Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (October 19, 2018 - March 12, 2019)

Photo by JR Dalisay / April 21, 2017

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Your Messenger message:

"Had a very lucid dream after 3am kanina sir, and you appeared there, only younger. I was vlogging and I ended up in an artist's workshop. There was an old artist, there was a young one. They were both working on some sort of installation art... I ended up interviewing the younger you. You even performed poetry. Later on, people started coming in, young people, many with gothic fashion sense. They gathered there, like for a Saturday party. I didn't know anyone, you weren't there anymore. Apparently, the workshop was adjunct to a main house, and the party was there. We were seated at a sofa, there was this girl beside me who looked tired. And there was another girl who showed me how to lengthen my phone like an extendable baton, futuristic stuff... Then she told me about her father, how she lost her father. I vlogged about her. Then I realized I was in a dream, a psychedelic dream. I was confused the whole time, like I was drugged. I even asked them where we were. They said: 'Somewhere!'

"I realized I had to go... That I have a son. I asked them, 'Don't you have families? Kids? You can't stay here. I can't stay here. I have to go.'

"I forced myself to wake up... My heart was racing when I woke up... Still quite confused.

"Good morning sir


"I hope you are having a great Sunday"

My reply:

Hello ______!

Your dream indicates that you are--and have always been--torn between your present situation and roads not taken. You have always realized that the road you chose to take does not lead to the kind of happiness you want: Is this road a job your feel miserable in? A talent you are only half-heartedly practicing? A rut in which you feel abandoned and unloved?  

You are both the old artist (who you want to be) and the young artist (a road not taken) in your dream.

You are also both girls in your dream: one who looks tired (your present) and one who shows you how to extend your baton (your psyche, advising you to look much farther than your current dreams). The latter girl's story about her father reflects that family relationships may be the cause of your being bogged down in life.

The party to which you were not invited represents the other people you have always been comparing yourself with.

In the end, you remind yourself that you must leave, because you have a son who is waiting for you.

You are that son. Be a father to him. Watch him grow. That was the road not taken.

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