Wearing Elizabeth Taylor's Violet Eyes.

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017
Friday, May 31, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Thursday, May 30, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names:
--From the oddun for the day
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Monday, May 27, 2024
One Message For One Orf 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning sir tony, can you help me to fall into sleep. Having hard time eversince bata pa aq. Then came around few days ago, ngkakabog n nmn dibdib q at feeling hirap huminga. Resigned from work last month but starting a new one this week. I also have this super may-december affair & it really gotten deep in my mind. Sometimes stressful na. Pano q pp b empty mind q from anxiety depression stress? Ganun po.. Any rituals aside from my everyday prayers. Tenkyu|
My reply:
Hello ______!
1) Try wearing an orgonite pendant, or keep an orgoiite muffin by your bedside. These can be bought from vendors in Baclaran or Quiapo.
2) If you do not have peace of mind, especially at night, it means that you are in the wrong relationship, for it isn't bringing out the best in you.
3) Do not resort to any kind of medication, including antihistamine.
4) Try visualizing yourself resting your head on my left shoulder before drifting off to sleep. (Note: This is advice I give only to my male students, and I wonder if it will work with you.)
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Day
You with six syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Saturday, May 25, 2024
April 2012 workshop in "Psychodrama and Shadow Therapy" in Bacolod City. Courtesy of the Embassy of the U.S.A., The Negros Museum, and Gallery Orange.
While everyone thinks that my workshops are fun, they are indeed but at the same time actually scary and self-confrontational.
My only regret is that, while I trained the Spirit Questors in magic, spiritism, divination, and other subjects, I neglected to train anyone to conduct my workshops in creative writing, art, and clinical psychology. As such, former participants are able to replicate only bits and pieces and not my complete curricula.
Sadly, that is one legacy I am unable to leave behind.
Photo by The Negros Museum
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names:
--From the oddun for the day
Friday, May 24, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with four syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Thursday, May 23, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,700 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Monday, May 20, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names:
--From the oddun for the day
Sunday, May 19, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Your Messenger message:
"Hello Sir... I recently encountered a new term, ___________. And the person who introduced me to it said that it i
"teaches traditional healing or hilot but uses healing energy. They also do some occult practices like ___________ _______ angels and __________________ _________. And purport to practice a type of Filipino _________________ and _______ cultivation. They also sort of practice attunement with a being called ___________... While learning about this group looked it up in facebook I noticed that its leader looked like someone from ____________ and have a feeling they are some kind of cult? What do you think po Sir. "Thank you.

My reply
Hello ___!
I cannot pass judgment on any individual or group I dio not personally know. If you are considering joining this group, do more extensive research on it and practice discernment.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Friday, May 17, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Thursday, May 16, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names:
--From the oddun for the day
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
--From the oddun for the day
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Monday, May 13, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with nine syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Your Messenger message:
"Hello sir tony! I've been seeing your posts related to other people's dreams and I was wondering if you might have some insight about mine.
"In my dream, I was with my 3 children (10, 7, 3 y/o), my husband was away. It was around 6 am there, when suddenly, there were strangers (around 15-20 people, foreigners) going inside of our gate. "They were all wearing summer outfits with flowers, similar to people in the Midsommar movie. It seems like they were celebrating a wedding of some sort. "I was shouting at the window and telling them to get off my property because they don't belong there. Me and my kids locked all of the doors and windows. These people can't seem to hear us, like they don't care if they're invading our space, they were just partying. I kept on shouting so hard and loud, that a vehicle (looking like an ambulance) stopped over. Two people (who acted like policemen) went inside our gate and asked me what was going on. I told them that these people were invading us and I wanted them to leave but they weren't doing it. "The 2 men asked the strangers to leave and they did. They went out of the gate, however they stayed just several feet outside of our gate and they continued what they were doing there (in the dream, it appeared like our house is inside a bigger estate). "My dream shifted and I saw one of the old ladies (around 85-90 y/o) who were with the strangers earlier now getting out of the chapel (also within the estate). I saw that my two children (10 and 7 y/o) were with her. I was carrying my youngest and I swiftly ran to my other kids. I told the old lady to stay away from my kids because I don't want any cult-like influences in my family. "So this old lady was insisting that she will take care of my children and won't harm them, but she would take them away from me if necessary. "I was so angry at her that I pulled her so hard and put her down on the sofa. I told her to stay away from my family. Then I started doing some sort of exorcism to her. "As I was calling upon divine energies to purify her energy, there were also lots of parasitical entities going out of her ears and brain, and I was telling all these entities to get out and stop messing with me. "They all went out of the old lady. The entities looked like mushy brain/intestines, just weird. When they were gone, the old lady was wondering what the hell happened to her. She couldn't remember anything when she was 'possessed'. |Suddenly I woke up. That was my dream. "Thank you sir and have a great day.
My reply{
Hello _______!
