Good  night, Cubao!

Avoid getting into deep, convoluted discussions with others. Leave them to drown in their own psychobabble.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five and you with six syllables in your names: Always look forward to the blessings of a new day.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Vernissage, first layer: _Job Dreams of Heaven_

Finally upgraded four of my Harry Potter wands. These are third-edition wands made of PVC-coated, carved aluminum. They are sturdier than the first-edition resin wands and lighter than the second-edition bronze and steel-core wands.

Left to Right: Albus Dumbledore; Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle; Queenie Goldstein of the Wand Permit Office in the Magical Congress of the United States of America (ACUSA), who is a legimilens and has the ability to read feelings and memories in other people's minds, from _Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them_; Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw student and member of Dumbledore's Army

The Queenie wand is a "scoop wand," used to siphon energy from an outside source (e.g. the sun, the moon, a generator, a waterfall) into one's body; therefore, the point of the wand is always held toward one's body.

Like copper, aluminum conducts electricity, so, even if these are PVC-coated, you won't find me wielding them outdoors and in stormy weather.

Chinese New Year, Day 10: Honor heads of household.

Good morning, Cubao!

A young person asks you, once again , for advice.  Counsel cheerfully and with love.

Your Messenger message:

"Hi Pai, "Dreamt of you and Mico early this morning— "I came home to my flat, and both of you were already there. Seems like a set up is going on, not sure for what. Only conversation we had was me asking you if the guards give you any trouble, and you both said No. "You had this cleaning equipment that functions like a hose and a vacuum cleaner at the same time. Huge, taller than me. You said to find one like that, but none of us knew where to get one."

My reply:

Hello _____!

In this dream your psyche is advising you to streamline your activities and your projects. It is possible that you are trying to do too many things at the same time, or that you have too many simultaneous plans. You may be unable to do the streamlining for now--in the dream you are unable to find the right "cleaning equipment," but your awareness that you need to do something about your current situation will suffice for the moment.

Go with priorities, and then rank them according to urgency.

Good night, Cubao!

Did you visit a place today where a pleasant surprise awaited you?

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Think before you speak.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Your Messenger message:

"Hi Sir Tony, good morning. I'm sorry to bother you.

"I had a dream when I was a child that was really unusual. I still remember it clearly today, and it always comes back to me. Here's what the dream was about: "The setting was like twilight with a smoky haze. There were figures who looked like elders, and their leader was a man, and I felt that there was something strange about them. It seemed as if they were discussing something, and then they handed me something. I would describe it as strange worms that were painful to hold, so I let them go. Despite the pain, I managed to hold onto some of them. Then, I woke up. Thank you."

Your reply:

Hello _____!

Dreams set in twilight indicate that something in your life is about to end. Since this was a childhood dream, you need to recall how old you were when you first had this dream.

The men is the dream are either ancestors or spirit guides. 

IF this dream occurred before you were 12, it means that, even at that age, you decided that manhood was not an ideal state, and that you had no real malemodels in your life.  

If this dream occurred after you were 12, your ancestors/spirit6 guides were meaning 6to impar5t to you that manhood is not as pleasant as you think and that it is filled with sacrifices you need to make.

Whatever the dream meant, remember that a dream recurs because you did not take proper action on its message, and that you still need to.

Your Messenger message:

"Good morning, sir Tony!

"I just want to share a dream that I had last night. "I was kind of your apprentice, not sure as to what I was apprenticing for. "I was even so eager to make you a good cup of coffee. "It’s sweet but strong. "We went outside and there were a lot of old trees and a building/house with structure integrity issues made of cement. "I was on top of one of those structure that stood face to face making sure that I walk carefully. "The surrounding area of those 2 structures are old trees. "One tree in particular has white circle connected to a twine or something. The pattern was repeated- White circle and twine and it was hung in the tree. Like a tree’s ornament. "Other trees also had these things hung on them but have a different pattern. "I only remembered and took notice of the white circle with twine pattern because that’s the one thing you told me not to touch. "While I was on top of the structure and as you’re telling me those things, I realized that you aren’t there. "I can hear your voice and instructions but I can’t see you. "Then I got down and while I got down I was met with a white friendly cat. "I have a lot of cats so I don’t know, maybe it’s just my brain’s desire to hav"e a cat in the dream. "That’s what I dreamt last night. "Have a relaxing and restful weekend, sir Tony!"

