Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Your Messenger mnesage:

"...I had a dream last night where the words 'Baron Samedi' were said to me in the same way that one hears a random voice in their head saying random words. It had no connection to the dream whatsoever and I haven’t been reading, watching, or thinking about voodoo. My question is does it mean anything or is it just my brain doing brain things?

"What might be related (or coincidental) is that I had bought some Popeye’s home but before going up, I stopped by some plants to text and as I was about to leave, I felt a being asking for an offering, which I refused because I might be accused of littering. This, again, could also be a trick of my mind.

My reply:

Hello _____!

The Subconscious and the Unconscious are infinitely more powerful than the Conscious. They absorb, retain, and remember everything, because they do not have that one defense mechanism that the Conscious frequently employs: Repression Though you may not have been reading up on Voudon, your psyche may have picked up related details from movies, TV shows, posters, photos, and the like. That a message is whispered in your ear means that you are being called upon to take action on something. What that is, is for you to figure out.

Barton Samedi is known to be the equivalent of Eshu, god of the crossroads. His consort is Pomba Gira.

If you are being called upon to make an offering to Eshu, it is possible that you may be having kidney problems; Eshu rules those particular organs. Typical offerings to Eshu are palm oil, beans, corn, cornmeal, and popcorn (triggered by "Popeye"?). Yes, be mindful of what triggers your dreams.

Alternatively, it is possible that you are being warned against relatives who are plotting to take an inhertance or possessions away from you.

Offerings to Eshu are always done outdoors, but, always, at a crossroads.


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