Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Monday, July 5, 2021

Your Messenger message:

"Hi, Sir! I hope that you can still help me with my dream even if I am not anymore in your personal FB contacts. I seldom remember my dreams but the few that I can recall are vivid.

"Here it goes. "I am attending a birthday party but came in late. It is actually already evening when I arrived. I entered the house and most of the guests are gone except for a few who are also beginning to leave. The gracious eldelrly woman served me food and is hospitable. She says the birthday celebrant will come out and I can greet him. He comes out of the room and it turns out to be you. "I greet you a happy birthday and you nod. But I also sense that you want to rest. Actually you are quite irked that I came late. I picked up the signals so I hastely say goodbye and you nod again. As I leave your house, I am looking for a ride home. The street is well lit and empty except for a few cars and tricycles passing by. I am wearing my mask and see that the tricycle drivers are wearing theirs. I am afraid that I will catch the corona virus. I feel vulnerable outside the street. "As I am about to ride a tric, I notice that I am holding an old cellphone like the ones used in the late 90's, the Nokia ones with button pads. I wonder who owns this. I must have accidentally picked it up from your house. I decide to return it. I look for the house I entered earlier but the main door is already closed and locked. I see you from a basement window. I discover the door going down and entered it. "It's a study/library. You are standing beside a desk, instructing a young man with books, maps and papers around.You are smiling and enjoying teaching the young man. I ask if the cellphone belongs to you and you say yes. I place the phone on top of the desk and decide to leave. I have wanted to stay but did not really want to disturb you so I go ahead and walk out of the door. I remember leaving the gate and walking through the street again, looking for a ride. "Then I wake up. "Thank you for your response in advance and for your time, Sir and good night.

My reply:

Hello _________!

You attended one of my night classes. You arrive "late", leave without receiving a lesson, yet wish to take away something with you: an old cell phone representing the year you learned about me and wished to contact me. 

The part of the dream where you ride a tricycle unmasked reflects your current anxiety, which is about contracting the virus.

You will be coming to more of my night classes in the future. Yes, despite the fact that I unFriended you, I remain one of your living spirit guides.

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