My reply:

Hello ______!

Your dream indicates to me that you have a subconscious yearning to give up many, restrictive values in your current life and move on to a better situation. It is the same feeling other women have when they wish to be liberated from  the shackles of tradition and convention.

In the dream, the house is your Self--in need of repair and renovation.

The trees are the major choices you need to make: There is one with a circular pattern alternating with what you call a twined pattern. The circle is a symbol not only of completion but also of timelessness, for, when a circle is twisted or twined, it forms the symbol that stands for infinity. It forewarns you that the decision to be free is irreversible.

The second tree has a different pattern, and stands for the choice to stay exactly where you 

The white cat in your dream is your power animal. It is there to protect you and to ensure that, whatever major decision you make, you should not get out of touch with your authentic feelings.

For a deeper interpretation of your dream, please consult an elder psychic of your own gender, which you should have done in the first place.

Watching One Fight Night 19 on One Championship Philippines.

Wearing Gloria Vanderbilt from France.

Chinese New Year, Day 9: The Jade Emperor's Birthday

Good morning, Cubao!

Always record and interpret warning dreams.

Good night, Cubao!

Old debts need to get paid.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with six syllables in your name: Never take a person who loves you for granted, for he will soon grow tired of you..

Friday, February 16, 2024

Watched the replay of the fight between Jonathan Haggerty and Felipe Lobo on One Championship Philippines.

Now watching One Friday Fights 52.

 Chinese New Year, Day 8: Day of Completion, A day for family reunions.

Good morning, Cubao!

Be patient solving problems. Bring white flowers into your house.

A Deadly Invitation

Watched Spain's 2023 A Deadly Invitation (1:33:09). Millionaire Olivia Hernandez Gallegos sends out invitations to her sister Agatha, who hosts a podcast titled _Unsolved Mysteries_, to her ex-husband, Carlos, and to former associates to join her in her island villa in Los Cabos, Mexico. Included in the company are a doctor, an actor, a former business partner and her boyfriend, and two household staff members.

On their first night, Olivia hosts dinner in her yacht, during which she reminds everyone that each and every one of them has an excellent reason for wanting her dead. Later that night she does die, her demise reminiscent of but not identical to Linnet Doyle's in Death on the Nile. The story proceeds as an investigation conducted by Agatha as a female Hercule Poirot and an Inspector Julian as her assistant.

This movie showcases fabulous visuals with its settings, props, and clothes. Like an Agatha Christie novel, however--and note that the protagonist is even named Agatha--it is dialogue-heavy, relies on a lot of exposition, and is so cleverly constructed that it couldn't possibly happen in real life. It is nonetheless safe screening due to the absence of violence and coarse language.

End of a hard day's work for Neil.

Good night, Cubao!

Make a list of ironies and contradictions you observed today, i.e. things that seemed one thing but were actually another.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Avoid heat dust. It will give you the sniffles.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Neil reported for work and is varnishing pieces of furniture.

M. and Bertod are repainting the interior of the cafe.

February 16, 2024

Look, Dick, look!

The framers deliver a piece of cradled canvas for my next painting for Maryhill School of Theology. Must work on two more units for _The Glorious Mysteries_ before doing a new painting for the library entrance.

Chinese New Year, Day 7: Birthday of Humans. The day the goddess created the world and humans out of clay. A day for fish and vegetables.

Good morning, Cubao!

Do not bring strangers into your house.