Your dream reflects your insecurities about motherhood and being overprotective toward and even overpossessive of your children. The dream narrative verges on paranoia and agoraphobia. Avoid being the mother in _The Others_, keeping her albeit ghost children away from windows, behind locked doors, and always in the shadows. Whle there are indeed predators out there as frequently featured in the local news, precautions to take should be sensible and not excessive. You will eventually have to accept that you cannot protect your own children from the Internet itself, no matter how hard you try.
The old woman in the dream is you. She represents a side of you that you have long been trying to suppress.
Despite your being married and having children, are there times when you actually perceive things like an ornery old maid?
Perhaps the message in the dream is for you to exorcise yourself of all your senseless fears.
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning, sir Tony. This is the second time i would tell you about my dream of my mother. The first one was from an old fb account. My mother died in 2005.
"I had a dream just a few minutes ago before. I remember walking in downtown Baguio on an early evening. I think i was heading home, based on the direction i was walking to. It was strange that the city looked almost empty at an early hour. Parang Holy Week in the 70s. It's like walking along Abanao st. at 3am, minus the lights from the establishments and no taxis. I can't recall if managed to ride the jeepney, but i remember standing in front of a sari-sari store. The seller seems to ignore me. Tending to other customers even though i was right in front of her. When she finally did notice me, she blurted out something with 'singkit singkit' and i walked away. While walking, i noticed that i was holding a baseball cap with 8 or 10 sticks of cigarette. I must have bought them for my son, which i often do. "The next scene that i remember is that i arrived home. But it was not our house in Baguio. It was my inlaws' house, where i have been living since 2018. Only me and my second son stays here. Back to the dream. I went to the upstair room and saw strangers who seem to occupy it. Must be boarders, i thought. Although we don't rent it out. Well, my mother-in-law did when me and my family were still in Baguio. In my dream, there were three attractive girls and two boys in their late 20s. At first, they didn't seem to notice me like i was a ghost. I sat on one of the bunk beds and just watched them talking. I glanced at the cigarette sticks that i was carrying with the baseball cap. I looked around the room and they were gone. I saw my guitar and thought of playing a tune when one of the girls entered, looking fresh from a shower. She sat by my side and we had sex. I left the room after that and went to the kitchen to have a cold drink. The light was off but it was illuminated by the fridge. Someone left it open. Upon checking, i noticed that someone has been making ice candy and just abandoned it. Must be my mother-in-law, i thought. As i was craving for a cold drink, i decided to take one ice candy but the plastic broke. In my attempt to clean the mess, more plastic broke and i watched as the entire floor got flooded by yellow liquid. It was a ripe mango flavored ice candy. While attemptin to clean the mess, my eldest son who i bought the cigarettes for entered the kitchen and helped me. I was kneeling on the floor when someone suddenly appeared near the doorway. It was my dead mother. But thinner. 'Imposible!' I said. Me and my son were saying 'mama, mama!' Although we never called her that. I just call her nanay and my son just call her lola. I looked at her face and thought yes, she is dead. She held my wrist and said she had to go, while looking out the window. I asked her where she was going. 'Hindi ko alam. Kahit saan' was her reply. We left the kitchen and walked towards the hallway. I said to her 'gabayan mo kami lagi' or bantayan, something like that. And as i was saying that, we passed by my two granddaughters in the hallway. We entered the nearest room, which used to be my eldest son's room with his family. It has no bed. Me and my mother sat on the floor and i asked her again where would she go and how. Then i think i said 'alam ko na! Lilipad!' And i laughed and started thumping the floor with my hands, urging her to do the same. Then i woke up. It took no more than five minutes for me to decide to share this dream with you. "I don't know what it means. Or if it has a meaning at all. "I'm so sorry for the lengthy story, sir. Thank you for having someone to share this with. May you always find yourself in the best situation, everyday."My reply:
Hello ____!
It seems that your dream occurred on or around Mother's Day, hence the leitmotif of your dream. The female vendor and your mother-in-law are your mother herself in disguise. They are telling you that your mother's absence continues to instill in you a feeling of abandonment, rejection, and being unloved. The solution is to turn not toward the other females in your life, but to the males, such as your son, who helps you clean up the mess and enables you to receive the masculine courage to face the truth--your mother as a dead person, which you have subconsciously been denying.
Do not worry about the ending of the dream. It is not about your mother, it is about yourself,. While, in the dream, your mother does not know where she is going, she is actually you, disguised as your mother At this point in your life, where are you going? Where do you want to go?
You yourself provide the answer in your dream: Fly. Be free.
Freedom never means the loss of love, but the ability to love better and more surely.
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names:
--From the oddun for the day
Saturday, May 11, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with nine syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for the day
Friday, May 10, 2024
Your Messenger message:
"Hi, Tony. Earlier this morning naalimpungatan ako because our dog was barking. I looked at my cellphone and it was a little before 5AM. I went back to sleep and I had a dream, you were in it (I haven't seen you yet but I just felt/knew) and I don't recall the beginning but I felt there was a group in a house but I don't remember seeing any other people in particular. I think you were focusing on me with an exercise which I don't recall what for, but when it ended I knew to get up and look at where I was seated and there were precious items or treasures coming out from the corner of the room where I was seated- like a slot machine, I mostly remember there pearls and also shiny silver or stainless steel earrings in sculptural shapes. There was a lot, I folded up the bottom of my shirt as I picked and hoarded them. Then when I was done I was about to leave the room you were by the exit and you were talking to a friend of mine - a former colleague but he is from UP so I know he must not have been your student in school in real life- he was sorry he was late but he was smiling and so were you, you were not upset about it. And then I think I hugged you and said thank you. And I said please always be with me...and then I woke up at around 730AM.
