Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Your Messenger message:

"Good day, Sir. I hope that this will not take much of your time. I told you before that I seldom remember my dreams and when I do, it's vivid and I would somehow enjoy having them since it's a once-in-a- blue moon thing.

"My dream: I am in a hospital. I am helping a former student who is very ill. Actually, I don't recall him in my waking life. The hospital is old and a bit run-down and it resembles a dilapidated hotel. Its corridors are like a labyrinth and I have to transfer elevators just to go to the operating room where I meet the boy's family. The family is thankful and I inform them I have rented a room on the lower floors for myself but they can rest there if they want to. We go through the corridors and transfer elevators until we reach the 5th floor where my room is located. "We come across two middle aged men oddly wearing beige suits with matching fedora hats. They are berating the family and are now making a scene. I ask the student's family to go inside my room to protect them but the two men follow us inside. I am now irritated and I order them to go out of the room. Somehow I am suspecting there is more than them making a scene. When they left, true enough, my pocket is empty. They took my wallet. I hurriedly ran after the two men and tackled them on the floor. Eventually I was able to get my wallet back and they run away while shouting threats at me. I check inside my wallet and my crumpled 300 pesos are still inside. I enter an elevator and come across two thin middle-aged women. I am afraid that they are with the two men so I got out of the elevator and walked away from them. Then I checked my pocket and it is empty again. I run after the women and shouting match ensues and they quickly make their exit through the hospital lobby doors. I was able to grab my wallet from the hand of one of the thieves. I remind myself to report this to the police. "Then I woke up. I wanted to continue the dream since I want to know the ending but when I tried, I only dreamed in fragments which I can no longer remember nor piece together. "Thank you very much in advance, Sir. Have a good week ahead."

My reply:

Hello _____!

You are both the dream ego (the protagonist) and the sick student in this dream. Your psyche is telling you that the only way to heal the student is to heal his family also.

The subsequent scenes with thieves show you the cause of the student's illness. It is being torn between opposing values, a form of dissociation: two men, two women, men-women, elevator (going up, going down), exit doors-entry doors.

Your psyche is also telling you that the root of your current situation lies in your past, when you were five years old (fifth floor). Try and do a secondary reflection on what transpired when you were that age that had such a lasting impression on you. 

If you were beside me right now, I would hypnotize and regress you to that age.

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