Killer Book Club

Watched Spain's 2023 Killer Book Club (1:28:56). Seven young university students of literature and aspiring young writers (Angela Kuntz, Sara Pons, Eva Yanez, Virginia Rubio, Sebastian Hoyos, Koldo Abouk, and Rai Garcia) form a book club. On their seventh meeting they are joined by Fernando Aguado, Angela's boyfriend. One day, their mentor Professor Cruzado receives an e-mail from Angela and then tries to seduce and rape her inside his office. News of this incident spreads fast among the students. The members of the book club agree to prank the professor, dress as clowns, and terrorize him inside his apartment, but, during an ensuing chase, the professor falls off a railing and dies.

The members of the book club agree to keep their prank a secret. The professor's death is ruled by the police a suicide, since he was on the brink of a divorce. Everything seems to go on fine--until a killer dressed as a clown--most likely one of the book club members--murders the students one at a time.

This is an entertaining, exciting movie, though it uses two old templates: Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None a.k.a Ten Little Indians and Scream. Too much guesswork is demanded of the audience as to who the killer is, and the longer it takes, the more it gets either hilarious or boring. There are two credible twists at the end, though--and, alas, a third twist that makes everything dwindle down to a B-grade movie.

like Scream
too much running through ambitguous corridorws
tgen little indians

Night classes 4:30 AM

Please proceed directly to the roof deck.

Astral visitations to and counseling for displaced, fire victims.

Good night, Cubao!

Prepare a cool and comfortable wardrobe for a long, hot summer.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with five syllables in your name: Buy only what you need. Do not be tempted to buy what others have. 

Your Messenger message:

"Magtatanong lang po:

"Kung magbabasa ako ng libro halimbawa nalang po 'Karunungan ng Dios' magkakaroon ba ito ng bisa or epekto o wala naman? "Halimbawa wala akong ideya sa dasal o kung paano gamitin ang libro ng Karungan, ano po ang posibleng mangyari po? "Maraming Salamat po."

My reply:

Hello ______!

Everyone is free to read anything he likes, whether it is a book of magic, a detective story, or a telephone directory.

Everything will come across as "for your information only," and so nothing will happen to you.

After all. many p;eople around you read other books, such as the Bible, and they seem to continue to be unaffected by what they read because of the lives they lead.

 February 15, 2024

More goodies from my youngest sister Sylvia, who flew back to the Philippines with my brother-in-law Rey.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Sixth Day of Chinese New Year: Birthday of Horse. Visit temples, relatives, and friends. This is the day to "send away the ghost of poverty"--by throwing away trash, ragged clothes, broken things beyond repair, and dirty things.

 Good morning, Cubao!

Value a clear conscience, be tactful in all matters, and trust your inner magic. 


Watched Spain's 2017 Veronica (1:44:47) of which Sister Death (2023) was later created as a prequel. Based on alleged real events that occurred in Madrid in 1991, the story is jumpstarted by three high school girls--Veronica, Rosa, and Diana--who conduct a seance and summon the spirit of Veronica's deceased father. Paranormal phenomena manifest in Veronica's home thereon, affecting not only Veronica but also her mother and three young siblings, Lucia, Irene, and Antonito.

This is a truly suspenseful and well-crafted movie, and is one of the most effective cases about the possible dangers of conducting seances. Like Sister Death, it is slow-paced but gripping. Like Sister Death, too, however, it was written and directed by men, yet portray the few male characters as sexually aggressive (in Sister Death), and (in Veronica) as the absent father, the indifferent partygoers, and the cross-eyed, helpless little boy. One cannot help but wonder how differently the treatment and endings of both movies would have been had women written and directed them. 

One of the great successes of this movie is the convincing performances of the three young children; it is extremely difficult to direct children to act naturally with multiple camera set-ups, with one or two (or more) takes, with artificial lighting, and with a bevy of crew members lurking behind the cameras. Both movies bear the motif of the solar eclipse, yet Veronica tends to contain a hodgepodge of mixed imagery--Viking symbols of protection and, Solomonic seals among them. It is also unclear what Sister Death's role in Veronica really is, and how she came to be reassigned from Valencia to Madrid.

Aubrey set aside one of the flowers she received from Roi for our family altar and columbary.

Good night, Cubao!