"I've been in an anxious state recently because of work, a person I rely on for an aspect of what I do for clients bailed out so I have decided to take action and learn and do the things she has been doing. I have some idea and competence in it but a lot depends on relating to other people and their reactions are what's causing me anxiety. Somehow in the dream the feeling of abundance and being given gifts and treasures made me feel reassured and optimistic."My reply:
You were in my night class, which was held on our ground floor rather than on the roof deck..
It is all right to not remember lessons I taught in dreams. Sometimes that is more effective because it means that my messages went directly to the Unconscious,.
Everything will be all right. Relax, and go with the flow.
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with syllables in your names: Use your abilities in being a good speaker.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with eight syllables in your name:
--From the oddun for then day
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with sour syllables in your name: Praying fervently for the sick is part of the journey toward healing.
Monday, May 6, 2024
One Message For One Of 3.600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names: Note that the beneficent spirit guides are always near you and are making their presence felt.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Saturday, May 4, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
Friday, May 3, 2024
Ancient Seducers
Left to Right: Bronze frog from Bali, giving a twist to the Brothers Grimm's "The Frog Prince"; brass satyr from Nepal (the age and the gender of the human in its arms are indeterminate); Chinese bedchamber egg for newlyweds
Bottom: Love belt from Thailand, brass and silk cord
I don't want to pass these on to my grandchildren, and so I am putting them up for auction with a small group of mature and responsible male Spirit Questors.
Your Messenger message:
"Good afternoon, Mr. Tony!
"I want to share my peculiar dream with you. It's the first time I drank with many people in the dream and attended a weird bazaar. "I remember seeing a few of my friends that was a chance encounter. I asked them where have they been going together. Weird thing that they didn't like being called 'kayo/they' that implies addressing them as individuals. "In a different place, I was with a few people whom I did not know but I joined them in their get together to have drinks. It was mixing 2 uncolored alcohol with coconut cream and I think there was also coca-cola. Surprisingly, it tasted good in the dream and told the newcomers to try it. I also met their 'friends' but I think they have a civil argument with each other that's why their group does not meet. I told them who I met and said it was one of the 'old god' like you. The guy behind me also spoke his name and called himself 'aeon'0. There was a story between the groups but I can't remember the story. "There was an instance I encountered 2 same looking ladies seeing each other but they are completely different people. "In connection this, after the get together, I was in a bazaar. They were selling old items like big vases, CDs, figurines, and maybe even wooden cabinets. A lady showed me something hidden on the linings of the cabinet that whoever tries to steal it will be immediately known I think. But it was just a small hole with glass that opens. "I was near the big fat vases and cabinets. I noticed I didn't like how I was feeling and told a girl I was with I didn't want to stay longer and I ran. "I hope you can help me interpret this dream. Salamat, Mr. Tony!"My reply:
Hello _______!
In your present lifetime you have experienced separation from and perhaps even witnessed or heard of the deaths of relatives and friends whom you were especially connected with. All of these goodbyes happened without closure--either closure they could have provided or closure you could have provided.
Your ancestors are telling you that this is a pattern carried over from a previous lifetime, because there is a lesson there that you have not yet learned. What do you think it is? Compassion? Commitment? Reciprocation? Gratitude?
Some of those deceased are lingering as spirit guides. Listen to what they have to say. Offer fresh flowers and fresh drinking water on your altar for all of them.
Should you have further questions, I suggest that you consult an elder psychic of your own gender.
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with nine syllables in your name:
--From the oddum for the day
Thursday, May 2, 2024
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with five and you with six syllables in your names: Prevent yourself from splurging and from overeating to escape the heat.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Gourd shekeres of six gods arranged as the Circle of Life
Clockwise from Bottom: the god of beginnings and endings; the archer and the hunter; the god of iron and technology; the god of lightning, fire, the dance, and magic; the king of the white cloth and the father; and the god of the crossroads.
Yes, the colors are correct.
Gourd shekeres were originally used to call upon, communicate with, and petition spirit guides, always with the god of beginnings and endings first. However, they are more of symbolic, traditional, ritual implements, because all one needs to do to automatically connect with spirit guides is to THINK of them. No gadgets or wi-fi necessary.
Today the gourds can be used for healing by shaking them over a patient's body. The sound of the beads changes when shaken over the patient's ailing parts. The healer must persist until the sound becomes even.
One Message For One Of 3,600 Friends, One Every Night Of The Year
You with six syllables in your name: Keep cool on the mountain and come visit me when the heat wave is over.