Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony

My reply:
Hello ____________!
There are talismans similar to those that acrually exist. Google-search images for "Trespico" and "Siete Arcangeles", or "7 Arkanghel Medalyon".
On a psychological level, it seems that a teacher or a close friend recently abandoned you, and the issue you are concerned with is fairness or justice. His name might have something to do with an angel or one of the archangels. Hence you are not really being called upon to own such talismans.
Incidentally, allow me to correct you on two things:
An AMULET is a power object taken directly from Nature, such as a stone, a seashell, a crystal, a piece of wood, et cetera.
A TALISMAN is a power object that is man-made, struck, molded, or carved out of steel, brass, copper, or wood.
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