Every night, the male crew members light a scented, vigil candle in a bottle on their bedroom windowsill.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Cast your spells, but neither announce them ot others nor discuss them with others.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Chinese New Year, Day 5: Birthday of Ox. Day of the God of Wealth. Businesses reopen. Honor the five elements. A day for dumplings.

Good morning, Cubao!

It is the day to get rid of old things and old clothes.

Wishing my eldest sister Lourdes and brother-in-law Manny a  safe night flight to Sydney. They arrive there Valentine's Day.

Now my youngest sister Sylvia and brother-in-law Rey, also from Sydney, are in Metro Manila, and we are making preparations to be with them sometime this week.

Good night, Cubao!

The baby sees and plays with the house gnomes.

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Relax, take deep breaths, and center uourself. Constant anxiety only makes things worse and will lead to physical disease.

Monday, February 12, 2024

There is one true test to find out how tenacious or how tenuous a person's friendship is, whether it is a real-life friendship or merely a Facebook friendship:

1) UNFRIEND that person without rhyme or reason.

2) After one week, send him a Friend Request without any Message and without any kind of explanation. See how he responds.

3) If he is oversensitive and his feathers were ruffled the first time around, he wll not Accept your Friend Request. Thus his friendship was tenuous to begin with. Be grateful that you lost a friend who thinks too highly of himself.

February 13. 2024

Today is the 28th Anniversary of the Spirit Questors.

Chinese New Year, Day 4, Birthday of Sheep: Deceased relatives are honored. Grave sites are visited and cleaned. Evil spirits are said to roam the earth on these days. Businesses are closed. Do not go outdoors. Those who must go outdoors should wear masks to protect themselves.

Good morning, Cubao!

Smile despite all adversity, and your day will go well.

Sister Death

Watched Spain's 2023 Sister Death (1:30:24). The story begins in Peroblasco, Spain in 1939, where a young girl goes into trances and is celebrated as a holy visionary. Ten years later she is Sister Narcisa, sent to take her final vows at San Jeronimo Cotalba Convent, in Valencia, a former cloistered convent invaded by enemy soldiers during the war and now a school for underprivileged girls.

Sister Narcisa is welcomed by the Mother Superior, Sister Julia, and Sister Sagrario, the only three elder nuns who stayed on after the war. Soon after her arrival, however, Sister Narcisa experiences supernatural phenomena, including the restless spirit of deceased Sister Socorro and the spirit of a young girl. Her explorations lead her to the discovery of the secrets that lie within the dark shadows of the convent. 

This movie is a must-watch. It is as chilling as Alejandro Amenabar's 2001 The Others, albeit with an unnecessary, overextended ending that seems to have been included merely to justify the movie's title. The performances of the actresses who play the nuns and the girls nonetheless demonstrate fine, ensemble acting, and the screenplay has no loopholes that are usually evident in complex, movie plots with crucial flashbacks. Unfortunately the bathroom scenes are too frequent and are somewhat reminiscent of the Moaning Myrtle sequences in the Harry Potter series. 

Good night, Cubao!

"You get more with a tablespoon full of honey than with a gallon of vinegar."

--Ifa proverb

One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Proceed with the rest of the week in a calm and composed manner. It is not the end of the world  Neither is any task too difficult to accomplish.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Chinese New Year, Day 3, Birthday of Pig, and Day 4, Birthday of Sheep: Deceased relatives are honored. Grave sites are visited and cleaned. Evil spirits are said to roam the earth on these days. Businesses are closed. Do not go outdoors. Those who must go outdoors should wear masks to protect themselves.

Good morning, Cubao!

Respect only persons who get rich by honest means.

7 Women and a Murder

Watched Italy's 2021 7 Women and a Murder (1:23:40). Marcello, the head of household, is discovered in his room with a knife stuck in his back on a snowy morning. There are seven women in the house, all of whom are likely suspects: his wife Margherita, his mother Rachele, his two daughters Susanna and Caterina, his sister-in-law Agostina, his old flame Veronica, and the new maid Maria. Written like a stage play by Agatha Christie, the movie proceeds like a subtle comedy of manners. The resolution and ending, however, are highly unlikely, and everything comes across not as a murder mystery but merely as an entertaining piece of ensemble acting.    

There seems to be one continuity glitch, though, which is how Veronica managed to enter the house if the gate was conveniently chained and padlocked. 

Your Messenger message:

"Good evening po Mr. Tony may meaning po ba ang makakita ng Beetle
🪲 sa gabi?? "Mga quarter to 8 ko po nakita sa garahe lumilipad at hndi ko alam kung ano uri ito ng Beetle. "May symbols po ba ito?

My reply:

Do  not read too much meaning into everything. Instead, first go the way of ommon sense.

That beetle merely has a nest inside your garage and likes living there. The time, 7:45 PM, is probably its hunting/feeding hour. Animals behave like clockwork more than humans do.

Good night, Cubao!

February is a good month for romance, but it is also a good month for solitude.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Observe relatives closely. Discover their ambitions and their ulterior motives. 

What do they really want from you?

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Good morning, Cubao!

Chinese New Year, Day 2: Birthday of Dog. The God of Wealth ascends to heaven. A day for wonton. Ancestors are honored, Married women honor their birth parents. Pets and stray animals are fed.

Good night, Cubao!

He who is taken care of by his spirit guides always sleeps well.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with seven syllables in your name: Be astute. Don ot let others sweet-talk you out of your cherished possessions.

Avoid greedy persons.

There is nothing like a house and lot. Never exchange them for a condo unit.

Friday, February 9, 2024

We were all set to have lunch in Lucky Chinatown tomorrow, but my brother-in-law saw the crowds on TV and decided it was the perfect place to contract CoVID.

We are having lunch at a Chinese restaurant in Araneta Center instead. 

Good morning, Cubao!

I urge you to consult this oracle today:

Watching One Friday Fights 51 on One Championship Phjilippines.

Goodnight, Cubao!

Sweeten the rooms of your house with perfume. It is as effective as lighting sage.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

You with one syllable in your name: You dream of an impossible Valentine. Keep the dream within you and do not attempt to carry it over to reality.

 Wore Giorgio Armani's My Way yesterday and I love it. I can still smell it inside my bedroom.

Feeling antsy. Waiting for a new cradled canvas to arrive, which might take time because the framer just told me that he is inundated with orders.

Aching to paint again.

Your Messenger message:

"Good afternoon sir

"Can i ask some questions po

"This was sold to me sa quiapo with a manghuhula named _____________

"Habang nagpapa read po ako ng palms sabi there is someone na nagkakagusto sakin

"Sabi niya its not a person

"Someone in my room then she sells me this miracle powder

"Is this really true?

"I hope you answer my inquiry"

My reply:

Hello ___________!

I never trust sidewalk psychics,

Throw away the powder, forget everything she said, move on, and get on with improving your life.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Chinese New Year Is A 15-Day Celebration

Day 1: Birthday of Chicken. Honor the most senior family members and relatives. Tea and eight or nine sweets are served on the "Tray of Togetherness." Citrus fruits signify gold, wealth, and good fortune. Avoid consuming meat.

Day 2: Birthday of Dog. The God of Wealth ascends to heaven. A day for wonton. Ancestors are honored, Married women honor their birth parents. Pets and stray animals are fed.

Day 3, Birthday of Pig, and Day 4, Birthday of Sheep: Deceased relatives are honored. Grave sites are visited and cleaned. Evil spirits are said to roam the earth on these days. Businesses are closed. Do not go outdoors. Those who must go outdoors should wear masks to protect themselves.

Day 5: Birthday of Ox. Day of the God of Wealth. Businesses reopen. Honor the five elements. A day for dumplings.

Day 6:  Birthday of Horse. Visit temples, relatives, and friends. This is the day to "send away the ghost of poverty"--by throwing away trash, ragged clothes, broken things beyond repair, and dirty things.

Day 7: Birthday of Humans. The day the goddess created the world and humans out of clay. A day for fish and vegetables.

Day 8: Day of Completion, A day for family reunions.

Day 9; The Jade Emperor's Birthday.

Day 10: Honor heads of households.

Days 10 - 12: More bonding and celebrations with family.

Day 13: A day of dieting and temperance.

Day 14:  Eve of the Lantern Festival.

Day 15: Lantern Festival, first day of the full moon. A night for special festivities.

February 4, 2024

Lunch with family at Four Seasons Araneta Center

Good morning, Cubao!

Today, be especially watchful and protective over little girls.

The Catholic School

Watched Italy's 2021 The Catholic School (1:45:38)., a true story about a group of spoiled, male, high-school brats who go through insecurities about manhood and end up committing a heinous crime against two young women. Told from the point of view of Edoardo, one of their co-students, this is a coming-of-age movie riddled with scenes of family dysfunctions, bullying, first-time sex, homosexuality, theological questions, and issues of democracy versus socialism. The young men are enrolled at Instituto de San Luigi, the Catholic school referred to in the movie, their lives seeming to reflect the negative impact of their religious training on their moral values. 

The sequences are disjointed and at times incoherent. Too many characters are presented to the viewers too soon, making it initially difficult to distinguish one from the others, especially since many of the roles are merely peripheral to the main plot. At times the movie verged on being a teen-age version of Golding's Lord of the Flies, at other times, because of its structure and narrative, Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Not for the faint-hearted because of its violence, though most of the violence is suggested rather than shown, but definitely not a feel-good movie that can cause one to go though a post-screening, two-hour depression.

Your Messenger message:

"Hi Sir Tony, good afternoon. I’d like to ask for advise since I’ve had two instances of office mates telling me they saw me in the office when I wasn’t there. In essence, seeing a doppelganger of me. Traditionally, doppelgangers are perceived to be bad omens. I’m not sure how to handle this but would like to ask of there’s anything I can do such as an offering or cleansing ritual to keep any harm away? Thank you."

My reply:

Hello ______!

Place six small cups of water in a location above your head, such as a high table when you are sleeping or on a shelf above your work station. This is an offering to your spirit guides, who will cleanse your aura and protect you from all kinds of spirit pranksters.

Good night, Cubao!

Do your rituals, including protective rituals, within realistic and practical parameters.

One Message For One Of 3,500 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year

 You with eight syllables in your name: Refrain from doing any kind of volunteer work if it will only make you sour and grumpy in the process.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Back from, lunch with family at Via Mare Gateway 2 and then an informal tour of my paintings at Maryhill School of Theology.

Going offline in a few. Lunch out with three sisters and one brother-in-law, after which we proceed to Maryhill School of Theology, where I will conduct my first-ever informal tour of my albeit still incomplete paintings.

Good morning, Cubao!

Today the number six will protect you.



Oil on cradled canvas

4’ x 3’

August 23 - 25, 2023 and January 25 - February 3 , 2024

Devoid of home, family, and possessions, Job sleeps on the ground and dreams of heaven. In this midrash, Satan (the shaitan, the tester) is a member of the heavenly council, hence four lighted windows in the tall buildings in the background.

The allusion to the Philippine flag is an indirect commentary on poverty.

In my 72 years I have never met a Jew or a Christian who would surrender everything that Job did, especially in this modern, materialist age, though the counterpart concept in the New Testament is restated in Jesus' own words when he tells the young man that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. In the present day, most people would view this as a form of masochism. Thus there is the tendency to perceive Job as a dance monkey performing to the command of the Shadow, the shaitan.

This painting was begun and completed during the post-pandemic period, but it was extremely difficult to find an old man to sit for Job, even more so an old man willing to take off his clothes. 

The auditory stimuli I used while working on this painting is on Do view the painting while listening to it.

"Just like a monkey, I've been dancing my whole life/
But you just beg to see me dance just one more time/"
Remembering how teachers made us dance like monkeys to their religion in school, and how we secretly resented it.